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Getting Attacked By Yellow Jackets


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Years ago we were hunted and haunted by a damn' nest in our front yard garden at the foot of the stairway to the front door. I got sick of them attacking me constantly for no reason at all, so I filled their hole with gasoline and followed it immediately with a lighted match. Whatta thrill. That fixed THEIR wagons in a hurry. Yes. :angry:;)

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Siggy youra girl after my own heart. Once long time ago in a land far away I used a quarter stick of 40% on a long pole. I got not only the hornet nest, but most of the branches on one side of the tree.

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I did the same thing. Got stung about 6 times. It hurt for about 4 hours.


I ran away then I got mad. I went back to retrieve the still running mower and then found the entrance hole to the nest. I snuck up on it with the water hose and stuck the hose in the entrance and gleefully turned it on full blast. "Take that, you @*^@($^ds!!" I proclaimed. Much to my dismay, they had another exit. I was a young man at the time and I could run pretty fast I thought. The angry swarm of Yellowjackets were faster. <_<

Later that night, my dad and I poured gas down the hole and burned them. We dug up the nest and it was about 2 feet underground and about 3 feet in diameter.

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ouch, they hurt. killed 2 of the suckers but had to retreat inside the house.

Still remember when I was 12, walking in the woods.... one of the guys stepped on a log and the air went dark with wasps as thick as a cloud..... ran like hell, then realized they were hanging on me and stinging the hell out of me so I just stopped running and started smashing them against my body to get them to stop stinging.

I think I got stung maybe 30 times, didn't seem to hurt me too much.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was in the 5th or 6th grade, living in Winchester Va in an old Victorian house with a turret type outcropping on one side of the front of the house. Under the eves was a huge hornets nest. My bedroom was at the other side of the house and when I opened my window and lifted the screen I had a clear shot with my BB rifle. There was an empty lot next to us so if I missed, there was nothing to hit. Took several hours to chop that nest in half one bb at a time, but it was fun to watch the wasps fly around really pi$$ed off. My father knocked down the top half with the water hose the next day.

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Ironically, I got stung in the wrist by a yellow jacket at the local outdoor academy range a couple of weeks ago... GAWDAMIGHTTY it burned and itched for days!!!! Didn't dare scratch it--it'd burn and itch HORRIBLY whenever I did that. Jeez, the yellow jacket sting is way worse than a honey-bee sting. More like a wasp or hornet or something. I don't ever recall being "done" by a yellow jacket. :angry: Acckk!!

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Yellow jackets are a type of hornet. The venom is essentially ther same and it is apparently cumlative. The last time I was hit was at the 1989 Eastern Primative Rendezvous and I got stung 20 some times. Went into shock and they had to pump me up with benedryl. Now I have to carry a sting kit. Had a nest at my cabin last summer. I didn't want to get close enough to use gas so I tossed a quarter stick in the hole. It apparently worked. They stopped swarming and didn't come back this spring.

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The yellow jacket sting really DID bring to mind a multiple hornet attack I endured a few years ago... I reached into our newspaper recycling bin to dump my weekly batch of paper throw-aways and whoa, my wrist (same wrist!) was assaulted and covered with stings!!!---and they just kept after me and stinging my arm even though I backed off and shut the lid on the bin. Crap, I couldn't get rid of 'em!!!! So, here I had this arm full of redness and swelling and bites and ran to inform the landlord/management that we had "a little problem in the newspaper bin." They dispatched the varmints immediately. Me, I sat around with a baking soda poultice on my arm for the rest of the day. No great harm done, apparently. Stayed burny and itchy for a few days just like the yellow jacket sting, though. <_< Not a fun experience.

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I didn't want to get close enough to use gas so I tossed a quarter stick in the hole. It apparently worked. They stopped swarming and didn't come back this spring.

A guy after my own heart. I've found that because of my farming and ranching experiences from my younger days that a stick of ditching dynamite works wonders when trying to solve certain problems.

When I was about 9, my younger brother and I were playing in the landlady's garage and I sat in a yellow jacket nest. Those things were still in my hair and stinging when my parents were trying to figure out where they were. Dad finally just slapped all over my head trying to kill them. It was about the only time that I welcomed a good, hearty slap from my dad.

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I didn't want to get close enough to use gas so I tossed a quarter stick in the hole. It apparently worked. They stopped swarming and didn't come back this spring.

A guy after my own heart. I've found that because of my farming and ranching experiences from my younger days that a stick of ditching dynamite works wonders when trying to solve certain problems.

When I was about 9, my younger brother and I were playing in the landlady's garage and I sat in a yellow jacket nest. Those things were still in my hair and stinging when my parents were trying to figure out where they were. Dad finally just slapped all over my head trying to kill them. It was about the only time that I welcomed a good, hearty slap from my dad.

More evidence there are few problems which can not be solved by the application of high explosives. :D

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At least they weren't killer bees. My mother in law was attacked just a few months ago. She was stung maybe thousands of times. They killed her dog. She had to "scrape them off her face". She escaped by getting in a nearby creek.

Of course, she lives in Costa Rica. We were just there a few months earlier.

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