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Shooter Grrl

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Whadda damned ugly combination. Didja know that ticks like warm damp places to attach to? Do you know how much of you is warm and damp in 102 degree heat with 90% humidity??!?!

What I don't understand is how he got all the way up under my damned hat without me or anyone else noticing the little shit on his travels!!!!!!!

Ticks suck <_<

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You must 'taste' better than me as I think I escaped without any 'sucking'. :D

Then again, maybe that 40% DEET stuff I was covered in protected me (while seriously melting my some of my plastic gear)..... :angry:

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I only experienced the "ack! Tick! Get it off me" dance once. The thing did an airborne ranger manuever out of a tree onto my arm and then holster. He promptly died a bitter and horrible death - deservedly.

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I am sorry, but I don't know what all the fuss is about...when I was a kid, you routinely got ticks all over you running thru the woods and pastures...and yes, we got bitten enough times to remember it well, no serious ramifications from all those bites..

Just one of the things that you have to put up with in Tx in the woods and pastures...No Big Deal...

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In my neck of the woods the concern is Lyme disease. I've heard of a couple of shooters in our area sidelined from it. The ticks you usually see don't carry it but where there's one, there's the other.

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I found a tick attached to me ONCE and I quickly yanked it out and crushed it in a vicious execution. However, the DOG was the one we thoroughly inspected every night (we were in a rural situation in CA at the time)... god, the ticks were gross. And sometimes we'd be sitting around eating dinner--with the dog sitting there begging, as usual--and we'd hear the occasional "plop!" on the floor, only to notice a fully bloated tick (or two or three) laying there like a helpless, overturned turtle, grossly enlarged with blood like a damn' balloon... GAH!!!! During dinner!!! We would put them in bags, take 'em outside and stomp on 'em. Had to kill 'em somehow, but not something you want to do on the kitchen floor and have blood spewing all over. Acck, gross.

<insert hurling emoticon>

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My cousin Mike, in Canterbury, Connecticut, would take a pair of needle-nosed pliers and a pop bottle with some gasoline in it out on the back porch. He'd dip the pliers in the gas and put a drop on each of the ticks he found on their dog (black lab). Then, he would pull the tick off the dog and drop it into the bottle. At the end of each summer he had a thoroughly disgusting bottle of Ticks 'n Gasoline. :o



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The Dark house was heavily infested with the wingless bloodsuckers. My time would have been about a second less, if it had occured to me that the couch was probably crawling with them!

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Two things....

First, I was surprised to see some big dog laying on my stage in Barry, and was worried about the ticks. I asked the owner (sorry, can't remember the name so feel free to help me out), and he said that the dog was on XXX (Frontline maybe?). Apparently some drug that as soon as the tick bites, he immediately lets go and is pretty disoriented and falls off. Would be nice if WE could take that drug...

Second, when I was a kid I used to travel the woods with a magnifying glass. One of my favorite things to do if I found a tick on a sunny day was to put it on a flat surface, and focus the sun's energy through my magnifying glass on his little squirming body. POP! :D

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