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Why Did You Start Shooting Competively?

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I am just getting into USPSA, but I have been around hunting/firearms, my entire life. My first gun was a 12 gauge shotgun, when I turned 12. When I was 14, I shot in a trap league with that shotgun, and did pretty well. Our team came in 2nd overall. Following that, I did not do a lot of shooting, some plinking here and there.

About 3 years ago, I went to a CCW class with my wife and parents, and shot my first pistol. My family and I started practicing every-other week, but we found that shooting bullseyes can get boring (though, my dad did give me his old .357 and .32 pistols).

Fast forward a few years, and my buddy got into black powder and then Mil-spec rifles. I would go out with him, and usually could hold the rifles a bit better, and score more hits. He later put together an AR15. After finding out how cheap one could be put together for, I decided to pick one up. While researching it, I discovered 3 gun, and my buddy and I were both hooked on the looks of 3gun. From there, we discovered USPSA, and have gone to one fun match, and are looking forward to going to another one. (Having a 6 month old daughter and a wife that works weekends makes shooting a little more difficult).

My buddy and I are both competitive by nature. This sport looked like a lot of fun. We were already doing the draw, and see who could dump the most shots into a target accuratly thing... this just gives us some well-defined rules, and a lot of people to humiliate ourselves in front of. :-)

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I have always enjoyed shooting handguns, but was getting really bored with standing 10 yards away form a target and trying to shoot a nice group. I needed to do something that got my heart pumping, and was a real challenge. When I moved to WI the local club was having a pistol safety orientation class. They had a few different pistol leagues to shoot in, one of them being ISPC league. I found out that practical shooting is probably the most fun you can have with your clothes; needless to say I was hooked.

I have been shooting competitively now for a year. I am sticking with Production because it is a little cheaper and has fewer worries.

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I got tired of spending Saturdays alone while my husband went shooting. I had always been taught my Mom that I could do anything a man could do, so I went and found I liked it. Now, I'm hooked - it's the adrenaline that's kept me in it - that and the progression and actually being able to SEE yourself improving.

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Got tired of shaving my legs, so I bought a pistol, 2 month later, became a member of USPSA. That got your attention. I've been racing bicycles since high school. Towards the end of college, I just got tired of training and riding everyday. Got tired of the politics involved in racing on a team. In general, just got tired of riding.

So wanted to do something different. Went through the gun phase. Bought a shotgun, 10/22, 22 pistol, then finally a centerfire pistol. Talk to uscbigdawg at a Yolo match and the rest was history.

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Got tired of shaving my legs, so I bought a pistol, 2 month later, became a member of USPSA.    That got your attention.  I've been racing bicycles since high school.  Towards the end of college, I just got tired of training and riding everyday.  Got tired of the politics involved in racing on a team.  In general, just got tired of riding. 

So wanted to do something different.  Went through the gun phase.  Bought a shotgun, 10/22, 22 pistol, then finally a centerfire pistol.  Talk to uscbigdawg at a Yolo match and the rest was history.

Yea.... I feel you on the leg shaving. I used to ride 6000 miles a year. Now, I'm down to riding maybe once a week. I like to be good, so if I don't have the time or motivation to ride and train, I won't do it much.

I'd rather shoot anyway. :)

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Growing up, my crazy old man ran a gunsmithing shop out of the basement/ground floor. Hard to beat being a kid with a gun shop downstairs and your nearest neighbor a mile and a half away.

Joined the Air Farce (since the Boy Scouts had adult supervision ;) ), and ended up in Germany on my second tour. Those wacky Germans shot bullesye, so I shot bullesye. Fun, but...slow.

Ended up in Hawaii on my fourth tour. The IPSC club was, with few exceptions, the embodiment of the very worst things I'd ever heard about IPSC. So I got into SASS, and played "combat pistol" up on Schofield Barracks with folks who thought IDPA was for Nancyboys.

Moved to Texas, and fell in with one heck of a bad crowd. Gave up the .45 and the leather holster after much browbeating and verbal abuse. Now I shoot a Open gun because I like going fast fast fast fast AND hitting things (still have that "only accurate guns are interesting" thing going on from my days in Germany, but I like hitting them in an expedient fashion B) ).

I still shoot SASS now and then, and am a IDPA SO, but the best shooters and the most innovative and entertaining shooting challenges are IPSC, hands-down.


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