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Being Put Down...


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I read the last Front Sight. There was an article about the World Shoot and revolver shooters. It said Ricardo Lopez and I got so close to Jerry Miculek because Jerry had an inner ear infection (and that Jerry was going to kick our asses a little harder next time on Bali).

That f%cking sucks, because it is not true.

We got so close to Jerry because we both worked our f$%king asses of dry firing and spending every hour we had on the range. And we didn't work hard enough, because we did not win.

While Jerry suffered from an inner ear infection I puked my guts out for two days, had to run to the toilet every half hour and had the worst fever I had in years. Well, guess what? We don't measure that stuff. All that counts is you time and your points and I don't care how you earn them as long as it's done in a sportsmanship fashion. If you have a peg leg and pink eye on match day, tough shit.

The three of us were all good sports and we all worked very hard to beat eachother fair and square.

I hate being put down like that. You work for years and someone insinuates that what you did is not thanks to you, but because the best guy didn't perform that well. BS!

BTW, don't think I blame Jerry. I talked to him and he seems like the last guy to blame anything or anyone but himself.

Edited by spook
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Unfortunatley some people in our sport tend to put certain shooters on pedestal and others never measure up no mattter how good their effort.

Congratulations on a great match and glad to see your hard work paying off.

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I did not read the article and have no idea who wrote it. But, I came to terms with stuff like that in my profession---having results explained as luck, again and again and again? Now, I just smile and move on, understanding that the person doing the talking is simply showing they do not understand that there is no traffic jam on the extra mile.

You worked hard and the results proved it. You know it, and those who know you know it. That is all that matters.

And Jerry? I met him once...and he may well qualify as one of the nicest people I have ever met. And one hell of a shooter.

Congrats man, and go get after it harder tomorrow.

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JRBean wrote:

"Unfortunatley some people in our sport tend to put certain shooters on pedestal and others never measure up no mattter how good their effort. "

-Very well put.

"Congratulations on a great match and glad to see your hard work paying off."

Also very well put. Ditto.

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The writer of the article is one of the moderators on this very forum. I know him personally and have shot with him on numerous occasions. I can almost guarantee that he meant no harm with those comments. Lets not crucify him before he gets to defend himself.


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Thanks again guys. Also, I put a post in the Revolver-forum thread explaining that I do not mean to put Patrick down. It's just the text that got to me and the intention of the author doesn't really matter.

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Even worse is people will think you are "being a jerk" if you say that you are going to beat Joe Champion. Many will think that you must be stuck on yourself if you think you can beat Joe Champion. sigh.

I think it's funny how people's mental games are so damaged and they don't even recognize it!

Congrats on your placement and don't let the short sightedness of others rain on your parade.

-Edited to step down to "jerk" since this is a family site. :)

Edited by vincent
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