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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


Brian Payne

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I am a cop in a small rural community.

Went to town for breakfast today. A gentleman walked up to me with a five year old girl in tow. He shook my hand and introduced me to his daughter. I remembered him from a situation from many years previous. Suicidal male trying to do the old suicide by cop routine. I was able to talk him down with no injury to anyone involved.

He said he had gone through treatment and has not drank or used drugs in over six years. Now raising a beautiful daughter and things going well. Just wanted to thank me for saving his life.

Kind of makes the job a little easier to take when something like this takes place. Amazing how "thanks" can make your day a little better.

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Hi Sgt, Congrats on a job well done. Isn't it amazing how two small words "thank you" can mean so much. I'm sure most of us owe some thank you's to some of your fellow officers and fire personell as well. God Bless you !!

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You saved at least 2 lives. The father and the daughter. Now she has a dad to be there for her as she grows up. You should be proud of a job well done.

It's amazing how many lives can be touched by 1 simple event such as this. What seems to be 2 lives saved can easily multiply into many, many more lives when the future of the Father and the little girl is considered.

Bravo! B)

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Good job Sgt, makes the job worthwhile.

One of the more veteran officers at my PD did CPR on a little one (4-5 year old girl) and saved her a couple of years ago. I was working one evening a couple of weeks after it happened and the girl and her mom showed up in the lobby, wishing to speak to the officer. They brought a laundry basket full of stuffed animals, drawings and goodies (cupcakes and such). One of the drawing the little girl had done was a picture of the officer with the caption "My Hero" and "thanks for saving my life, you will always be my hero". I watched when they gave him this package and he nearly broke down and cried because no one had ever done anything like that for him in the 20 years he had been on the job. Everyone there was in a great mood for quite a while after that. Makes the bad days easier to take.

Good job again Sgt, ya done good. :D

Edited by bierman
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