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Bowling for Columbine


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  • 4 weeks later...


I may have been the biggest farce I've ever seen.

In it Moore contends:

Whites do all the killing with guns.

Whites have guns because they fear blacks.

Blacks don't really have any guns.

The KKK and the NRA were formed the same year so...

Conservatives are the cause of everything.

There is no crime problem, there is nothing to fear ever.

I mean Moore REALLY played the race card.  A problem he ran into, that really put a trud in his punch bowl, was that he found out while researching for the film that Canada has about the same rate of gun owner ship as the US but only has about 100 murders a year using guns.  That forced Moore to change the focus of his movie.

The sad part of this movie is that the left wingers are really playing the movie up because it's anti white/anti-gun and are ignoring the fact it's a hate fueling farce.  Another example of the ends justifying the means.

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Wow!  I didn't see any of that mentioned in any of the reviews...  That's pretty disgusting.  I have to wonder when "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum" got his NRA membership - my guess is he bought it right about the time he planned on doing the movie.  Nothing like a little false credibility...

What's funny about the liberal/conservative thing is that my neighbors are mostly liberal and don't own guns.  They all know I have guns and shoot.  I don't keep it a secret.  When push comes to shove, things get tough, and they need someone to call for a "security" issue, they call me.  One neighbor across the street that just moved, told me that she really missed the neighborhood because she felt so safe living next to me.  She knew that I'd be there if anything bad ever happened.  So, it just cracks me up when I hear how Conservatives are "the problem."

Now I've got to find a way to see the movie without enriching "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum"...  I'm curious more than anything.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Moore's first movie "Roger and Me" was really quite good. I personally don't believe he is trying to solely get rich from his films, he is a crusader. After offering up this small defense of Moore, I was disgusted when I read about his newest offering, the Columbine movie, and will not pay to see it or support it in any way.

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My wife and I saw it.  (She's a movie buff from way back, and if we "only" see 100 movies a year she thinks we're slackers.)

Moore is not as clever as he thinks he is, and the movie shows it.  He was all over the place, and tried to make three or four different points at the same time.  He did have some thoughtful points, but his treatment of K-Mart was shameful.  Ambush journalism has a bad name for a reason.

"#3 on how to tell you're having a bad day:  There's a camera crew from 60 Minutes in your lobby."

I don't begrudge the theater the money I spent, but I sure wish I could have done it without some trickling to Moore.

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Be firm in your convictions, just don't go the the theater.  I got fed up with the salaries the pro athletes made and now don't go to the pro games at all.  I know it is pointless, as they fill the stadium every time they open the doors, but I have the moral victory.

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Quote: from Patrick Sweeney on 6:44 am on Dec. 10, 2002

Ambush journalism has a bad name for a reason.

I don't begrudge the theater the money I spent, but I sure wish I could have done it without some trickling to Moore.

That's exactly why I asked to begin with.  I liked Roger and Me and thought that GM got exactly what it deserved.  In fact, I'd love to see WorldCom, Tyco, and few others get the Roger and Me treatment - it would be well deserved.  But, I saw Moore do a Television Show many years back that was atrocious at best.  He cornered a well-mannered Ford Executive and incessantly badgered him with,

"If Quality is Job One, what's job two?"

...clearly illustrating that "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum" has no clue of the where to draw the line between investigative journalism and common civility.  It's sad to see that he will never ascend from the darkness.  He *could* contribute to society in a way the regular media now refuses.

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  • 3 months later...


The above link details how Moore spliced parts of Heston's old speeches to make a fictional one for the movie where it seems that the NRA is celebrating Columbine. I'm suprised the NRA or Heston didn't sue.

This link is better yet and a shorter read:


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:blink: Just recieved a ballot from NRA to vote, Moore vs. Heston, Cannot imagine the ignorant b*****d who would vote for Moore. Saw the movie, curiosity got the better of me . Have never seen a more antigun, antiAmerican, white liberal guilt ridden, fictionfest in my life. The clincher was the applause from the fathead liberal pie in the sky crowd in the theatre . I have not seen this level of ignorance in media in my life time. ABSOLUTELY SICKENS ME !!! Travis F.
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I was curious to see the movie.Moore really streched to tie things together.A woman on welfare being forced to ride to work on a bus was the reason her elementry school son took a gun to school and shot another student. WTF??. :wacko:

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Too bad Mr. Moores first name isn't Ron. He would be correctly listed in the phonebook as:

Moore Ron

The San Jose phonebook had a listing for

Liang Ho

which would also be a good name for Mr. Moore

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  • 8 months later...

I finally rented the DVD. I wish I had seen it sooner. Like BigDave in his Hate post, I was surprised by what it is and what it isn't. I now realize why so many people (including those who have not seen it) hate Moore and his movie.

It is a good piece of filmmaking, particularly the editing, which is brilliant. However, the cartoon segment was horribly lame and out of place and detracted from the movie as a whole. And Moore's interviews, ambush and otherwise, are painful. Moore still tries to act like the indie documentary filmmaker in Roger & Me, but he's not that guy anymore, not after the movies, TV shows, books, and publicity. Now he's just an insincere and dishonest buffoon taking advantage of people when he attempts that. (For example, when he asks a police officer about prosecuting a dog.)

What struck me immediately was the fact it is not an anti-gun propaganda piece, as some would have me believe. (To be sure, there are anti-gun aspects to it. However, anybody focusing on the anti-gun aspects is missing the point.) I'm not sure Moore even had a tangible goal of what his movie would be when he started; it seems to develop as he goes along. The movie does not make a statement, it asks a question. Why do Americans kill each other? It is at its best when it stays on this path; it is at its worst when it tries to answer the question and when it presents simple solutions, such as lobbying K-Mart officials or buying all the ammo at the local K-Mart.

There are many gut-wrenching, emotional, and provocative scenes in Bowling for Columbine. Some of these scenes will be hard to watch for many people, particulary those people who think the United States is an uncriticizable utopia that can do no wrong. More open-minded viewers might enjoy Moore's journey into the dark side of American culture, despite the movie's distractions.

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I just don't understand how you can say anything nice about a guy who would take a terrible event like that and use it as a vehicle to vent his hatred about guns in America and to make $$ from distorting many of the facts concerning the incident.

He just needs to be strung up and horse whipped with most of the other idiots in Hollywood.

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What terrible event? What incident? There are many in the movie. Did you see the movie?

I can say good things about people I don't entirely like or respect. I can admire good but flawed productions. It's the result of being a rational thinker rather than a reactionary.

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some of us just know crap when we see it

See it, indeed. You didn't respond to my questions, especially the important one. Did you see the movie or not?

I think not, because someone who has seen the movie would probably present some arguments or make some kind of point referencing scenes from the film. For example, like John Thompson did in the topic's second post, replying to EricW's question. I wouldn't think that someone who has not seen the movie would ignore the topic's question and instead use the forum space to publicly declare his sadistic bondage fantasy about "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum". I wouldn't think so, but I continue to be amazed.

Dear Santa,

All I want for Xmas is a Block User forum feature.

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