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Is This A Really Dumb Idea?

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I've killed deer with a .45Super.

230gr. Gold Dot at about 1100 fps.

We arnt talking about deer. We are talking about an animal that will turn around and attack you. ;)

I've never been in a position to shoot hogs, but from this discussion I'm leaning toward 12 guage slugs....

I've taken them with a bow. From a tree ;)

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We arnt talking about deer. We are talking about an animal that will turn around and attack you. ;)

I know.

I just threw that out there because just about everybody has a .45ACP 1911, and it doesn't take much to make 'em shoot .45 Super.

I think I'd rather use .45 Super than .38 super for hogs or deer.

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Back in 60's, when I was in high school, there was a WWII combat vet in town that hunted hogs with a couple of "catch dogs" and a 6inch Randall.... for a neck stick... that was before I knew what a Randall was, but understood the concept of COHONES.... regards Les

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Merlin, that pic is great! :D

Like I said, guys - it was just a "wild hair" kind of thought, so... The little 60lb suckers might be ok-ish, but the 200 pound models are going to take something more stout. I think I'll stick with something in the bigger bore magnum area...

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we had a guy on our deer lease in Madisonville, close to where Merlin lives now... and in 1998, I shot this hog with a 250 Ackley Imp, 75 gr Sierra at 3700 and knocked him down....lost him...two years later a guy on our lease shot him 5 times with a 3006, 180 at 2685...before we cleaned him he weighed 585 Lbs...and he still had the jacket of the 250 Ackley in the grissle plate Would hate to meet that one with a Super and no tree to climb...

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Dangerous game needs big heavy bullet with all the velocity you can handle. A 38 super won't deliver on the heavy part.

If your on foot working a hog it is a real rush. I've dropped two and it took multiple shots of 223 to bring them down.

I wasn't planning either one, the dogs just thought it would be fun to chase em over to us. two different occasions

I had to wade into knee deep palmetto brush with the dogs and hog. Lucky for me the dogs held his attention, got both within arms reach. Didn't want to take chance on hitting the dogs.

If I was planning to hunt them on foot I'd have a 308, and 44mag on me. Those tusks are very sharp and serrated, they will tear a heck of whole, and if they get you down you got a real problem. Was treed one day by large male that was upset I was on his trail. Gave me plenty of warning with all his grunting. No dogs that day so I just let him go. Actually I pee'ed on him from tree, and then he left.

My ranking among my redneck buddies went up drastically after that. Good drinking stories.

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A friend of mine hunts hogs with a knife, dropping out of a tree. Lets his sons do it too. That's a little too sporting for my taste.

Remember the video of the lawyer dodging around the tree while the client kept trying to kill him with a gun. Don't want to be the lawyer in that clip. Don't miss.

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[Hog cautiously inches past wall of mud, thinks he's clear, then two eyes open, embedded in mud. Knife appears, then arm, and a figure pulls away from the mud wall.]

Hog: EEEEeeeeiiii!


[sound of bacon frying]

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I have killed several hogs over here in Ca. with my .45 auto.Some times they drop in their tracks and some times they dont.I will say that the Hornaday customs (xtp bullet) in the .45 acp works great!I have stopped one DEAD in its tracks with an arrow also(neck shot)but I would probably pass on the .38 superor even .357 for pigs over 125lbs.Under 100lbs I think with great SHOT PLACEMENT you would have no problem....My opinion only

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When I lived on the Big Island (Hawaii), I used to go hunting hogs (we call them pigs) with a friend in his subdivision that was halfway up towards Kilauea National Park. We took his dogs that he got from the local Humane society and a .30 M-1 Carbine. The carbine never got used except to call the dogs back from running down another pig once we had enough meat. Guys there used mostly .22 WMR lever action rifles, Mini-14's, or 30-30's. The DLNR (Game warden) guys used their issue 686's. Most of our catch ranged from 60-75 lbs and very young . The stories I heard about big ones mostly involved holding on to dogs who were suddenly quiet when some 400lb boar sauntered past the hunter telling the story, looked him in the eye and dared him to do something. About that time all concerned would nod sagely and reaffirm their belief in the Old Hawaiian forest gods. I don't know about hunting in Texas, but hunting like that in deep rainforest taught me a lot about respect for the game, and how VERY helpful man's best friend can be.

Can you hunt with your race gun? The example calibers above say yes. Then again, the only pig I ever shot was with a Winchester 1200 Defender loaded with slugs.

Oh, and by the time we caught up with the dogs after they'd taken off picking up the scent, they'd usually have the pig cornered and stretched out with a dog on each leg and my friend's "tracker" (half German Shepherd, half Pit bull) on it's nose. By then, slitting it's throat was a mercy.

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I have killed LOTS of hogs on a 108,000 acre ranch here in S. texas w/ ar-15's useing 55 nosler blistic tip bullets. Hit in the shoulder area & they will go down for about 10-15 sec's & then get up & haul ass. Trick is to knock them down & triple tap to the chest. Have hunted them w/ a 38 super w/ 115jhp @1600 fps. Same senero, one to knock it down, followed buy a bill drill.

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I have killed LOTS of hogs on a 108,000 acre ranch here in S. texas w/ ar-15's useing 55 nosler blistic tip bullets. Hit in the shoulder area & they will go down for about 10-15 sec's & then get up & haul ass. Trick is to knock them down & triple tap to the chest. Have hunted them w/ a 38 super w/ 115jhp @1600 fps. Same senero, one to knock it down, followed buy a bill drill.

I guess the hog would rather be hunted by an Open shooter than a 3-gunner. ;)

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a bud of mine has some property near Huntsville, Tx and invited me up there to shoot some hogs...my bud and I killed 13 one Sat and he was disappointed that it wasn't 113....they are everywhere up there and ruin lots of his pasture work...crops for his cattle and really tear up a hay field...

The guys who stacked them up like that should never be allowed to hunt again...pitiful...and you cannot tell me they processed all that meat...really bad.. :(

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I had the same reaction as you guys.... Esp. w/ the old redneck in the background/ w/ one hanging out of his mouth... gah. Hunters wonder why the average suburbanite think they're a bunch of loser hillbillys...

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This might be a good time to remind people of the photo posting rules. I think a lot of people hadn't noticed the change, and non egregious examples sometimes slide by..


Pictures are not different from posts. If it's even borderline offensive, or could be construed to be offensive, please do not post it or use it as an Avatar.

* Please do not post pictures in your signature. (It's a bandwidth issue.)

* Please do not post "dead-animal pictures."

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Feral hogs are pests or worse to the landowners that they are visiting...they are game animals to us hunters, but when you lose cattle and horses to the damage they create you shoot them and leave them where they fall. We take some meat from the smaller ones, but the rest are buzzard food. Do y'all get all teary eyed when you stomp on a roach too?

I shoot a lot of pigs. Use a knife too with good dogs (not mine). We can go out and snipe them at 100-300 yards or go into the woods for a little piggy-CQB. Nothing like 50 hogs around you when you drop the hammer on the first one and woods come alive...did I mention a long shot is 15 yards? Dont buy all the crap about getting charged, I have been rushed by a few bad characters, but mostly hogs take off running whichever way their nose is pointed when the shooting starts. One of the places we hunt is a ranch just north of Bryan owned by a close friend who kills pigs anyway he can...used an SKS bayo once to finish several when he ran out of ammo, another time he ran down two in his ranch truck and then finished them with a pipe wrench (not pretty). You tell him about Sporting...

Xre, since we shot together at SpaceCity you are invited anytime, and bring the Super it'll work about as well as anything else. Shot placement is important (the heart is very low and covered well by the side plate on a boar) but a quartering shot will range under the plate and get them everytime (thats the shot for a bow as well). The next thing is follow-up shots and the Open Super would be an advantage there...or just hit them in the ear and its game over right there.

Anyone else is invited too, just bring your pipewrench... :D


Edited by Brazos
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