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Friday Flamer - 12/23/05


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I have a few items - most are in the category of severe dislike rather than an outright hate classification unless specified. They include:

The endless amount of painting I have been doing for the last week and a half is getting very tiresome. What possesses people to put fabric on walls? Wall paper is bad enough to deal with but after pulling more than 100 lineal foot of staples (each staple side by side mind you), spackling the little holes and retexturing, priming, and painting, I'm convinced there ought to be a special place in hell for the perpetraitors of such poor home decor judgement. Death to the dopey designers that do such things!

I also hate cheap building methods that use laquer as a final coat for wood paneling. 500 square foot of sanding irregular surfaces and molding is misery too. Not to mention, the overspray on the brick fireplace has yellowed creating tones not too disimiliar to a spicy Hungarian meal regurgitated.

I hate the wall color we chose is wrong (for that same 500 square foot of wall space). Despite having a large wall sample, bad lighting and bad judgement contributed to issue. Toasted chestnut looks more like copper. My living room doesn't need to look like a bright, shiny penny. Yup, more painting in my future.


I hate that I haven't been able to read much on the forums because of the home improvement work. To compound issues, the version of Firefox I'm using has a slow memory leak. Yesterday, just as I clicked the "read new posts" button, it glitched, bombed and eliminated the 20 some odd pages of content I had yet to review "since my last visit". So if I didn't reply to your thread, you now know why.

I'm unhappy I couldn't do Xmas right for my daughter this year. We have a sad, little, charlie brown. artificial two foot high tree in our kitchen substituting for the real thing. Thankfully my daughter was easily convinced that Santa will find a christmas tree no matter what the size because that's his job.


Also thankfully we will be at my in-laws place for the bulk of the holiday. I won't have to navigate the amazing amount of plastic tarps and sheets that reside on my floors and doorways for a full three days.

I also hate that I can't adequately express how appreciative I am of the this forum and it's members. Working from home and spending a great deal of time with my little one, I'd go crazy if I didn't have a virtual community of adults to converse with. So thank you all you're great (especially Brian!).

Merry Christmas!

Edited by carinab
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so is it ok to say that December makes me grumppy <_< . Reminds me of how much I did not get don in the past 12 months. Xmass crap in the stores in October this year. = that pissed me off.

I should say Sorry I am a contractor and your paintting probelms are probably my fault in some way.

and yor stapels

The Decorators love 'Fabric on the walls' they charge the home owner 3 times what it cost put it up. 300 to 400 % profit for a decorator. = I dont do it, don/t blaime me.

the Decorataor always has 'their own guy" that will do it.

I like what I do but I ! Will Not work with a decorator!

so your painting rant is probly a greedy Decorators fault

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I hate that I have a day off to sleep in before a lot of that other holiday tradition no one enjoys, long distance driving, and a contractor started a jackhammer at 7.05 am to demo the next door condo's patio.

Now I'm hating even more the slackers that ran our condo's owners association that didn't spend any money on upkeep for 15 years and many of the second and third floor patios are now unsafe and are being torn down and replaced.

This reminds me that I hate the current condo owners association board for railroading a huge assessment over the owners bank accounts with legally questionable tactics in regards to the condo bylaws. And I hate that I called them on it in a reasonable, succinct letter that I rewrote 4 times so it would not come across hateful, yet the president deemed it neccessary to call me at 9pm with a defensive, argumentative, hateful tone to tell me he had a lawyer had approved their plan. I dropped it, paid the money and forgot about it all until a recent homeowners meeting where a packet of infomation was distributed including a letter from an attorney sounding very much like a response to my letter, that was in fact dated weeks after I had sent mine, advising the association on how to legally term the collection of additional funds from owners so that the association would not be acting in a manner that was in conflict with the bylaws...as I had pointed out.

I hate that the, well intentioned, SOB owners association president called me, flat lied, and then had to go out and spend more of my money on a lawyer to find a loophole to make his actions not run afoul of the owners association bylaws.

I have not called him late one night to tell him he's a liar...yet.

Edited by Middle Man
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IThe endless amount of painting I have been doing for the last week and a half is getting very tiresome. What possesses people to put fabric on walls? Wall paper is bad enough to deal with but after pulling more than 100 lineal foot of staples (each staple side by side mind you), spackling the little holes and retexturing, priming, and painting, I'm convinced there out to be a special place in hell for the perpetraitors of such poor home decor judgement. Death to the dopey designers that do such things!

i did all of that last year. i have now a wall paper free house. the main problem with wall paper is that fools don't prime or paint the bare sheet rock first! :angry:

i hate that my 650 is broke right now.


Edited by lynn jones
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I hate those no-priming no-painting builders.. You reminded me that months ago when I got this house, we ripped off some ugly wallpaper which didn't want to come off.. when it finally did, there's a big pencil scribble from 1962 "Paper This Wall". I had to sand off all the old glue since no chemicals I could get would touch it. That sucked.

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I hate that all of my family and in-laws expect us to be at thier house's for christmas. (which means spending most of my holiday days driving)

*mom, you've had me for christmas for 26 years....can I have one to myself and my new family?*

I also hate holiday traffic, I cant go to the gas station on the corner to get a jug of milk w/o it taking 45 mins.

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Minor Rant,

The mechanics are on leave...eeuh the boss stays, to solve self inflicted problems.

Due to work load/stress I made a costly mistake on a cylinderhead-replacement on a vintage MB 280SE 1971.

This engine comes in two variants: 130-092 and 130-098. Cylinderheads differ in cooling channels.

Due to my decision my mechanics fitted the wrong cylinderhead. After reassembly and topping up fluids, coolant poored out of the exhaust-pipe...not what one wants, huh?

Lights on....have to work on Christmas Day to finish the job.

Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear to all of you, out there!!!


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In the true spirit of the season, :ph34r:

I HATE THIS CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY PC CRAP Life is too complicated already without having to worry whose little fellings I may offend. They offend me. If I say Merry Christmas and you are offended take this as a blanket "Suck it up and DEAL"

But in the spirit, take a look at what a friend did :


Merry Christmas,

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I hate that my 91 year old neighbor which is a WWII Vet (caught in the Phillipenes by the Japs) is being taken advantage of by the stay at home helper/worker.

Just this morning the sorry Jackass came riding around on his 4 wheeler and jumped some deer (None legal BTW) and shot at them while running.

The bad part is, the deer ran into the same section of woods I was in......with him shooting at them.....all the while I was hiding behind my little tree.......TIME to go have a serious talk with him. :angry::angry:(never had this problem while the old man was still in good health) :(

I also hate this Happy Holidays PC BULLSH!T......I have the exact same right to say it and celibrate it as they choose not to. :angry:

I hate that I have developed tendonitis in my thumb of my shooting hand, only bothered by the wheelgun, and I hate that I will have to lay off of it just when other people are getting into it. :angry:

I hate that Christmas has become so Commercialized and it seems many have forgotten the reason for the season!!!! :angry::(:angry::(:angry:

Enough of this before I get MAD.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!


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I hate finding out that the 2nd meth cooking operation they busted across the street 2 weeks ago WAS into the cooking phase. I hate that the county health dept is dragging their feet on doing anything with the structure and surrounding property.

I hate that I will spend at least part of Christmas Eve searching my property to ensure that they weren't dumping over here. They were dumping elsewhere so I have fears that they were dumping in the river behind their place as well as over here on my propery.

I hate that the jerk they busted has a list of priors about the same length as "War and Peace" and yet he was out and about on "good behavior".

I hate that at least some of the poison this jerkoff was cooking made it on to streets.

I hate that it isn't legal to apply "frontier justice" to these a-holes.

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I hate those no-priming no-painting builders.. You reminded me that months ago when I got this house, we ripped off some ugly wallpaper which didn't want to come off.. when it finally did, there's a big pencil scribble from 1962 "Paper This Wall". I had to sand off all the old glue since no chemicals I could get would touch it. That sucked.

Did you try 'water' every wall paper glue I know of is water base.

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Time for a little vigilante house-burning action....... :angry::ph34r:

Yea, guess you're right SigLady,

But in my tiny country a vigilante does more time than the criminal.

(due to the criminals bad yough, cough....) :angry:

Edited by schmitz
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80...??!! And you're COMPLAINING..??!! Give us a break!!!! <_<:angry:

I like a little cool weather once in a while. It is 110 here in the summer and the 2 month long winter is a nice break from that, but no it has to be warm in the winter this year too. :angry:

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Oh. Well, now that you put it that way. Heh.

We just went thru about three weeks of VERY unseasonal and unexpected COLD here, and had just about HAD IT with "cold" weather by now, to say the least. It's about 55 here at the moment (much easier to deal with than 25!!) and was about 60 yesterday... and I hear no complaints locally. Now 80... that WOULD be a real trip if it happened 'up here'! :lol:

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