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V For Vendetta


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Saw it last night.

Strongly reccomend it.

Lots of litterary and cultral references.

The whole "You Made Me" reminded me of Batman & Joker.

Lots of Common good versus, internal and external, conficts portrayed.

I liked the new spin on the Orwellian themes.

Bottom Line. V is one BAD DUDE.

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Saw it last night and love it! I'm anxious to see it again to as I know there are several things that I didn't catch the first time around.

Spoiler alert again! Don't go below

"If I'm still standing when you're done shooting I'll kill you all before you can reload" I kept thinking, good thing for him these guys aren't IPSC shooters! :D

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I haven't seen it yet, but will. I'm heartened to hear the Wachowski brothers avoided what I thought would be their greatest departure from the book, that we never see V's face til the end. When I heard Hugo Weaving would be playing V, I thought that with an actor of his stature in the lead role, we'd be seeing him unmasked often. Cool!

Actually, you NEVER see V's face.

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I liked it. Heavily influenced by Orwell. (Andybody else notice the Big-Brother-like chancellor was played by the actor who played Winston Smith in the 1984 movie?) I didn't like the comic book superhero stuff (knife-wielding, bullet absorbing) and I didn't like how they had to make some super-evil back story for the chancellor and his cronies. It seemed they were bending over backwards to justify V's vendetta.

I really liked what they did with the girl in the glasses, how she personified the resistance as much as V himself.

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I really dug it. I do agree with Duane about the "v this, v that" dialog but disagree when it comes to Evey's "feisty" nature. I haven't read the comic, though it sounds interesting, but it seemed to me that Evey thought she had power when she really didn’t. She thought she was resourceful. She thought she had moved beyond the nightmarish experiences of her past when in fact she was still living in that hellish world. The Finger men brought this all home to her with sneers and the promise of brutal rape till dawn followed, no doubt, by a black bag over her head and a trip to oblivion just like her parents. She has no more power than she did when she hid under the bed as goon squads dragged her family off. Later in the movie we are shown explicitly that she hasn’t really changed when the horror of her mother’s abduction is repeated as Gordon is bagged and tagged by the baddies. She may have had a feisty veneer but it peeled up pretty quickly to reveal the helpless waif beneath.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Bought it this past weekend and watched it for the first time. Since I've never seen or read the comic books I can't disagree with our storyteller Thomas but I really liked the flick. Good story and well made.

Now, does anybody else find Natalie Portman's voice and accent as sexy as I do?

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  • 5 months later...
Spoiler below! IF you haven't seen it, and don't want to hear what happens at the end, don't say I didn't warn you!! :P

I couldn't help but flash back to Episode VI of Star Wars series when Evey was holding the dying V in her arms. Was it just me, or did anyone else think of Luke Skywalker holding a dying Darth Vader? With the mask and the heavy breathing, and the obvious connection between Natalie and Luke, I couldn't help but stifle a giggle. B)

I kept waiting for V to go "Evey, I am your father...."

I caught the last 20 minutes of V last night and I had to laugh to myself at the lines/visual parallels a little too.

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