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Plate rack times

Steve Moneypenny

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I don't see how you could have made GM, but are still hunting for the sight on the draw.

I have wrangled with that for a couple of months now. If my draw is not where it needs to be, how did I do it?

I think the answer is this: I believe I get a real solid first shot then that sets the pace for the rest of the stage. I know that once I get to the shooting, I can burn pretty good and have a smoking stage with a lot of points. If I rush that first shot, or try to get it out there real fast, then the rest of the stage suffers. It is the same with the plate rack. Solid first shot = solid hits on all 6 plates. Rushed first shot = missed first shot, and sporadic hits. I have made it work for me, but I am still missing something on the draw to first shot.

And to answer your question about hunting for the sight, I don't do that, I think I take a little extra time aligning everything up.

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Let me extend the hand of friendly competition, i personally invite everyone that posted to this subject, to sign up for the STI-American Handgunner match in beautiful montrose colorado, the match is in june. hope to see you there, look me up. I'll be walking a big brown dog, (scout). trapr

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I can add a little perspective on the draw for plate rack runs...

Like Matt, i need a better draw to the first plat to get to my goal of a sub 2 plate rack run. (current PB is 2.16) Draw on this is .97 to 1.1 most times.

Anyhow, during one run I got a little frisky on the trigger and let the shot go before I got the dot exactly where I wanted it. the result was a downed plate and a .84 first shot.

I guess this means that I could/should be firing the first shot before I get as much visual input as I am used to.

Flex has told me before that I sometimes look for too much visual input, and he is probably right. Ever since I switched to open, I don't shoot shoot "index" shots like I used to in production. Maybe I should play with that a little.

I suppose the point of all this as it relates to Matt's quest for a great rack is this:

Maybe we're not fishing for the sight or dot, but wanting more confirmation than we really need?


BTW, the 100% HF for most classifiers allows PLENTY of time for a mediocre draw if one shoots all A's and makes no other mistakes. Wanna make GM? Get better at TRANSITIONS.

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I don't see how you could have made GM, but are still hunting for the sight on the draw. I just don't believe it. Too fundamental of an error. (Sorry Flex)

I wasn't suggesting that Matt was hunting for his front sight on the draw. What I was guessing at...from miles away...is that, perhaps, he is setting up on something other than the draw target. Big difference.

And, that would be perfectly understandable...as the goal of this "stage" has been to shoot 6 plates as fast as possible.

I think Matt's 1.25-1.32 draw to a plate is pretty darn good.

Maybe this isn't a good analogy but...

Think of an aircraft that is trimmed out and flying a certain heading (like the center of the plate rack). If you want to point the nose over to a plate on the end of the rack,then you have to input some flight controls. That is kinda what I was referring to when I talked of "muscling the gun" onto the target.

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Steve posted while I was of doing something else. His post brings up another thought...

If you aren't at least indexed real well on the first target, then you might not have much of a chance to shoot with a "Type 2" focus. I'd think you would be regulated to Type 3.

And, for just shooting that one target (not necessarily 6 plates)...it probably would be best to set both the index and the NPA on target.

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That is something I may not have considered. Looking back, I think I align my NPA on the center of the rack. Are huge gains to be had here? Stay tuned...

Flex, I wish you were coming to Alabama this weekend, me and Steve would even let you hang out with us. :P

Steve may have just put into words what I could not earlier. I think I am wanting more visual input than is needed. Something else to work on I suppose.

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wow my draw on the first plate is 1.15, but i end up at 3.4-3.6 consistent with a standard svi. what am i doing wrong? my transisitions suck? or is this normal for a standard gun?

I pulled out a 3.16 once but have not gone below that.

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After playing around with dry-fire, once again Steve has hit it right on the head. My NPA was off by a mile. Next time I will align it with the first plate, and make sure it is truly on the first plate. I started paying attention to the draw, and the front sight was getting muscled over at the end of the stroke, and that is where the mystery missing couple of tenths were. Can't wait to try this out live fire. B)

Can a 2 flat be done with a Production rig? :o

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I am no where near super man on the draw, but I gotta agree with what's being said about NPA and my own demon, attacking at the beep.

My average (when last I got to practice about 5 weeks ago) for a plate @ 10y had come down to where it was about a 1.07 and I had several sub 1.0

I had almost quit dry fire and was just getting a lot of live fire, so I was not afraid of really going after the gun, and was getting more used to firing as soon as the site were there.

Just my two cents worth of redundancy.

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  • 3 months later...

Took my new G34 down to the ole plate rack today. I was going to see if this was a pipe dream, or if this gun and load would be faster than my current setup. After I got in tune with the way the gun felt, I ripped a new best ever of 2.28 with Production gear. Ran a whole lot of 2.40's and 2.50's. 1.10 draw, don't have the rest of the #'s with me. I finally broke the barrier of 1.30 draws, that took a lot of practice.

Anybody heard of this little ole book called Refinement and Repetition? :P

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i'm guessing you like the 34 :o ...will you be switching to the 34 now? how does the recoil compare with your 35?

i have a 34 and a dillon press on order...mind sharing your load information?


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I'll probably be switching. Gonna do a couple more tests, but I really like how the gun is lighter, and the loads do not give much muzzle rise. I can't tell much difference in recoil between the G34 and G35.

Current load is: 147gr. Star FMJ, 3.6gr Titegroup, Win WSP, range brass, 1.135OAL. I'll probably end up shortening the load up a little, maybe down to 1.125 or so.

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thanks matt.

i've practiced plates A LOT lately. the best i can do FROM LOW READY (gssf matches) is 3.2 with the stock gun, and 2.5 with the open gun. i practice on 2 8" paper plates side by side at an indoor range (no drawing from holsters allowed), so the only true measure i get is at the gssf matches. i see i still need A LOT MORE practice!

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Damn Matt! That is smoking! I guess changing your NPA for the first plate really helped drop that draw time down.

That did help! I am going to start really working on trusting my first shot after the draw and see if I can take some more time off of it. I would like a 1 flat draw eventually. My goal right now is a 2.1x run. Then a 2.0x run. Ultimately, I want a 1.99. Then lower.....

And yeah, this skill really helps at GSSF matches.

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It must be nice to be able to practice on a plate rack...heck, is must be nice to be able to practice. I haven't had live fire practice in like 3 months or so. :angry:

Good job though Matt! :D

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I haven't had live fire practice in like 3 months or so. :angry:

are you trying to make me feel bad ;) . its bad enough that he crushes me at every match. now he says he doesnt even practice. i suppose next i'll find out he's blind...

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  • 2 weeks later...

My best was a 2.90, after a few low 3 runs. 10 yards, Action Pistol open class S&W Model 10, from the holster, surrender start.

Of course, this was 9 or so years ago when I did a lot of shooting. I'm just starting up again after a bit of a break. Now I'll have to try it out with my race gun.

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