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Call me calloused and cynical, but I'm usually not struck by the horrors I read about in the news. Surprisingly the story of the Russian sub crew currently tangled in an antennae array, 625 ft. below the surface, has touched me deeply.

American and British crews are hurrying to the site as a result of an unprecedented request for assisitance by the Russian Navy. This geographical region has been securely off-limits to the rest of the world since WWII. The American crew and their gear landed this morning and are en route via surface ship with submersibles (hopefully) capable of cutting the sub free. I pray they arrive on station and can recover these men before their air supply is totally gone (estimates of just how much time they have vary widely).

God speed to the men and women involved in this rescue action. Let's hope all can be brought home safe and sound.

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Any reports of problems on Submarines touches me.

I served on submarines and can relate to the hazards and understand how it can feel to stuck down there.

I also pray for the rescue of the trapped sailors on the sub.

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Just saw a report that we are onsite, submersibles down, and apparently, the Russian sub was not caught in an antenna array, but a fishing net. Supposedly, we are snipping away the fishing net from the sub prop, and at least according to CNN HLN, the sub 'could' start up within the next couple of hours. :)

Hopefully, all survive, and while I certainly admire the brave sailors (above and below the sea), I really admire the Russian govt immediately calling for assistance as opposed to their handling of the Kirsk (or was it Kursk) disaster.

In any case, way cool that we have former enemies working together for a solution for all. Hopefully, we will see something like that with the Middle East in a few years..... ;)

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Home safe:

"PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, Russia - Seven submarine crew members trapped for nearly three days under the Pacific Ocean were rescued Sunday after a British remote-controlled vehicle cut away the undersea cables that had snarled the vessel.

The seven crew members, whose oxygen supplies had been dwindling amid underwater temperatures in the mid-40s, appeared to be in satisfactory condition, naval spokesman Capt. Igor Dygalo said. The seven were being examined by ship medics, he said.

The sub surfaced late Sunday afternoon, some three days after becoming stranded in 600 feet of water off the Pacific Coast on Thursday."


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They say everyone has their price, but I'm not sure I'd be willing to go below in a sub for ANYTHING. :ph34r: Gah...!! I've always considered water kinda evil stuff anyway. But I'm willing to go aloft in flimsy metal gizmos with only one rattletrap internal combustion engine. Go figure. :P:lol:

PS--I'm glad we all got that crew back to the surface.......

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HMs Royal Navy team seems to have completed the task before any of the USN equipment or personnel got on station!

Don't worry..Hollywood will make a movie about the rescue one day and it will be the American team that saves the day. History may be written by the victors, but it can always be re-written by Hollywood.

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The only reason Russians asked for help this time was because they couldn't afford another Kursk disaster to take place. They were offered help back then, but they thought they could handle it. Their image in the eyes of the world was more important than saving those 118 crew members trapped on that sub. Also, the fact that this was a small rescue (ironic, isn't it) mini-submarine (non-military) helped that decision.

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