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Here is my idea. Indiana will trade Gary, Indiana to the Chicago area and in turn we will take everything south of Springfield. It seems like win-win to me. The southern part of what used to be IL will be able to have reasonable gun laws and the Chicago gun laws should stop all the violence in Gary! (Yeah, right) ;)

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Mine tells what I think of myself.

It comes from a song of a local singer that was dedicated to an italian soccer world champion in 1982, who used to be the workhorse of the whole team, always working for others and seldom getting recognized for it... ;)

Oh, of course I don't think I'll ever become a world champion in anything, but the workhorse analogy applies... :D

Edited by Skywalker
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OK, I admit it... I'm a little jaded by the high number of shall we say "IQ Challenged" folks I come across on a daily basis. :ph34r: The stories I could tell but some how some where a person from my company would happen across this site and find me.

[Rant on]

I have ID for a reason, couldn't just one person not take me at my word when I walk into an office I've never visited before. All I have to do is name the company I'm with and I basically get free access to every.

[Rant off]

Sorry for my drift but I really wish there was a patch...... :P

Since there's not I appreciate the calmness in surfing the BE'verse even more.... :D

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:o Mine came from a point in my life when I realized that you only get so much time here so you have to take a few risks!!!! I used to always play it safe until life smacked me one and I decided to take the attitude of "why not try it.....assume you can't fail and go for it! "

The avatar....well the eyes tell it all...no secrets there :-)

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Hey Chills, I was born in Peoria and lived in the southern half the first 12 years of my life, we always said Chicago was a "separate" state. Even though I have been in Miss for 36 years, I'm stilled called a _amned Yankee from time to time. I have 2 sisters that still live in the oppressed state. You couldn't drag me kicking and screaming to live there. See Ya Mac

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OK, I admit it... I'm a little jaded by the high number of shall we say "IQ Challenged" folks I come across on a daily basis. :ph34r: The stories I could tell but some how some where a person from my company would happen across this site and find me.

[Rant on]

I have ID for a reason, couldn't just one person not take me at my word when I walk into an office I've never visited before. All I have to do is name the company I'm with and I basically get free access to every.

[Rant off]

Sorry for my drift but I really wish there was a patch...... :P

Since there's not I appreciate the calmness in surfing the BE'verse even more.... :D

This guy at work whom everyone dislikes due to him being a two faced back-stabbing Liar who believes that he is the "Head Cheese" and knows more than God came up to me the other day and said "Man, What's up? Your attitude has improved 100%. What's going on?" To which I replied "My attitude changed when I stopped worrying about yours." He got this puzzled look on his face and his eyes went blank, then he grinned and stuck his hand out for a shake and said "Great, Glad to see it".

Some people just don't have any clue. I've learned to like them because they make me look smarter than I really am. ;)

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