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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Taran Butler


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I only met Taran once a few years back, but he took the time to chat with me while we were waiting in the desert heat for an awards ceremony.

Taran seemed like a genuine guy who really likes shooting, I was bummed to hear about his DQ, especially since there is no place in any legitamate "sport" for collaborating after the fact to award a penalty. If a penalty is earned, it should be issued immediately.

If only common sense were more common...

I hope Taran makes it to next year's Nats and kicks some @$$!!!

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After last years IDPA nationals, I was talking with Steve Broom. He told me about Taran's adventures and procedurals. He was amazed at how non-chalant Taran was about it....said he never got worked up, never did anything more than shrug his shoulders, even for things that Steve thought were less than fair. Having spent some time with Taran at dinners on occassion, I'd say there's very little that shakes his laid back attitude. He also does a really good Todd Jarrett impression. :D

I think there'll be a number of reactions to his DQ; two of them will be most prevelant IMO. There'll be the IPSC shooters who use it as proof that IDPA folk aren't fair and the IDPA folk who'll use it as proof that all IPSC folk are gamers. Both attitudes are unfortunate. I have no tolerance for in-fighting among sports. The DFW area has lost two clubs to people with such narrow minds that they could see through a key hole with both eyes. In one instance it was bullseye shooters and in the other it was shot gunners. Over time, perhaps the people with such issues will just fade out...that's my hope.

BTW, welcome to the forums Taran!

Edited by carinab
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    We need video of these impressions....  :huh:  :blink:  :D



Why didn't I do that?? I couldn't becuase I was laughing on the ground crying...

He is so funny and really wondrful person.

Yay for Taran in this forum (Hi Taran) and "hi" to Linda!

O like, at Steel Challenge, he got ricochet on his neck. The bullet was burried in his neck. He was bleeding all over.

After the match, he went home and, hear this, used superglue to glue it and came back to have dinner. His reason? "wound didn't close but I didn't want to go hospital"


Thinking about sulerglue in the wound makes me pass out...

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Thinking about sulerglue in the wound makes me pass out...

[thread drift on]

I believe that superglue (butyl cyanoacrylate) is chemically identical or almost identical to the skin glues available in pharmacys (ie newskin, etc.).

[thread drift off]

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Thinking about sulerglue in the wound makes me pass out...

[thread drift on]

I believe that superglue (butyl cyanoacrylate) is chemically identical or almost identical to the skin glues available in pharmacys (ie newskin, etc.).

[thread drift off]

quite correct, score one for the "duct tape fixes anything" crowd

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Actually, I think I was watching something on Discovery or the History channel about Glue (talk about bored that night) and found out that the old original crazy glue was a medical adhesive in Vietnam and then someone else discovered you could use it for other than a medical application. Having been in the medical device field for a short time, I remember reading surgical reports where they used medical adhesives to put things together before they closed the surgical wound. Was something I'd never thought of.


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/thread drift

I once cut the top of the my thumb very, very badly opening a pull top can of dog food. Didn't have insurance and when the urgent care told me it'd be about $400 to fix, I bought some betadine solution and super glue. Worked like a champ!

/thread drift off

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I have used super glue as well. I punctured my foot last year on a stake on my way to work and was left with a 2" gash. I didn't have insurance at the time so decided to make the 20 minute drive home and take care of it there. Imagine driving a manual transmission with a big gash like that on the ball of my clutch foot. Needless to say it sucked!! But the super glue worked and it didn't sting at all like I thought it would. Everyone thought I was stupid for using it, but I saved myself those outrageous emergency room fees. I still needed a tetnis shot though. So YES it does work!

And to re-iterate what others have said. Welcome Taran!

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