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Well that's part of the reason I asked if He was on here, he could clarify, and maybe I did really misread things.

As I recall he claimed he could consistently make "good centered hits", at ten yards, from hands relaxed and a concealed start. I'll take two alphas (USPSA Robot heads) or down zeros on an IDPA as acceptable. He might do that from a retention psotion once in a while (esp if he was Bill Jordan) but at 10 yards, I think anyone would have trouble with consistency, especially at that speed.

I am no World beater, but at ten yards from an unconcealed open top holster an .85 is pretty tough for me, and someting I wouldn't bet on hitting every time. And if I follow it with a .14 split (to make the .99 max time) I am not an odds on favorite to make a hit, much less a pair of snake eyes.

The reload it was "A to A", again at the standard measure of ten yards, again from concealment / hands relaxed, and the article I read was this into a skinny gun "in less than a second consistenly and without any magwell or bevel treatment".

Pierruiggi, are you hitting those reloads from A to A, at 10 yards, from concealement into a box stock Mil Spec gun? If so I would dare say you are NOT in the bottom third of the skills scale.

I dunno, Maybe Mr. Taylor really is that good. But like I said, if so, I respectfully request proof. Those would be some high end skills to be sure. I'm not trying to turn this into a pissing contest, rather I was pointing out that knowing a little more about shooting now, then I did when I first read his stuff, I find the claims unlikely. I think if you make claims like that in print, eventually somebody, even in jest is going to ask for proof.

It has been pointed out that Mr. Taylor IS a solid shooter, so maybe he can do this stuff. Who knows?

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NO WAY! :)

From concealed, yes and no, my mag pouches are "concealment" type (as opposed to race magazine pouches with variable angles and all that), but I do not have any kind of cover garment over them.

Box stock gun, regarding the mag well, yes, it does not have any type of extended mag well, however I "flared" it a bit with a file (although later and because of cormumstances I'm too ashamed to mention, the flaring got severely deformed and is in no way smooth); furthermore I have high viz sights and big grips, to give it a double stack feeling.

A to A at 10 yards, I doubt it, the times I mentioned in those reloads where at about 7 to 8 yards to a pepper popper (calibrated to avoid falling after the first shot).

Consistency? 4 months ago, YES, on demand. Right now... I doubt it.

I'll try to post pics of my gun (and maybe rig) with the condition that you promess me not to laugh.

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Personally I hate any article written by anyone named Ayoob or Simpson or anyone who mentions that "one-shot stop" crapola. Matter-of-fact, if the writer's first name isn't Ross or doesn't also post at this site, then I have no use for them.

A few years ago I was at the club when Layne Simpson was tested a Les Baer .45. Said he had just gotten it and had to send it on to the next writer that afternoon so this would be his only chance to shoot it. I saw that he fired exactly 50 rounds and let someone else fire a mag full of ammo.

When the article came out he mentioned it was perfectly reliable during his 500 round test session. Not the first time someone at the club has noticed this kind of thing.

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  • 1 month later...

My personal favorite came out a year or so ago, I think it was American Handgunner, not sure though. The writer asserted that the reason us IPSC types favored .38 Super over the .45 was the two extra rounds you could fit in a mag. Try 22 extra rounds in a big stick, dummy. And nobody, at least that I ever ran into, runs a .45 Open Gun. And we all know about .38 Super in Limited Guns, unlike the dope that wrote the article (is that why they call it the Dope Bag)?

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I saw that he fired exactly 50 rounds and let someone else fire a mag full of ammo.

When the article came out he mentioned it was perfectly reliable during his 500 round test session.  Not the first time someone at the club has noticed this kind of thing.

One of my old neighbors wrote to me about a similar magazine "true to life fact" about how one could expect a particular $419 1911 to be 100% reliable with all types of ammunition.

Man, talk about hating to be the bearer of bad tidings...

I'll bet we could have a lottery and pick 10 people at random off this board and have a magazine that was about 500% more factual and 10,000% more interesting than the current, 2nd rate pooper scoopers on the grocery store racks.

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Pierruiggi, that is some magwell. My magwell would look like that if the fingers that I tried to stuff in the gun with the mag, could actually dent the metal.


That is a Ballester Molina manufactured in 1952 (I got this year from a site that estimated manufacturing year based on serial number). The steel is very soft, and it dents quite easily. I originally flared the magwell with a hand file, but in time it got banged up. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
AA12 shotgun article on Military.com

Seems to be from Soldier of Fiction. Highlights:

Terrorists don't fear 5.56 mm M4 carbines; they fear shotguns.

This 12 ga shotgun has no recoil.

Somebody else designed the AR-15 for Eugene Stoner.

Actually, the author may not have written the introduction, so he may be excused for that piece of excrement.

His spelling is first rate too. Witness his spelling of "Binneli". And, from talking to a variety of people, the US military mostly uses shotguns for breaching doors, not as an infantry firearm. Seems this guy should be writing for American Handgunner or other such magazine. He would have no trouble in finding a job as a gunwriter, because he is sooo knowledgeable.

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AA12 shotgun article on Military.com

Seems to be from Soldier of Fiction. Highlights:

Terrorists don't fear 5.56 mm M4 carbines; they fear shotguns.

This 12 ga shotgun has no recoil.

Somebody else designed the AR-15 for Eugene Stoner.

Actually, the author may not have written the introduction, so he may be excused for that piece of excrement.

His spelling is first rate too. Witness his spelling of "Binneli". And, from talking to a variety of people, the US military mostly uses shotguns for breaching doors, not as an infantry firearm. Seems this guy should be writing for American Handgunner or other such magazine. He would have no trouble in finding a job as a gunwriter, because he is sooo knowledgeable.

Gary Paul Johnston has been around forever...unfortunately his articles haven't gotten any better....where have I heard the phrases "requires no lubrication " and "self cleaning" before?

Soldier of Fortune, theres a quality place for firearms information :wacko:


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... from talking to a variety of people, the US military mostly uses shotguns for breaching doors, not as an infantry firearm.

You need to talk to a few Vietnam vets. The 870 was pure gold. Talk to the right vet, and he'll show you how to fix the disconnector so that it doesn't....er....disconnect anymore. ;)

BTW, I agree, stupid ass article.

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I don't buy gun rags anymore. Here and there I'll break down a buy a couple, only to find out they are still crap.

Too bad Front Sight doesn't come out monthly (or weekly), as it is about all I read other than the few articles on Blue Press.

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You need to talk to a few Vietnam vets.  The 870 was pure gold.  Talk to the right vet, and he'll show you how to fix the disconnector so that it doesn't....er....disconnect anymore.  ;)

I agree that they were in use during WWI and Vietnam, but that was 30+ years ago. This guy is claiming that they are in wide-spread use on the front lines today.

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  • 2 weeks later...

RE: Shotguns...

Got friends I respect a lot in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Couple of them swear by 14-inch "Binnillis" and cut-down 870s. One of them is a "first guy through the door" sort of guy, and he says on the 8th day, God made the 12-gauge slug. Says it carrys a profound message to the first guy shot.

Michael B

PS: New seasons starts in a week! Check out the Jeff Cooper piece on SHOOTING GALLERY...

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