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Hughes Vs Gracie

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GSP will just get beat again by Hughes. Second chance fights have been very painful for Matt's opponents.

I like GSP and he dominated the hell out of Trigg, but all he did against Hughes was put up a good defense. GSP now knows what it's like to fight a warrior. I never saw the outcome of that fight being in question for a single second, even though GSP is the only guy with a chance against Hughes right now.

Something is very wrong when the champion gets paid less than someone who's been hiding from real competition.

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What I would have liked to see is Matt letting Royce up off the ground. If Matt is Mr. Badass he shouldn't have any problems.. Anyone can ground and pound. Is that a skill?

To fight Royce on ground was supposed to be fighting Royce's game. This is where he was supposed to dominate Matt. If Matt had kept it standing, the skeptics would then be saying, "Oh yeah? Well Matt wouldn't have beat him on the ground." Matt beat Royce at his own game.

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What I would have liked to see is Matt letting Royce up off the ground. If Matt is Mr. Badass he shouldn't have any problems.. Anyone can ground and pound. Is that a skill?

To fight Royce on ground was supposed to be fighting Royce's game. This is where he was supposed to dominate Matt. If Matt had kept it standing, the skeptics would then be saying, "Oh yeah? Well Matt wouldn't have beat him on the ground." Matt beat Royce at his own game.

True.. Royce was just in a bad position period.

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Well first off....It was a good fight and I'm pretty glad Gracie got stomped. I have no respect for someone who literally breaks some dude's arm after he had been tapping for about 5 seconds.

I don't see Hughes as being cocky at all. I see him as someone who puts the work in day in and day out and know his abilities. Basically I agree exactly with what DP said. ;)

That Diego Sanchez fight was a freakin joke. The last 2 minutes when Diego was on the other guy's back - if the other guy wasn't such a bonehead he could have submitted him in about 2 seconds. I was literally screaming at the TV "Turn his hand palm up and then pull down till he shits his pants."

All in all it was a pretty good night. ;)

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I recently saw the earlier fight that Gracie had with Shamrock (leading into UFC1). I can see why Gracie waits for the ref to jump in and declare the win. Though, watching later fights, it is hard to imagine.

On this fight, I don't know how Gracie didn't tap. Sounds like family tradition. After the arm bar, that was it. Gracie gave him his back. Game over. The arm bar hurt.

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Ground and pound against someone who is supposed to have some submission skills is the most dangerous thing a fighter could do. I imagine the large number of folks who have been "grounded and pounded" by Hughes would agree it's quite a skill.

A washed up has-been named Gracie would probably agree.

Sour grapes.

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GSP will just get beat again by Hughes. Second chance fights have been very painful for Matt's opponents.

I like GSP and he dominated the hell out of Trigg, but all he did against Hughes was put up a good defense. GSP now knows what it's like to fight a warrior. I never saw the outcome of that fight being in question for a single second, even though GSP is the only guy with a chance against Hughes right now.

Something is very wrong when the champion gets paid less than someone who's been hiding from real competition.

The UFC paid Royce what it took to get him...and the UFC understands well that Royce was the attraction to buy this fight.

Royce has not been hiding from real competition. What he has been doing is making better bank running his schools and putting on seminars. His loss to Sakuraba in 2000 was an epic. He finished the 90 minute fight (a loss, towel thrown in by his brother) with a broken femur. At the time, Sakuraba was the stud of MMA.

Royce made the UFC. Watching him beat far bigger people made people say WOW...and it gave the UFC its name. Has the competition passed Royce by? Maybe. Just as it will one day pass every person who competes, in anything, shooting, fighting, dancing or chess.

It is time now for Royce to do what he does best. Teach, and be a father to his sons.

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It is time now for Royce to do what he does best. Teach, and be a father to his sons.

Amen to that.

So you guys are saying Hughes isn't cocky? Per Webster dictionary it means "brashly self-confident".. :P

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So you guys are saying Hughes isn't cocky? Per Webster dictionary it means "brashly self-confident".. :P

In order to be a UFC fighter you have to have big brass balls. That defenition fits every good fighter I have ever seen. If you aren't brashly self-confident your UFC career will last all of 30 seconds.

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Well first off....It was a good fight and I'm pretty glad Gracie got stomped. I have no respect for someone who literally breaks some dude's arm after he had been tapping for about 5 seconds.

I don't see Hughes as being cocky at all. I see him as someone who puts the work in day in and day out and know his abilities. Basically I agree exactly with what DP said. ;)

That Diego Sanchez fight was a freakin joke. The last 2 minutes when Diego was on the other guy's back - if the other guy wasn't such a bonehead he could have submitted him in about 2 seconds. I was literally screaming at the TV "Turn his hand palm up and then pull down till he shits his pants."

All in all it was a pretty good night. ;)

My thoughts exactly, on Gracie, Hughes' cockyness and the friggin' Sanchez fight. I was screaming at the TV too man :D

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I guess I am in the minority, as I thought the whole card was awesome.

Big props to John Alessio for carrying Diego on his back, to his corner, and asking Jeremy Horn what to do. Standing armbar against your own chin?? very cool. Alessio was trying to do what Horn (and jake and spook) were telling him, but your chin moves a lil and makes that tough. I wouldnt have risked trying to armbar off my own forehead either. How Diego got that desicion is beyond me, those judges outta be caned.

Hughes vs. Gracie~ Hurrah for the (semi) local boy sponsored by Armalite and Benchmade. Very cool that Hughes beat Gracie at his own game, and avoided one of the best gaurds in all MMA.

FWIW I've heard of several Gracie's letting their bones break rather than tapping. I wonder how much farther Hughes had to push that Kimura to make it go pop.

Also big props to Mike Swick who impresses me more and more with each fight.

Time to give up the smokes, find a jui jitsu club and get in the thick of it myself, who's with me??

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I've been a UFC fan since 1993 seeing the first UFC live. At the time my entire life was the Martial Arts. I have since moved on but am still a huge UFC fan. I thought the Hughes vs. Gracie fight was great. I was actually hoping Gracie would last till the end of the round and they went to round 2. Matt did an amazing job esp. controlling Gracie on the ground and almost submitting him. Gracie dominated the sport in the early 90's and when the Gracie family sold the UFC and when time limits etc. were added the Gracies stopped competing.

Getting Royce back into the UFC was huge. A lot of people have always said the noone could beat the Gracies and they always ruled the sport. The UFC has said that the new breed of MMA fighters are more well rounded and better fighters over all. The UFC NEEDED to get Gracie to fight a top contender to prove the new fighters are better than the fighter 10 years ago. If Gracie won this fight it would have been VERY bad for the UFC. Thankfully Hughes won the fight. As for Gracie getting paid more than Hughes that is a nobrainer. People bought the fight to see Gracie either win or lose more than just to see Matt fight. Nothing against Matt in any way shape or form but we all wanted to see how Gracie would compare with the newer fighters.

I would love to see Gracie fight again. It would be interested to see him fight some lesser skilled fighters and see how he does against them.

When GSP fought Hughes he was half the fighter he is now. However, Hughes has also improved ten fold himself so that fight should be a great one!

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I thought it was a good fight and even though I was pulling for Hughes I did sorta feel sorry for Royce that it went so fast. I think that armbar hurt him so badly that he really did not want to do much more fighting that night. I was surprised he did not tapout- I suspect most other fighters would have.

In the pre-fight interviews I thought Matt seemed calm, but confident (maybe I'm biased) and I thought Royce seemed like he had a chip on his shoulder. In this sport, (and ours) there is sometimes a fine line between confident and cocky.

And I really don't know too much about Swick either way.....but "Swick-o-tine" some people may say that is cocky (but in my opinion, it's on the funny / clever side. Showed he has a since of humour).

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Time to give up the smokes, find a jui jitsu club and get in the thick of it myself, who's with me??

I'm back to training tomorrow :)

The elbow has healed and I figured out I like BJJ too much to let it go.

The US is MMA heaven man. Go find some good schools and have fun!

About Gracie fighting again, I hope he doesn't if he doesn't start cross-training, or starts training with some UFC Big Dogs to find BJJ solutions for the current wave of fighters. What happened to Royce in UFC 60 is the same thing that happened a year before when he fought Tokoro. He tried to pull guard, but Tokoro just dominated him with GNP.

I think Royce could do much better if would train with/against the kind of fighters he will face in the UFC.

Edited by spook
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Time to give up the smokes, find a jui jitsu club and get in the thick of it myself, who's with me??

Mike, if you are serious, Paul Sharp (early member of this forum) would be a good point of contact in your area. Here is his blog: http://isrmatrix.blogspot.com/ If you can't find any contact info for him, let me know.

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I guess I am in the minority, as I thought the whole card was awesome.

Big props to John Alessio for carrying Diego on his back, to his corner, and asking Jeremy Horn what to do. Standing armbar against your own chin?? very cool. Alessio was trying to do what Horn (and jake and spook) were telling him, but your chin moves a lil and makes that tough. I wouldnt have risked trying to armbar off my own forehead either. How Diego got that desicion is beyond me, those judges outta be caned.

Hughes vs. Gracie~ Hurrah for the (semi) local boy sponsored by Armalite and Benchmade. Very cool that Hughes beat Gracie at his own game, and avoided one of the best gaurds in all MMA.

FWIW I've heard of several Gracie's letting their bones break rather than tapping. I wonder how much farther Hughes had to push that Kimura to make it go pop.

Also big props to Mike Swick who impresses me more and more with each fight.

Time to give up the smokes, find a jui jitsu club and get in the thick of it myself, who's with me??

If you get serious about BJJ, the man to see in Indiana is Jack McVicker. Awesome fighter, and as down to earth as a teacher as anyone you will ever meet. A total class act. Blackbelt, World Champion, has competed all over the world...and not a bit of BS to him.


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Hughes was getting whipped and then GSP made a mistake and paid for it. Credit to Hughes.

The fight I would pay good money to see would be Hughes and Dan Henderson at about 175 or 180. What a blockbuster that would be. Hendo is the better wrestler and the better striker, imho. Too bad one is in Pride and one in UFC.

Come on, Zuffa, make it happen! :D

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