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I'm pretty sure they want to shoot Thu,Fri, Sat.

Last year the schedule was the same.  They did this to "allow for Sunday travel back home" ...or something like that.

Call me crazy, but  I would prefer to actually shoot on MY DAYS OFF!...and not ON WORK DAYS!! :(

That match (if 3-days is needed) needs to be Fri-Sat-Sun.  80%+ of the folks attending could get back home for work monday only needing to take 2 days (max) off of work.  

The way they've scheduled it, 99.9% of the people will need to take 3 days off from work.

I wish I lived in Bend, OR.

Life would be great! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Area 1 residents

Just a small reminder that match fees and app are due 4/1. There is a small footnote on the app form that states this.

Also there are NO match day/late entries and I've heard that they ARE going to stick with this.

Hope to see you there!


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  • 1 month later...

It snowed Thursday in freezing temperatures, then later it had rain mixed with snow. Everybody shot like crap. Friday was better, as it only rained in the afternoon. People on the squads who didn't shoot Thursday had a huge advantage. It was drizzly when I left downtown Bend Saturday morning.

It's a toss-up as to which was the worst weather conditions I've ever shot in: Thursday at Area 1 or last year at the Factory Gun nationals (103 F, 90% humidity).

Stages were pretty good, a lot like the Race Gun nats last year. Expect much of the same again in September. Mostly very little movement, no big run-and-gun track meets. Lots of black partials, lots of no-shoots, lots of swingers, few in-your-face wide-open hosers.

They added lava rock to the roads and it extends into some of the ranges. There is also a different kind of gravel in some of the ranges, while most have sand. The berms seemed higher.

I had a Miss on every stage with a swinger, 2 and 3 on a couple stages in particular. Dinged a no-shoot and got 2 honest misses on static targets. Had a few good stages, nothing that would stand up as a stage win, so I guess my streak is over. However, I followed through on targets and didn't leave them early (rushing, as benos calls it) as is my habit at big matches.

I served on an arbitration committee, so I guess I can't escape The Arbitrator moniker. Everybody watch out for those saloon doors if they are in a stage in September; they knocked at least two guns to the ground.

Not only did I get to meet Trey, I shot on his squad. I saw bgary but I didn't see Sam/bonedaddy, titandriver, or any other forum members.

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This was my first big match, but it was great!

The snow on Thursday was tough, but Friday and Saturday weren't too bad. I shot poorly (4 misses on one 80 point stage-ouch). Had several mental errors.

I learned that under match pressure my internal round counter goes to heck. I came into the last position on one stage after shooting several makeups on missed steel. I had reloaded, but got worried the chamber was empty and did a press check. Much faster to know if there is still a round in the chamber.

Did the partially full mag in the mag holder trick.

Hit extra reloads for no reason.

Dropped the mag once inadvertently while firing.

Made up misses, which, when scored had three solid hits.

Called hits that were misses.

On the last stage I called a hardcover miss, but was already hauling over to the next position and basically said to myself, "Screw it." Didn't back up to make up the shot.

I didn't have a micro sized allen wrench for the set screw on my front sight, so I ended up peening the thing and reinforcing it with Krazy glue when it came loose.

Despite the above I had an awesome time. I was squadded with Sam/Bonedaddy, who is a super-nice guy, and taught me a bunch about reading stages and developing a plan to shoot them efficiently. He also helped out with the front sight repair. Great source of moral support after pulling some crummy stunt.

I finished 22nd in L-10. Lower than I hoped, but higher than I expected. I didn't DQ. Saw some great shooting. I'm stoked!

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I was told by someone at a local match here in the NW on Sunday, that the winners of both Open and Limited are from my section! If this is true, although both shooters are exceptional, it would be quite an upset seeing that Max, Robbie, Mike and Taran were there.

I hope it's true! Where the hell are the freak'n results!! :angry::angry:

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I think Erik W. summed it up pretty good: the folks that shot all day Thursday got hosed! The weather wasn't the greatest the other two days, but I'd certainly like to shoot this match in 75 degree temps! Something about loosening-up these nearly 53 year old joints!

The stages were all pretty straight forward without a lot of different ways to game them. Of course, with all the partials, no-shoots, and swingers, not worrying about the gaming aspect was a plus! Also, in spite of the inclement weather, the targets were not "bagged", which was the only bright side to the bad weather shooting we endured.

Drew Dorsett, an *A* shooter (????????) won Open; Robbie was a no-show; and Taran Butler won Limited, besting Mike Voigt and Frank Garcia. I can't recall who won L-10, Production or Revolver. Two hundred forty eight people signed up to shoot this match; I'm not certain how many actually showed up to shoot on match day, nor how many gave up & didn't return after the first day of shooting.

As for me, I finished sixth overall in Open at just barely under 94%. I had, for the match, five mikes, five misses, and one procedural. I know I had one stage win and probably two unless things changed after the posting period. I had some seriously smokin' runs, unfortunately they were puncuated with either a mike or a no-shoot!!

All-in-all, it was a fun match. It was difficult to recognize anybody due to the amount of clothing we were all wearing to fend off the snow/rain/cold! It also dampened the socialality normally associated with these type of matches!

See some of you at the Utah champs next month, Rocky Mtn. sectionals in August, or the Nationals in Bend in September!


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Ah-ha! At least half the story I heard was right then.....

Drew is a pretty damn good shooter with streaks of brilliance (and a good gunsmith too). We've long suspected that his "A" card didn't accurately reflect his ability. I guess the cat's outt'a the bag now. :blink:

The rumor mill also churned out the story that a few "top-guns" got to shoot-thru the match.

Any verification? Where's Heraldo Rivera when we need him?

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Hmmmmm ........ never heard that particular rumor. I don't know of anyone that got a shoot-through pass and most of the better shooters were seen with their proper squads throughout the day.

Yeah, that Drew is one good shooter, not the fastest but exceptionally smooth! I got to see him shoot a couple of stages and recognized that he'd be hard to beat at this match.

Taran was equally as tough and won at least three or four of the stages outright. The dude is fast! I was thinkin' about possibly shootin' Limited again; after watching Taran I just threw that brand new SV 40 Limited blaster and mags in the garbage can! I'm meltin' down the bullets & brass for it as well and will make some parts for my scooter with the scrap metal.

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When they said "...this is a COLD RANGE..." they meant it. Keith Tyler did finish first in Lim 10 as he is one good shooter and a nice guy to boot. He is one talented shooter to us Columbia Cascade types. Some shooters would say it was survival of the fittest while others complained that Thursday shooters ( 34-38 deg. snowing with a 5-8 knot wind chill all day) had the major hurdle to shoot in. Those who shot Friday and Saturday did get better weather (36-40 deg & sprinkles) but not by much. I do not think the temp got over 45 deg. till around 1100 sat.am. Bruce Gray won 1st place in Production shooting a friends gun, HK USP despite it malfunctioning. I was in Drew's squad and he looked smooth, fast and in with good form.

One thing that struck me as odd was seeing portolets labeled "Women Only" and smelling the strong scent of Patchoulie and Lilac as I walked by. It's nice we treated women with care this mothers day weekend. Just wish there was cologne and cigars in the men's. I had a blast just being there...


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