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Waiting To Hear Back After An Interview


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I am waiting to hear back from an interview I had last week. It is a firm in Houston and I would definately consider taking the job which would put a hault on my move back to Phoenix. I am about 2.5 weeks from hitting the road and I am going nuts. I need to do soooo much stuff if to plan for the move (like rent a truck and a house, pack and sell my house) that I am getting freaked out. I was all set to move and only interviewed with this firm out of curiosity. After I talked to them I really really like the people and work and now I would rather accept that job than move home. I really just need to know one way or the other so that I can pack and plan or not. I am pulling what little hair I have out of my head.

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It is a good sign that it is taking longer. With a large pool of applicants it has probobly come down to you and one other person, and they are having a hard time deciding. Hang in there, don't bug them.

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I'm agree it's a good idea not to bug them, but a follow-up call to say how much you enjoyed the visit and to express your excitement at the prospect of an offer might be a very good thing. I've made hiring decisions between various candidates who were closely matched in qualifications, based simply on who seemed to really want the job the most.


Good luck with your quest,


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I agree with you, Erik. But if it really went without saying, I would have a very tall stack of "thanks for the interview" letters.

I still remember the worst interview I ever conducted. This guy was so tight-lipped, I couldn't get him to talk at all. Even trying to probe him with open-ended techniques resulted in absolute minimum responses. I wasn't sure whether he just thought he had the position by default, or had accidentally walked into the wrong door on his way to the bar. I finally had to ask him straight out, "Do you even want this job???"

At the end, instead of the usual, "We'll get back to you in a day or two," I told him I wouldn't hire him on a dare. I said he seemed either disinterested or simply unable to engage in meaningful communication (a very vital component of the position he applied for). That got him talking! ;)

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I think that leaving people hanging out like that is unconscionable. I tell each person I interview that I don’t send “Dear Jane” letters. If I want a second interview or I have made a hiring decision they will hear from me by X day at 5:00 PM. If you don’t get a call by then you need to move on.

The last guy I hired was the only one that sent a “thanks for your time” note.


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So I finally call them today and the guys response was "ohhh, we never contacted you???" blah blah blah. Oh well. No Job.. I guess I have to go live in AZ and shoot Tues. Steel with Robbie every week.. :D

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Back in August I interviewed with a company. I knew they only interviewed one other person because I knew the other guy also. Had to do two separate interviews because the VP wasn't there. He said they would hire within the month. A month went by, too busy can't hire right now, end of the year. Towards the end of the year, still too busy, but really want to hire me. Pretty much gave up then, tired of the BS.

A few weeks later, interviewed with another company on a Monday. They flew in someone from the parent company in Israel for another interview on Friday. Did a quick 5 minute interview, sat and waited for 20 minutes as they discussed among themselves. Then they came out with a contract for me to sign.

In talking with my former employer, if you don't hear back within a week, they usually don't want to hire you.

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And on the flip side, some companies just don't know when to quit. Received my third call last friday after I said "No, thank you" to their previous calls. Thinking about it last night, I decided "what the heck, might as well do some exploring...who knows." So today I'm off to an interview. Here's hoping for more means to support the hobby...:P

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HA! Try waiting on THREE companies from interviews in the last 2 months!!!! Talk about going nuts...

David got an offer from one of the companies he interviewed with and accepted it! We're moving to the greater Cincinatti area - but will be living in KY or IN! (Ohio CCW laws suck still!)

I can not believe that I'm moving, again - someone just shoot me now and put me out of my misery :o

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I'm in the same position, the farm I'm sharemilking is sold, so job and home are gone at the end of the month.

I'm also bound to find another within a short drive of the local school because I refuse to give up shared custody of my daughters and the new job almost certainly means I can't take my place in the NZ Team for World Shoot.

So frustrated! :angry:

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I'm an employer & you would be surprised how may people I interview don’t even have the common courtesy to thank me for my time or even sent a follow up letter or email.

This week alone I interviewed 15 people, hired 3 for 12 openings and not a single one sent any type of follow up and this is for a job that pays $60K +. I think I would fall over if someone did.

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This week alone I interviewed 15 people, hired 3 for 12 openings and not a single one sent any type of follow up and this is for a job that pays $60K +. I think I would fall over if someone did.

People are forgetting common courtesy these days - making it uncommon (much like sense). A smart interviewee will take every advantage they can get - and how long does it really take to write a thank you note? Hmmmm..... heck, I hope they keep it up. Just makes more advantage for me :)

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