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Fitting A Swenson Thumb Shield Safety


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I've done a search on the Swenson safeties and it appears that most people are not satisfied with their quality/finish. A lot of people complain that they are a pain to fit right. I was curious if the finish preparation needed to shine these safeties up was the major gripe, or is it the actual fitting of the safety (mating the internal piece to the sear) that people have a hard time with? I recently bought a Swenson from Brownells and it came to me in a "galvanized" type finish. I can understand how buffing this piece out would be a major pain. Is having to go through that process the worst thing about these safeties? It appears the part is cast, and I'm not sure but I think the safety is Stainless steel. Is this right?

I am left handed and when I shoot I keep my thumb on top of the safety. I do exert a lot of downward pressure on the safety so I am looking for an ambi that will hold up to this type of stress. I hear a lot of stories of ambi safeties failing when used by left handers. I would like to avoid the safety seperating inside the gun.

Finally is there a company out there that makes a similar version of this safety that is stronger? Milled or tool steel possibly? I am looking for something with the same type of integral thumb shields, not a "Krebs" frame mounted shield. Thanks in advance for any info.

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"Totally Unfinished" is the main gripe, I think. They basically cast them and throw them in a bag. There is more than the basic fitting and shining; you have to clean up the flash where the parting line is, there's usually some bad tool marks, the pads don't always clear the frame sides. Basically, a lot more fitting than a basic thumb safety.

The only ones I've seen other than the Swenson are people who welded up their own.

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I require a thumb safety with an integral shield. Something that moves up and down when the safety is engaged/disengaged. A frame/grip mounted shield is not what I am looking for.

Thanks to all for their posts.

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am left handed and when I shoot I keep my thumb on top of the safety. I do exert a lot of downward pressure on the safety so I am looking for an ambi that will hold up to this type of stress.

I have a set of Swensons on my gun at this time, and I'll tell you flat out they won't last if used like that. The metal is just crap.

You're going to have to get a set of Kings, Ed Browns, or SV (with the set screw) and braze on the paddles if you want something that's going to last you more than a couple of weeks.

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Hey Brian..Sorry to put you through all of the hell man. The Swenson safeties suck. However, until the patent runs out, they are the only good game in town if you don't want to use the frame mounted shield. Since you are planning on using them, make sure that the right side safety is supported when it is pushed down. If your shooting left handed the right safety has to rest on the frame. If material has to be added to make this happen then get it done. The reason that they break in the middle is the left side is all of the way down and resting on the frame and the right side is not quite sitting on the frame. The constant torque (spelling?) splits the two sides apart. If you can, get a lefty to do the fitting. ;)

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EricW, Well that is not good news. Especially since this gun may be used for CCW. I am beginning to learn just how fragile ambi safeties are for lefties. I suppose it isn't going to help that the bottom of the thumb pad is going to rest on the top of the grip panel, is it? The top of the grip is going to act like an over travel stop, preventing the safety from traveling too far downward and eventually separating inside the gun.

In your opinion which safety is more durable for a lefty, the Kings ambi or the SVI with the set screw? Which could handle the most torque? Finally is it possible to have thumb shields brazed/welded on the Kings/SVI in an attempt to make a "custom" Swenson "like" safety? ;)

I am open to any suggestions.

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Why can't you use the frame mounted shields? I don't understand why they are not an equivalent solution. There's nothing that isn't better about the Brazos shields, and I guarantee with the way Bob L. builds stuff that you won't have to screw around "fixing" them.

I'm a righty, so I couldn't tell you which ambi is most Lefty-resistant. I can tell you with absolute certainty that a Swenson anything would not make it onto any of my carry guns ever.

The only reason my Swensons haven't been deep-sixed is that I don't feel like giving up my gun for two months.

Also, think about tap, rack, bang drills before you put shields on a carry pistol. You have NO OTHER CHOICE than to dive for the front of the slide to clear a jam. Are you really sure that's something you want to be doing in a hurry? I don't. If I get a jam, I slow waaaay down rather than risk scoring two alphas and an index finger.

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I think that their patent has expired, and I have heard a rumor that SVI is coming out with an "improved" version....

The basic Swenson patent doesn't expire until 2006 or 2007, I believe. But, I also believe it is possible for a clever person with a good lawyer handy to get around it. SVI may have found a way.

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Also, think about tap, rack, bang drills before you put shields on a carry pistol. You have NO OTHER CHOICE than to dive for the front of the slide to clear a jam. Are you really sure that's something you want to be doing in a hurry? I don't. If I get a jam, I slow waaaay down rather than risk scoring two alphas and an index finger

Yes this fact was already considered. This safety is just going to be "an experiment" of sorts. It would not go on a defense gun unless it was proven utterly safe/reliable. I would stick with my "combat tupperware" until I proved another gun worthy.

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<Insert standard "not a lawyer yet", and "darn sure not a patent lawyer" disclaimer here>

Did a quick search of patents and found it. US Patent # 4,742,634. It looks like application was originally filed March 23, 1987. IIRC, it looks like a utility patent, which means it should be good for 20 years from the date of application, which unfortunately means it's good till March 23, 2007.

Of course, any attorney knowing otherwise feel free to step in and correct me here...

So...who ISN'T going to be copying the heck out of these things in a couple years? :D

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I had a Kings modified. HAd a longer wider rest and shield added and a small allen screw drill and tapped into the frame to take the downward pressure.

Over 30,000 rounds of full house 45 and it still there. I really put pressure on it. I believe it one reason my split times are close to guys using 40's on heavy sti frames.

One other I recommend for lefties is to rework the safety plunger grooves. Setup the safety so it won't stop between the two positions. By that I mean when you depress the right side lever as soon as it has enough tension to over come the pin pressure it pops to off position. With a little patience and fitting, you get a great positive safety. I used set of needle files and then polished with dremel.

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OK will take day or two, have to bring digital camera home, then back to office to post them. I live so far out that 26.4Kbs is all I can get for internet access, but at work I'm on 10Gigabyte network with 3 different internet access pops.

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I have a set of high polished Swenson's if someone needs a set. They have been fit to an STI so the Ambi retainer leg is shortened for the 2011 frame. Keep in mind they have been fit so you may have to tig up the engagement ledge as well.


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