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Caffeine Addiction


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I really really truly absolutely love coffee. But lately in the morning when the weather is hot I've skipped my morning cup. By early afternoon I have a headache. A quick cup of coffee makes the headache go away.

The headaches are a symptom of caffeine withdrawal and that makes me angry -- that my body must have the stuff or I'm gonna pay for it.

So I guess that I should not miss the morning cup -- or learn to like the headache.

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Hey, me too! You're just looking at it the wrong way......

Summertime fixes B)

Iced cappacino. It's not that great, but you feel good all day.

Double expresso. It's hot, but it's so small you can shoot it like Wiskey and it doesn't get you all overheated.

Some of the new energy drinks are supposed to have a ton of caffeine. They sound good, but I havn't personally tried one.

The local supermarket sells Starbucks cappacino in 4-packs. It's served cold.

I quit smoking, and I'm not quitting any of my other habbits at this point. Besides, no one likes a quitter.

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Never drank coffee until I was in my 30's. Now I will drive to the other side of town when I am headed the other way for a Starbucks. I have a few habits that I keep around just so new bad habits won't take their place. If you give up one bad habbit something else has to fill the void.

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Would a person die without caffene - or just think so?  :wacko:

No, but it does make for a really shitty 2 weeks while you kick the habit. I used to do Coke all the time (2 before breakfast, etc.), but am now caffeine free. The best part is that caffeine's really effective at keeping me awake now, when I need it.

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When I was overseas, I was told that I would come home addicted to something, and sure enough it was coffee. I used to drink so much every morning that I would have the shakes. I still lovet he stuff, but now I keep it down to one or two large cups a day, and when it is hot out (like it is now) I can cut it down to just one.

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The entire city of Seattle is addicted to caffeine. I knew a couple people who had to have multiple triple- and quad- lattes a day to avoid headaches. Like more than 5. That's 5 4-shot lattes a day. One buddy of mine had to be drinking a latte almost constantly from the time he got up until he went to bed. He was drinking less when I knew him out there, but he told me that at one time he was averaging 9 quads a day. At like 3 bucks a pop. That's almost a grand a month. Being addicted to caffeine is Seattle is like having a coke habit.

And it was just like a classic drug addiction. He would get raging migraines if he went without coffee for more than a half-day or so, but the caffeine didn't really seem to wire him like you would expect that much to. He was so used to it that he just functioned normally completely saturated on coffee to the point that anyone else would be a quivering mess and up for a week straight.

Seattle is the heart of caffeine addiction. That city is built on caffeine.

I never drank more than two doubles a day, OK, maybe 3. Even so, that's 6 shots of espresso a day. Too much. No coffee for me now, not even in the morning. But, man, is the coffee out there yummy. :)

Edited by GRD
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I have never been a coffee drinker, but I enjoy pops. I usually "break" the habit every time I get sick. I know that Caffine isn't really good for you, so when I get sick, I tend to drink lots of non soft drink liquids. It usually takes about 2 days for me to kick the headaches... but they are a bummer of 2 days. :-) I have discovered that Maverick has a 100 oz refillable mug now... :-) That is enough diet pepsi to keep me going for the evening! :-)

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My wife is a Diet Pepsi FIEND. She starts and ends her day with a glass of Diet Pepsi. After being advised by her doctor to "cut back" on caffiene, she switched to Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi (essentially brown bubbly water). She quickly learned that one 12 ounce can of regular Diet Pepsi each day was just enough to keep the dreaded caffiene withdrawl headache away.

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I just drink 2 pots a day because I love the taste. I never had a cup of coffee until the day I joined the Army. In the field, coffee was a pot of hot water with coffee grounds thrown in & maybe some egg shells for flavor.

On a business trip to Brazil, I drank their coffee straight in a regular size cup while the locals added cream & sugar to an Espro cup. The coffee & cream had to be added at the same time or it wouldn't mix. I think I had some coffee in New Orleans like that when I was stationed at Biloxi.

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I had a really bad experience with Caffine this week. After drinking the before mentioned 100oz of pop... two days in a row... my body decided to purge liquids at an alarming rate. I decided to back off pop for the time being. I haven't had any since Monday morning. Will probably go until this weekend, just to make sure my body is clean again, and then start up the bad habit again. :-)

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Seattle is the heart of caffeine addiction.  That city is built on caffeine.

It's the only way to stay awake there, as gloomy as it is!!! :lol:

$27/day in coffee??? Jeez...

I am addicted - I drink approx 3.5 cups a day, and that's enough for me to go through withdrawl something fierce. Not enough, though, to induce noticeable shakes. I have gotten off it several times, only to have to pull an all nighter and be right back on. One of these days, I'll get off for good - I feel a lot better w/o this crap in me. But, alas, I like the taste of coffee, too (and decaf tastes like shjt, doncha know). It's my only vice, at this point, so I guess I can allow it for the time being :) :) :)

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For me, its ICED TEA

I brew my own stuff.

You cant see through the crystal clear glass its so strong. Looks like motor oil.

Wait!!! GULP!! AHHH!!!! BZZZZZZ!!

Starbucks needs to sell my brew.


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I'm the complete opposite. I do like coffee, but I rarely drink it. Coke is as much caffine I can take. If I drink a Mountain Dew in the afternoon, I'm wired till 2AM, literally bouncing off the walls. Then I wake up the next day with a hangover, but not as servere as a alcohol hangover. Back when I was racing bikes, I used to drink about 10 cups with a ton of sugar right before a race. It was great for racing criteriums since I get both a caffine and a sugar rush.

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I am a former 24 cup a day junkie. I also used to drink the concentrate straight. I slowly weened myself by replacing a scoop of the real stuff with a scoop of decaf. I suggest you start slowly -- two scoops different every three to four weeks. I did not have withdrawl problems like the time I tried to go cold turkey. I must admit that I now appreciate a good cup of coffee.

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In grad school I started the day with a full pot of coffee. Drank a couple cups and the rest went into a travel mug for the walk to my office. Once at the office I made another pot of coffee. That got me to around noon usually.

After lunch it was another pot and usually a pot after dinner to sustain me until the lab work was done around midnight.

By the end of grad school I was living on jalapeno peppers, bannanas and coffee. Peppers for the endorphin rush (probably), bannanas because of the vitamins and minerals and they would stay down and coffee to stay awake. I was averaging 3 - 4 hours of sleep a night. BP was totally out of control (170/110 and worse) and I was too broke to do anything about it. Doc said to quit drinking coffee. Yeah...like I was going to do that!

My very close friend and study buddy became pregnant with twins that next fall about a month after she defended. As she was drinking about as much coffee as I was she had to quit. We were working in the same lab at the time so as moral support I quit with her. Longest damn 90 days of my life. Cut down gradually for a couple weeks then it was cold turkey.

Other than the ocassional cup I stayed off coffee for about a year and a half. Now I am a half-pot a day coffee drinker and that is enough most of the time. BP is under control. Life is so much better.

But I will never give up coffee again. I enjoy the taste and the whole experience too darn much to quit it again and I hate my doctor friend ever time he tells me coffee is bad for me...as he kills another litre of Mountain Dew. Let's see...semi-natural product vs totally artificial everything product. Yeah....right.

Life is too short to drink crappy coffee...or Mountain Dew.

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