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Thoughts for the older generation of shooters


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Maybe this should go in the PCC topic.  I'll let smarter folks then I decide that.


I've been involved with USPSA since the late 1980s. I don't post here much, in fact this is a new account.  I've shot single stack, production and then open.  Really loved open.  But as age began to works its magic I started to notice ever increasing hand tremors.  This effects so much of your life, you're signature makes you look like a physician and trying to use simple tools like a screwdriver an act of madness.  Even tried a few pharmaceuticals made for this type of thing, no luck.  Shooting Open was beginning to loose its luster and open sights on a limited gun weren't much better.  I figured my USPSA days were done and its been a steady part of my life for a very long time.  The last match I shot using the open gun was a steel challenge match and I could not get reliable hits on the steel.  I withdrew after the first stage.  I was pretty depressed.


So it occurred to me that this new PCC thing might be the solution.  And I know this is a pistol sport but what if it worked.  So I dropped a dime or 2 on a GMR15 and low and behold.  I'm back, having fun and working on a whole new series of skills.  The tremors are there, but you don't see them in the dot.  I can shoot a steel challenge again.  And I hate to admit it, its more fun then I thought it would be, maybe even more fun then the Open gun.  Even my wife joined me and she is a die hard Open gun shooter.


My point is, when you see that guy running and gunning with a rifle in a pistol sport.  He may have a real good reason.  It may be the last chance, especially for older shooters.  Thanks USPSA for keeping the hope and my game alive.

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It was my last chance.  I have severe neuropathy in both my hands, which doesn't allow the grip to be maintained long enough to shoot 8 shots in a row, without having to regrip the pistol.


PCC came along at just the right time for me to continue to enjoy and support the shooting sports.


You are a lucky guy to have a wife that joins you in having fun.


Best of luck to both of you.

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Wow happy to hear shooting PCC lets you still be involved in USPSA. My husbands eyes have declined a lot in the last 5-6 years and neither the reading glasses nor the distance glasses are ideal for shooting. him switching to Open after shooting his beloved Limited division was a sad admission of where life is at. So I can empathize with you.
Wish you the best!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is great news to hear!  I'm glad you're back out on the range competing and most of all having fun!   I have been told, "you're too young to shoot pcc"  but at the end of the day I enjoy shooting PCC so I don't care what anyone says.  Just like every division, there will be the top shooters and the average shooters.  To beat the top 5% of those GMs takes real skills as we are competing against those within our division and classification.  PCC is actually what rekindled my love for shooting USPSA back when it was starting to fade.  so I appreciate PCC and PCC shooters more than I did prior to shooting it.




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1 hour ago, Bdh821 said:

This is great news to hear!  I'm glad you're back out on the range competing and most of all having fun!   I have been told, "you're too young to shoot pcc"  but at the end of the day I enjoy shooting PCC so I don't care what anyone says.  Just like every division, there will be the top shooters and the average shooters.  To beat the top 5% of those GMs takes real skills as we are competing against those within our division and classification.  PCC is actually what rekindled my love for shooting USPSA back when it was starting to fade.  so I appreciate PCC and PCC shooters more than I did prior to shooting it.





Quite honestly I don't get the PCC hate.  It doesn't float my boat, but then it also doesn't decrease my enjoyment of the sport.  So live and let live.


And I hope whoever told you that you're too young for it was joking.  Otherwise it's a douchebag comment that people need to keep to themselves.

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I joined USPSA in 1994 and was very active for about 16 years.  I shot a sectional match in 2004 and totally screwed it up.  Much to my surprise the next week I received a trophy for High Super Senior.  In 2010 I stopped shooting USPSA and went to other shooting sports.  I bought a JP PCC in 2017 and tried USPSA again.  I shot a few matches and was classified as a "B" shooter.  I had sold all of my old race guns and recently modded my carry pistol to a Carry Optics gun.  I'm (Slow) but back!

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/27/2021 at 10:54 AM, Bdh821 said:

Take a look at the comment section..  


I agree with the comment that PCC should be it's own game (I love steel heavy PCC matches) but until there's a point where there's enough PCC shooters to make it happen regularly my man is just gonna have to learn to seethe quietly every time a rifle comes up to the line at his pistol match.

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As a super senior, still able to play the pistol side well enough.  I am seeing more Super's also shooting PCC.  Like was said, not my cup of tea but I dabbled enough to get a classification.  Like CO, PCC has quickly turned into a young person's game and there is more than enough participation to be it's own game.


That being said, if it never does become its own, I'd like to see the classification system change to where PCC classification gets you nothing insofar as pistol classification is concerned.  Some of the hate I've seen comes from PCC being a quicker trip for much higher than deserved pistol classifications.  


But it is still a way for all of us to continue to enjoy this game we love when time and age gets ornery with us.

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As mentioned in my earlier post, I'm a B PCC shooter.  I'm also a B shooter in Open and Limited but qualified about 20 years ago.  I've been shooting Carry Optics lately and will probably end up as a C.  I'm 77.  It does seem like it's easier with a PCC.

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  • 1 month later...

I too am glad you found your way back into the sport. I have been shooting with a club for a long while and mostly older gentlemen and have seen some that have now left us, that shot as long as they could. They had fun, whether running and gunning or at their own pace. I think the most important thing we do in this sport is welcome people and not exclude them. 

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