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I'm so flipping frustrated that I need to vent. So it's been about six years since I hot-roded around on a unix box. My boss gives me not one, not two, but three oracle installs to do on Linux. Okay, it's a workload but it's good experience I think to myself. Since it's a full time thing on my part time hours, it's going slower than they want. 'Course they could care less that the white papers floating around on the web for each install are at a minimum 50 pages - Um, yes, that does mean it's a bit complex to use linux for oracle - miss one environment setting and you're toast. So what do they do? Give my job to another guy who left to go to India for a month. I still get to do the installs but "I'm not supposed to worry about the deadline." Ten emails from the project manager later and it still feels like pressure (Is it done yet? What's the hold up? Do we just need more effort? - I'll show you effort you sorry geek!). Each patch is like poison and to top it off, after following the vendors wishes, I have a problem. But because the vendor is in the stone age with their release (iAS ver on redhat 2.1), Oracle laughed at my TAR (support request) simply stating, "That version is in desupport, install OAS 10g."

And....my A/C is dying a slow death so my home office is a sweltering 93 degrees. I have 10 four year olds arriving for a bday party on Saturday and piles of things to do to get ready. I'm just about ready for an adult libation!

All stressed up but no where to scream!

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I'm just about ready for an adult libation!

All stressed up but no where to scream!

I find a massage to be tremendously beneficial in this situation ---- but seeing as you're pressed for time, booze is probably the best choice! Hope it eases up some at work ----- and that the AC repairguy shows soon.....

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After reading aikidale's post, I realized I'm the one stressing me out. Unreasonable deadlines - not my fault. Flakey vendor - not my fault. I can't control what the idiot, pointy haired boss does. Carpet full of crumbs/dirt - will still be there in the morning waiting for the vacuum. So one gin and tonic to aid introspection and I think I've let go of it. The only unfortunate thing was the number of mesquito bites I aquired while sweeping the patio and finishing the yard work at dusk. On the upside, focusing my anger into a useful outlet (like yard work) is much more benificial than just sitting and stewing in misery. I also need to meditate on why it is I feel that the state of my dust bunnies is a reflection on me because of my house keeping skills. Again, I re-iterate, I am a shooter trapped in the body of a working mom!

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Seems the Buddha was correct. Suffering comes from desire. You desire a clean house. You desire a paycheck. You desire linux mastery. You desire range time. You desire happy children. You desire oblivion. You desire a drink. You need more time!

So was the weather nice today?

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You must have been the middle child.......always felt responsible for things that were out of your control (me). It may never go away, you just learn to manage yourself better, which it sounds like you are doing. People tend to prey upon your high sense of accountability, yet once you let up on yourself their desires slip as well. You will overcome this, and once the anger subsides for peoples demands upon your psyche, you will have gained the proper perspective. Drink now or forever hold your peace :lol:

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I'm so flipping frustrated that I need to vent.  So it's been about six years since I hot-roded around on a unix box.  My boss gives me not one, not two, but three oracle installs to do on Linux.  Okay, it's a workload but it's good experience I think to myself.     Since it's a full time thing on my part time hours, it's going slower than they want.  'Course they could care less that the white papers floating around on the web for each install are at a minimum 50 pages - Um, yes, that does mean it's a bit complex to use linux for oracle - miss one environment setting and you're toast.  So what do they do?  Give my job to another guy who left to go to India for a month.  I still get to do the installs but  "I'm not supposed to worry about the deadline."  Ten emails from the project manager later and it still feels like pressure (Is it done yet?  What's the hold up?  Do we just need more effort? - I'll show you effort you sorry geek!).  Each patch is like poison and to top it off, after following the vendors wishes, I have a problem. 

And....my A/C is dying a slow death so my home office is a sweltering 93 degrees.  I have 10 four year olds arriving for a bday party on Saturday and piles of things to do to get ready.  I'm just about ready for an adult libation!

All stressed up but no where to scream!

1) Users of home offices should not use A/C - EVER. It sets unreasonable expectations of comfort. I have eight computers and no A/C. 93F? Big whoop - add a fan, work naked, wet towel on the neck.

2) There are many, many free hours when you normally sleep. What's wrong with all those dark hours? No kids, and it's cool(er). Sleep for 3 hours during daylight. That's all.

3) Adult libation = Red Bull = Starbucks Frappuccino Mocha. Mix them both together if needed.

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My boss's joking response to the multiple (frequent, constant) times our department has been put in similar positions was to look at the other planner in our group and say "Bill, I need a fifth of vodka, a bag of ice and a loaded 45." This occurred on a fairly regular basis until one morning meeting, he looked at me and said "Bill's incompetent. I've told him to get a fifth of vodka, a bag of ice and a loaded 45 and he has yet to produce them. You get them." I had them for him the next morning. He was speachless...


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And....my A/C is dying a slow death so my home office is a sweltering 93 degrees.  I have 10 four year olds arriving for a bday party on Saturday and piles of things to do to get ready.  I'm just about ready for an adult libation!

All stressed up but no where to scream!


Sorry to hear about how your weeks going. Since you said your A/C is slowly dying. Check outside at your condensing unit. It is cottonwood season and you might find it totally plugged with cottonwood "floaties". This impedes airflow, which for an A/C is very bad juju. Try rinsing out the condenser fins with your garden hose with the sprayer on the "jet" setting. Be careful not to bend the fins over.

As long as there is not a leak in the system, that usually gives you some relief from slowly climbing house temps.


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I hate Oracle! :angry:

It's just evil, they change system setting they shouldn't, they down versions my JVM so WebLogic started having a problem, it's too frigging expensive.

I'm convinved, Oracle is always setup to be installed by Oracle consultants, and that most of thier income comes from that!

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