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Since there has been much of the he said / she said activity going on lately, I figure why not add some more fuel to the fire so we can get a proper gender war going? <tongue planted firmly in cheek>

The idea is for the lady shooters to post some of their more horrific experiences dealing with "men" in the shooting sports. No names should be used so we don't directly attack or insult anyone. As the standard disclaimer goes, "Any similarity between the characters herein and your neanderthal self is purley coincidental." :P

As a side note, perhaps this thread will edify some of you as to the situations encountered by the female shooters thus raising awareness. Getting more women into the sport would be a good thing as we generally do the scorekeeping/bookkeeping thing fairly well plus we tend to bring in our juniors. And don't forget guys, getting your spouse into shooting will double your toy budget!

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I had a magazine in my hand at the time and like the angry owner whose dog has just messed on the carpet, I went <thap> on his nose

Seems appropriate enough. I do have a question though, did you hit him with the base pad or the follower?

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Though I'm treated with considerable respect at the range for the most part, there is ONE thing that keeps haunting me that is a sensitive issue... and one I can neither abide nor understand: If two GUYS are standing around chit-chtting it's NOT o.k. for me to approach and interrupt their conversation. But if I'M chit-chatting with one of the guys it seems to be quite OK for THEM to come up and totally interrupt and hijack the conversation as though I weren't even standing there!!!! Now, not EVERY guy there does this but MOST of them do. It's my ONLY, ONLY complaint about this crowd.

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And don't forget guys, getting your spouse into shooting will double your toy budget!

I tried this once. It increased THE toy budget - not MY toy budget.... ;) There's a subtle difference :lol:

BTW - *MY* worst run in at the range was w/ a "lady" (if you could call her that)... I told Carina about it via PM. Much worse than the guys...... :wacko:

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Thanks for pointing out that it might not be OK to poke at the private parts of the opposite sex.

I guess I should stop doing that. :rolleyes:

(Yeah, I am getting a bit tired of the "guys aren't smart enough to get it" stereotype. <_< )

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Appropriate response??? HELL! That shjt would not fly in a bar much less in a "normal" social setting...IMO. :angry:

Let me be more clear. I think the thwap on the nose with a magazine was an appropriate response, assuming of course the magazine was an ammunition feeding device. Just shooting the sob would have caused so much paperwork I understand why Carinab didn't cap him, not that he didn't deserve it.

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Thanks for pointing out that it might not be OK to poke at the private parts of the opposite sex.

I guess I should stop doing that.    :rolleyes:

(Yeah, I am getting a bit tired of the "guys aren't smart enough to get it" stereotype.  <_< )

I wasn't trying to generalize and lump all men into a stereotype. My intention was to bring the issue to light in a humorous manner. However, I can completely understand your reaction. Well mannered people find the idea of such cretins implausible.

I'm not trying to beat up on the guys but you would be wrong to assume that the occurrence of uncivilized acts towards the ladies doesn't happen very frequently. Siggy's environment seems to be the exception to the rule because this very topic dominated a long discussion at camp. I have heard a myriad of tales from alot of ladies - from the higher ranked women too. My hope is to enlist everyone to "police the line" as it were, nipping this sort of thing in the bud right as it happens. Most of us ladies don't want to make waves and complain about it.

I think I am sorry now that I started this thread. :(

edited to remove content - never mind, I'll just shut up now.

Edited by carinab
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This one does not involve physical pain but it does show the other side of the coin.

A few months after I got my wife to start shooting she took a liking to bullseye. A few of the regulars said how nice it was that she enjoyed the sport and one let her use his Benelli to shoot rimfire.

At a monthly match during a slow fire string (10 rounds in 10 min), I took it upon myself to "coach" my wife. She rattled off all 10 shots in about 90 seconds.

My advise was "you should really slow down etc etc". One of the other shooters advised me to look through the scope and see how "bad" it was. He said that maybe I could give her pointers about her horrible group.

I looked. It was a 98 - 5x.

I looked at my wife and said "I'll shut up now and go back to my hole" A couple others laughed and the RO made a point of telling the entire line what had transposed. "So what is the aniversary present going to be this year... a Benelli!!!???" The entire line laughed.

That was the last time I volunteered to coach her and she has not let me forget.

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We have a couple at our range that thinks the women should just stay at home. I was told by some of the other shooters that they don't like my 10 year daughter Shea shooting. I was told they get pissed when she kicks there asses, my comment was get used she only going to get better! Hell I get asked all the time how I feel about my wife beating me. What the hell is the big deal, that gun has no clue if it's male or female driving it. Another thing guys need to keep there comments to there selves at the range regarding women’s body parts. Almost everyone at our range has electronic ears!!!! Guys we need our spouses support shooting if not Tracy won't let spend whatever I want on Guns. But we do have a saying at our indoor range since we have about 5 or 6 women that shoot. YOU GOT BEAT BY A GIRL AND BE HAPPY!!!!

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And to throw out the question to the gals, what's wrong with someone trying to strike a conversation with you with an opening statement like "Hi, nice glock." Is the glock really that ugly labelling it as "nice" is too strong an opening line? :wacko::P

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I must say I'm quite disturbed about the situations you describe in your original post as well as your last one (I read it before you edited it). What you describe is very disrespectful and in some cases (like the one with the pasters) outright sexual harassment. Just my opinion, and yes, I'm aware that nobody asked for it.

There are few members of the club I used to go, about 15 men, and 2 women. The majority of the group were lifelong rugby pals and the 2 women were wife and daughter of one of the men, so they were "part of the family".

However I must say I always noticed that "treat her like a porcelain ballerina" attitude...

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DAMN, I missed Carina's comments before she edited them!!!

I think that for the most part, do a search on other threads :D , this is not a thread I should be visiting :o

Just kidding!

I think that we need more women shooters. I am new to this sport, but the local club that I shoot, we have two female shooters that are well respected and treated equally to everyone else. Do I like to beat them, hell yes, but I wanna beat everyone at the match, so what does that matter!

Heck, one of them I ask for advice!

And I hope to get my girlfriend involved before too long! (In shooting that is ;) )

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this very topic dominated a long discussion at camp

"This one time, at ladies' camp..."

Erik, of course it happened at ladies camp, when and where else do we get a chance to get together and discuss anything uniquely female as it relates to shooting?

I edited my 2nd post because I realized I was angry and ranting. I edited my first post because I realized Flex was right as it was a pretty extreme example and doesn't serve a valid purpose. My impression from Rika's thread was that most of the guys thought it was a skill progression thing and not related to gender and that we should get over it. Partly true, partly false.

Okay, now that I have cooled off some, perhaps I can be clearer. Banter and heckling are par for the course and if we want to stay, we better figure a way to deal with it. No issue there. But fairly often for me, it goes over the boundary line. I figured a few amusing stories would help clarify the where the line is and show that most of the women experience this.

Between Siggy and Flex's post, I began wondering if I was doing something to invite the over the top treatment. After thinking on it awhile, I think I've decided that if you banter back (which I think is immense fun), you run a greater risk of getting the extreme harrasment. This is especially true if you have a higher than average skill level. It's still the same thing though, jockeying for position in the pecking order. It's just the cretins start hauling out the big bombs.

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"This one time, at ladies' camp..."

Erik, of course it happened at ladies camp, when and where else do we get a chance to get together and discuss anything uniquely female as it relates to shooting?

This was an American Pie reference.... ;) "This one time, at Band Camp...." I'm sure Erik intended it to be humor :rolleyes:

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After thinking on it awhile, I think I've decided that if you banter back (which I think is immense fun), you run a greater risk of getting the extreme harrasment.

This is definitely true - I think it's something that any competitor should learn how to do, too. I can tell you, it's tough for me, as well - it's not just you :) It helped me learn how to lighten up about the competition, and enjoy my fellow competitors more. It also helped me learn to toughen up my head, and let the crap just roll off (either my own or other people's).

Where it gets bad is when some idiot steps over the decency line into truly offensive territory. I figure that the ladies will tell me how far they feel comfortable going by the way they banter at me, and then I stay one "level" back from that, to be safe. Banter's fun for me, I don't always have to "win" at that. Some people (and I've had this with girls, too...) just keep escalating the banter in a misguided attempt to have the upper hand - when it crosses the sex boundary, things can get pretty ugly, unfortunately.... :(

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And to throw out the question to the gals, what's wrong with someone trying to strike a conversation with you with an opening statement like "Hi, nice glock."  Is the glock really that ugly labelling it as "nice" is too strong an opening line?  :wacko:  :P

When I was single I didn't mind being approached after the match. But during, it's a bit distracting. However, I also decided that dating a shooter wasn't such a hot idea. I have overheard once or twice (why does everyone forget about electronic muffs?) something to the equivilant of "Does she think sleeping with a master will make her a better shooter?" I pretty much gave up on finding that ideal man that would load my ammo and clean my guns. :)

BTW, if you want to see my edited short list rant - PM me. I won't be sharing too many more personal experiences out in public.

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The funny thing I see, is that shooters want to beat each other at a match! With my golf background, I see this as not being a good thing. Golf and shooting are much the same, you can ONLY control what you do, and CANNOT play defense so to speak. SO....

Just go out and shoot the best YOU can, and then add'em up!

This sport seems to me, remember I am a newbie here, to be about controlling your own destiny!

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Been beaten twice by ladies shooting pistols, once in 78 trying to get a slot to the Natl's and once at the 80 Natls by Heidie Lipmeyer (15 yrs old at the time)....both times taught me a lessonabout shooting and women...I have tried not to forget either...

and the guys who allow harassment toward women anywhere should be chastised to allowing it...and the women involved should be allowed to do WHATEVER it takes to put an end to it...

Beaten lots by ladies shooting clays....Vickie Ash, Linda Joy and lots of others.... :D

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