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Ohio Section Championship - a shooters perspective

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Fun and challenging stages, going prone in the mud and straw, clods on your feet.  What a hoot!!  Well worth the 3 hours out!!

Met several Enosverse folks.  Aside from Flexmoney, Steve Anderson,Smoney and handgunner, met the ItalianStallion and a host of fine folks.

Raynor's Range and the work that went into the match were excellent.  Hat's off to all of them.  Get the Seever dog if you go!!

As for stages...well...all I can say is swinger baby!

Mystery Theater is a fun run with the fast Raynor swingers,  Will has two...nice little stage.  Around and thru is a hot little 11 round number that production and limited 10 (if they want) can run in a ballsy fashion.

Jungle House we liked so much we shot it twice...learned that Steve Anderson wants us all to engage any disappearing target!!  Split decision...what a fun stage...pretend you are Gumby and you are fine!  Long and short ports...too cool and our favorite no shoots!

Malpractice perfect showed us that in ohio they eat with elbows and hands on the table...along with the infamous Raynor swingers and interestingly placed no-shoots.

Slow but sure...a devious classifier...belly up folks!!

Too much fun.  Great job and kudos to Tom, Kyle and all others who helped.

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A agree 100%

Just got back to Michigan and it was well worth the drive. Except for the first stage, I shot relatively well. The first stage was a total break down, missed a popper about 4 times, did 2 static reloads, it wasn't pretty, just ask Flex as he saw the last moments of that fiasco. The stages were all challenging and very well run. The RO's were polite and effective in running through the match. The mud made for lots of fun while running from port to port, that is if you could lift your feet with 10 pounds of mud caked on either shoe. Met a few Enosverse members as well, it's good to finally be able to put faces to the names.

Overall it was a fantastic match and I'd definetely be willing to return next year. Lots of fun.


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Sorry I missed you guys. I thought it was a very good match. Well run, challenging and fun. Rayner's is one of my favorite ranges. Sorry about mud that hurricane brought 2 days of rain.

Their club matches allow showing up at any time to shoot. You can reshoot as many times as you like and they have .22 and 3 gun matches.

I stuggled through the match and still won my class. Yes the Seevers dog is named after me. I am not sure why

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Wow...just got home.  I have had a fun two weeks.

I got to shoot the match with DBChaffin (I wasn't able to make dinner though ).  He will tell you what he didn't do...what he did do was flat win two of the Limted stages (FAST!).  Dowter shot with us as well (he took me out in the shoot-off).  There were stages that we the three of us shot with a different strategy for each shooter (all as Limited A shooters).

Bill, the "Seever Dog" is named after you because you suggested it here online.  Carolyn (maybe) wasn't planning on making them.  We let her know that folks would be asking for them.  (She went through 21 pounds of meat just for Saturday.)  I had several over the weekend.  

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Sounds like you guys had another exceptional weekend.  Sorry I missed out

Super congrads to team ancient!!!  BSeevers,  Open A.  MTrout40, Limited.  Flexmoney,  Limited A.  TheItalionStalion, Production.  Sorry if I missed others,  I just quickly looked and saw the high finishers in class.

Looks like Production was a regular be.com shoot out!!!  

Tons of mud,  Seever dogs and the people of Enosverse.  What a time it must have been!!!  

I'm marking my calender for next year!!!

P.S.  I didn't see a result of the shoot out.  Is it posted somewhere?

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In case anyone was looking for the results they're here - http://www.geocities.com/rayners_range/results.html

Wow, what a fun match.  I had my best match this month.  I even did fairly well in the shoot-off.  Though for some reason, I'm referred to as "Tuttle" in the standings...  Wasn't that the guy who was a victim of a typo in Terry Gilliam's "Brazil"?

There was a lot of great competion.  I shot with Flexmoney and DBChaffin.  On Stage 3 we took 3 out of the first 4 spots.  Despite having a great match I ending up being Low A (DBChaffin got me by a 1/4 of percentage) but I did beat every B class shooter so that made me feel better.

The stages were original and fun and offered variety and it was nice shooting a major match for under 200 rounds.

The only stage that I didn't like was the Classifier but there's not too much that you can do with that.  If they just removed the shooting box and put in it's place fault lines on the left and right then you don't have to belly-flop on the hard wood box.

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if they have another match next year count me in as well. i had a blast except for a reshoot that i got boned on and cost me 1st C in limited.

a little word of advice shooters....make sure all the targets have been scored before signing. it's the shooters resoponsibility...i was mad at myself. i hope the lady keeping score didn't think i was mad at her. by the way i was the guy who smashed his headphones on the garbage can.

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It took a long time to complete.  My fault.  Sorry to all for the wait.

The Open Shoot-out...WOW!!!

The final came down to a 14 year old & a guy shooting a Beretta 9mm with a slide-riding Doctor sight (and using production gear).  Along the way...they knocked out two Grand Masters, a solid Master, a fast A-class shooter...well, anybody who got in the way.

The 2002 Ohio Open Shoot-off Champion is Junior shooter...Brad Balsey

Limited Shoot-out.

There were a lot of close matches here...many or the pairings went down to the wire.  In the end, nobody could put the hurt on the favorite...

The Ohio 2002 Limited Shoot-off Champion is Matt Trout.

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Vince, congrats!  Matt, you'll have to buy a bigger house for all the stuff you are getting!

Not sure where I ended up yet as I'm listed wrong.  But Tom indicated he would fix it, so i'll have to wait and see how it shakes out.

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WOW!!  That about sums it up for me!  This was, without a doubt, my favorite match of the 02 season.  

I think Tom Rayner and his wife are some of the nicest people I've ever met.  We got to talk throughout the match, and without going in to details...I vote Tom for President    His range and surrounding land is absolutely awesome!!  Thanks for hosting the match Tom!

We couldn't have asked for a better RO staff.  Not one had the so common "I"m sick of doing this crap" attitude.  Even after the crap they went through on Friday and Saturday with the rain and mud, they were having a good time and making the match alot of fun for us.  You all did an outstanding job, and we thank you.

The stages were a blast!  Not one bad one in the match...ok ok, the classifier sucked, but that's USPSA's fault!!  The course designers did a great job.  

For those of you that asked, NO I"m not usually pale with a green tint!  I got extremely sick halfway through the match from lack of sleep and very little food.  I felt better after our visit to Red Lobster.

Steve Anderson, you're still my hero!!  I look forward to seeing you next year!!   Kyle, Jen, and Vince...thanks for the ammo!! Thanks again to everyone for an oustanding match!!


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1. Jake, Congrats on the win. I was bummed to win 5 of 8 and lose the match due to a tanked long and short range ports mud fiasco. I had so much trouble running in the mud that I felt I had to shoot fast at the ports to make up, and that was not wise. (BTW I heard you guys snickering in the e-muffs )

2. Great Stages, great facility, great company. Lousy mud on Saturday: Walk to stage, scrape mud off shoes with knife, take one step, have as much mud as before on shoes, finally give up and accept the mud.

3. Shoot off: I entered (and won un-opposed) the production shootoff without firing a shot. I grabbed the docter Beretta on the way out the door cuz I knew moneypenny and jake would be gone, and I wanted to shoot against Uncle Bill Seevers with my uncomped, DA Beretta/docter open gun.

Signed up in open, drew a GM (Steve Martin) on my first run, got spanked. Bill Seevers got beat by the eventual winner, so we faced off in the loser bracket and I squeaked past him by aiming and not missing much. With Bill's speed, the only way to beat him is one shot/one kill, and it worked out.

I faced titandriver's partner?/friend?/wife?/girlfriend?/friend? Carrie and got by her to face Martin again. Got past him this time, and then barely lost to the junior when I lost the dot after the mandatory reload.

What a thrill!

4. Matt, I hope I got some GM-osmosis from you and Steve Martin, it was a blast watching you guys shoot.

5. Chaffin: Hell of an 8 shot 4 target Bill Drill!

6. My wife and her parents came out to watch me on Saturday for the first time ever, and having them watch help me shoot more accurately. My dad-in-law is still bragging to anyone that will listen, and that's pretty cool.

7. Uncle Bill Seevers: Thanks again.

8. Dowter: Do I need a different open gun?

9. Flex: Is ohio ready for two masters next year? Time for the next level of commitment. Team P the E!

More thoughts after I get outta this work nightmare.


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Steve: Thanks. Luckily I made it through the long range ports fairly well. Although I'm still the only person I know of that gave the last target the finger. I didn't have a single penalty point the entire match, so that was pretty cool after having 80 the week before. I really wanted to make the shootoff, but was vetoed by the other members in my group. Oh well. I'm sure I'll see you at some other matches. All I care about is I avenged myself against Moneypenney.

(Edited by TheItlianStalion at 1:52 pm on Sep. 30, 2002)

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After looking at it again...I'd have to congratulate you Kyle (you sandbagger!)

Man, you finished like top 3 shooters on every stage, except for one!  That stage you lost 50 match points and you only lost the match by 26 points to a GM!!??  WOW!

I bet you're kicking yourself right now huh?

Well done!

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Thanks guys!  It's pretty cool to be called a sandbagger in A-class.     hug.gif

The Tri-State match and the Ohio match, I felt, had stages that were true balances between speed and accuracy...not your usually run and hose.  It took quite a bit of focus to shoot clean (well, close to clean).

I was actually about 50 points down from Matt Trout.  I took third Limited...there was about 25 points each between Matt, Kevin Dale, and myslef.  And yes...I kicked myself right in the nads on that stage (stage 6).  Not only did I try a poor stategy (Bryant tried to tell me), but I missed a few targets.  I just didn't give that stage the respect it deserved...and it bit me in the hind-quarters.

Rich Redovian (TitanDriver) is one cool cat!   cool5.gif His wife Carrie rocks!  She had one bad stage (big point stage too) and it likely cost her three places in the match.  Idaho is lucky to have these two.  They seem like they could have a good time just about anywhere.  Since the staff shoot got rained out on Friday...I shoot thru on Sunday...so I didn't get to watch them shoot at all.  Carrie had this real long pony-tail...Carolyn Rayner (Mrs. match host) tells me that on the LAMR command, Carrie would tuck that pony-tail into her back pocket...how cool!

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Steve Anderson wrote

8. Dowter: Do I need a different open gun?

Did I dis your Dr. Berreta?  I don't remember that but I'm sorry if I did. (Damn you electronic muffs!)  I think my words were taken out of context.  You did exremely well in the shoot-offs with your original take on open class.  You might of misheard me when I commented on how well Flexmoney would have done if he had a real gun.

Just kidding flexmoney.  It's hard on a man's confidence when he gets beat by a gun that costs 1/3 as much.  You should put a post-it note on the gun that says - "Yes, it's a glock and No, I'm not shooting production.  I am very happy with it and thank you for offering but I would not like to try your S_I out."

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[mild thread drift mode on]

I could be wrong but this 'equipment bashing',  that I have admittantly been full party to,  wouldn't be funny at all it those guys didn't shoot them so well!!!

If Flex is just in a zone lately with the 35 then I'm glad I got to see him in it.  I wish I could have got to see Steve shoot in open with the berretta,  must have been a sight!!!

These guys are proving without a doubt that its really NOT the equipment!!!   ( although I know both have spent lots of time getting said blasters just right)

[mild thread drift mode off/]

(Edited by 3quartertime at 10:49 am on Oct. 1, 2002)

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Well I'm a little slow weighing in here, but I did have to get all the way back to Mississippi!  I thought the match overall was great, ESPECIALLY since it was their first Oho Section Championship for the range and a lot of the match support team.   GREAT job guys and gals!  

The range is awesome.  (Big props to Tom Rayner)  Beautiful country.  A little muddy because of all the rain but I have seen much worse in the Louisiana clay and the weather was very comfortable for Sat. and Sun.  Mid to high 70's or so I think with clear blue skies.  Just like here but 20 degrees cooler and half the humidity.  

The RO's were great.  Can't say enough good about them.  Matches can't be run without them, and in some cases they can make or break a match.  Thanks to all those that worked hard for us.

It was a pleasure to meet and shoot with some great folks (and great shooters), many from this forum.   I'm sorry that I missed some though.   Kyle (Flexmoney) shot a great match.  Very solid, and VERY impressive with a nearly stock Glock.  Keep it up man!  1st A in your first two major matches as an A class shooter.  Wow.   Vince (Dowter), another newly minted A class shooter, shot a solid match and really turned it on in the shootoffs.  Don't let up.  

I was able to watch Steve Anderson shoot a pair of stages in Production.  What I saw was awesome.  This guy rocks with a Beretta.   The most impressive thing though had to be his shootoff performance.  A Doctor sighted, uncomped Beretta should not be in the Open final, let alone come so close to victory.  Nice shootin' Steve.  I enjoyed it when Anderson asked GM Steve Martin if he was going to de-cock his gun before their first run.  Martin replied something like, "I will, soon and often."   LOL.

It was great to meet and talk with Jobey (Avalanche).  A class guy that had a nice 9th overall L10 finish.  Keep it at Jobey, and thanks for all your help!

A big congrats to Matt Trout (MTrout40).  A dominating performance of both the limited match and shootoff.  I was the 2nd guy you beat in the shootoff.  LOL.   Sorry I didn't get to watch you shoot more.  

I talked very briefly with Bill Seevers and Jason Vinez.  Good chatting with them.  Sorry I didn't get to see them shoot more or talk more.  Thanks for the advice on the open gun port/comp setup Bill.  I'll probably message you with more questions if you don't mind...    

Overall I met a great bunch of folks.  For that matter, almost everyone I have met in shooting I have liked, but the group in Ohio was definitely top notch.  

I wasn't very pleased with my performance, and I'm still trying to figure out exactly what happened.  The match was different than I am used to, but there wasn't anything that I felt I couldn't do.  However, there was a lot that I DIDN'T do.   Very sloppy, lots of penalties hurt.  I'm proud of a couple limited stage wins, but will have to put the overall match down as a learning experience.  At least it was a fun one, but I've got lots to work on!  

(Edited by DBChaffin at 11:20 am on Oct. 1, 2002)

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Steve got to see me "out of the zone" this summer...I was in a rut.  Once I quit focusing on trying to get faster splits & transitions...and simply let the gun tell me when to shoot...things started to come back to me.

FWIW...my Glock 35 is pretty stock...Heine sights and some home-smith trigger work...that is about it.

(Edited by Flexmoney at 12:22 pm on Oct. 1, 2002)

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