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Friday Flamer 10-28-05


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Finally dragged a$$ to the range today. I've been trying to work up a 4756 load. Still don't have it where I want it for the S. FL match... and my friggin' C-More clicky-knob-dealie broke!!!! The metal thingie in the middle snapped in two it flew off mid shot. Not replaceable, not repairable... I need a new C-More. ARGH!!!

Thank goodness Derek answers his phone at 7:30pm on a Friday night!!!

Hey Vincent... have you been practicing at Impact lately?... a found a few nice, shiney, new, unmarked .38 SC brass out there today... :D

edited to add: I hope it's ok that I started a Friday Flamer topic...??? I'm pissed about my C-More, but not pissed enough to give it it's own topic. :lol:

Edited by Sharyn
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In the immortal words of The Human Torch (Fantastic Four) "Flame On"

I hate that I totally forgot about it being Friday and that the Friday Flamer should have been opened up quite a bit earlier (Thanks Sharyn).

I hate that I have been having sporadic stomach cramps since I got back from the Multigun Nationals last week. Maybe my AR isn't the only thing that got broken in Vegas ;-/

I do like that gas is back under 3 bucks again, but hate the fact that the price going up over 3 bucks is what makes me feel that way!!! Anything over .29/gallon is a ripoff especially if you don't get green stamps with a fillup (anyone remember what era that's from?).

I hate that the financial reports of the major US oil companies are all showing a huuuge increase in profits recently. IIRC, I heard that Exxon's gross profits for 2005 are up over 60% and most of that is in the later part of the year. WTF is going on here? I am getting mad as hell and I am not sure if I am going to be able to take it anymore! (name the movie that is paraphrased from)

Let er' rip folks! I'm done.

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George, the movie is "Network" And since this is the "Hate Forum" that movie is on my personal list of movies that are soooooo baaaad....they're still bad.

I hate that in the same natural gas bill envelope I get told that my price will rise over 70% in the next few months, I get told that I need to conserve, or else the gas company may not have enough gas for all their customers, and I get asked to contribute to the gas companies heating aid fund for people who can't pay their gas bill.......

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I hate that even in summer, when I use maybe $5-6 worth of natural gas, the bastards have the unmitigated audacity to charge me $12.50 to read my meter! I work at home and I've seen that guy come through the neighborhood. He checks meters on both sides of a half-mile long street in less than 45 minutes.

Figure 40 houses at $12.50 each, that's $500 just to read meters on this one street in 3/4 hour. That's $750 per hour and without even charging for the gas. If the guy made $30 per hour, that's still a profit of $472.50 in 45 minutes!!!

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the movie is "Network" And since this is the "Hate Forum" that movie is on my personal list of movies that are soooooo baaaad....they're still bad


But I absolutely love the line "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" :angry::P:D;)

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wooo woooo! i wanna participate!

so i dropped my cell phone a few weeks ago. then my creative ass wants to fix it. i dremeled my antenna base and crazy glued it, tweaked it so i can receive reception.

then i get a letter saying a can qualify for a free phone upgrade. then i go to the store and they tell me they are all out of the cool phone. my two year contract is up by june 2006, but in the mean time they tell me if i get a new phone i have to sign another two year contract with a crap ass phone that every soccer mom has! well, call me a phone snob if u wanna, but i hate having to be cornered into buying what they sell. aw **** i will either buy another over priced phone that will be out dated in a few weeks or cancel my contract in june 2006. i have plenty of crazy glue!!!! ;)

i need another new Bedell...not a new cell phone!

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i need another new Bedell...not a new cell phone!

Hear, Hear! Now that's the idea. There is no such thing as having too many guns ;-)

As far as new guns go, I hate that I can't go buy what I want, when I want (Dang California Thang!)

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I hate getting a remodeling quote so high that I am chosing to do all the work myself.

This will affect my time available for shooting come spring, which bites as I just got a new Brazos open gun, and have never shot open before.

I hate that the quote would barely have been reasonable if it had been half as much!

Then, the bozo architect implies I might injure my hands if I attempt the work myself, so it's really a bargain. Dude, I work with sharp instruments and power tools, that's what I do. Still have all my fingers.

I hate that these folks assume there's no way I could possibly do anything but take their gouging with a smile. Well, surprise, I'm no Bob Vila or Tim the Toolman, but I can build a deck, I can install a floor, I can drywall and paint. For the rest...I can READ!

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I do like that gas is back under 3 bucks again, but hate the fact that the price going up over 3 bucks is what makes me feel that way!!! Anything over .29/gallon is a ripoff especially if you don't get green stamps with a fillup (anyone remember what era that's from?).

Ooh, ooh, I do. The S&H store was just two blocks from my grandmother's house. The local grocery also gave green stamps.


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Thanks for opening this George...I hate that I thought about it yesterday morning and then spaced it.

I hate that my job is so stressful it is REALLY screwing with my memory.

I hate that I now have a totally screwed up sinus/eustacian tube and thus am about 70% deaf in one ear. So now I am on steroids (inhaled) and nasal lavage (which is a REAL thrill let me tell ya). That treatment really helps but the effect is temporary thus far.

I hate that I am meeting the deductibles on all my insurance in Q4 instead of Q1 so now I will get to start all freaking over in Q1 2006. Dammit!

I hate that the time changes tonight/tomorrow. I hate time changes. Why can't we just do away with this crap? It is worthless and you have to manipulate the hell out of the stats to make it look like it does anything at all. Pick one and stay with it.

I hate that I am happy gas is 2.58 a gallon only because is was 3.11 a couple weeks ago and now Exxon announced a 12 BILLION dollar profit for Q3. WTF!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

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I hate that I am happy gas is 2.58 a gallon only because is was 3.11 a couple weeks ago and now Exxon announced a 12 BILLION dollar profit for Q3. WTF!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!!!!

I hear ya' on that Kev!

Let's all say it loud and clear: I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!

I hate that we really will just sit back and take it on the oil issue without much other than a little whimpering as we buy our way over-priced fossil fuels ;-(

Where is the revolution and how can I join it?

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I hate that every little small town has their hand in my pocket and wants a taste of the action whenever I work in there. At least the mob is polite when they want something, these guys are jerks.

I hate that the 5% or more tax they place on contracts performed in their towns are a hidden tax that the homeowners never realize they pay-unless the contractor tells them.

I hate that the State took over workers compensation and I pay thousands of dollars for coverage for one employee- and it doesnt' even cover me.

I hate that the phone company has a virtual monopoly on phone books and I spend more than my mortgage each month on yellow page ads that are not even very large.

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"I hate that I have been having sporadic stomach cramps since I got back from the Multigun Nationals last week. Maybe my AR isn't the only thing that got broken in Vegas ;-/"
I thought what you DID in Vegas you were supposed to LEAVE in Vegas... :D

The price of petrol has virtually paralyzed my activities. I just don't have the spare cash for all this random running around right now. I hate that I don't have a conventional job, but I'm SOOOO lucky I don't have one right now... I can't AFFORD the commute!! Whatta stoopid dilemma!! :angry:

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I hate getting a remodeling quote so high that I am chosing to do all the work myself.

This will affect my time available for shooting come spring, which bites as I just got a new Brazos open gun, and have never shot open before.

I hate that I am in the middle of several remodeling projects that affect my practice time and shooting time... (New laundry room, new bathroom, roof, ...) (I prefer to do it myself though my quality is better, and cost is waaayyyy less...time to complete unfortunately is longer though.)

I hate that these folks assume there's no way I could possibly do anything but take their gouging with a smile. Well, surprise, I'm no Bob Vila or Tim the Toolman, but I can build a deck, I can install a floor, I can drywall and paint. For the rest...I can READ!

I am glad you arn't Tim the Toolman... :P

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Thank goodness Derek answers his phone at 7:30pm on a Friday night!!!

edited to add: I hope it's ok that I started a Friday Flamer topic...??? I'm pissed about my C-More, but not pissed enough to give it it's own topic. :lol:

Lol...anyone can start a Friday Flame, it's unfortunate that someone always has a reason to.... :wacko:

If you mean Derek J....say hi for me next time you see him...maybe at a more reasonable hour though...hehe

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