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People Who Drive Too Slow.


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:angry: I drive with traffic, regardless of the speed. That seems like the right thing to do, right? Well I hate when I'm going somewhere usually in rush hour and lets say it's on the freeway where the speed limit is 60 mph. There will be a slow poke going 59 and when you pass them trying to keep up with traffic the driver of the slow car ALWAYS looks at the speedometer. It's like they are telling me to slow down. If 1000 cars are going 70, then why does this slow driver think he/she will get a ticket if they go over the speed limit just a little. The slow car is more of a danger than the rest of us.

Oh yeah, and another thing. I HATE people who drive around with their brake lights burned out. Any compatant driver uses there mirrors to look in a glass store front to tell them they have a light out. Or a friend or a family member. Common sense.... We used to have a safety inspection in this state of Arkansas, but not any more. There is allot of junk on the roads because of it.

Ahhhhh, I feel better. :rolleyes:

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You would really hate it here because we have farmers who don't know they got off their tractor and into their pickup truck. We have a street in town that is a divided 6 lane with a hill with a 35 MPH speed limit, at 36 MPH drivers put their brakes on. For a time after the Federal 55 MPH speed limit ended, Montana had a resonable & prudent speed limit. State highways are 70 day & 65 night but there is that odd farmer/rancher who is so used to his horse that 55 is flying. Forget turn signals and stopping for a yellow light.

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You forgot the slow driver IS always in the fast lane.  You could tailgate them all you want, but they will never move over.  Wish you can do a little tap on their bumper like they do in desert racing.

The fast lane isnt there for folks to go over the legal speed limit, if I so happen to be in that lane doing the legal speed limit and someone comes up on my ass like that, I always make it a point to apply the breaks. folks cannot always move over to get outta the way and I damn sure aint gonna speed up and take the chance of getting a ticket to please the guy behind me when Im already doing the legal speed limit.

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Speaking of turn signals...

You've probably seen the bumper sticker "Visualize World Peace" a couple of thousand times already (or the stoned version, "Visualize Whirled Peas"), but I saw one this month that said "Visualize Using Your Turn Signals." <_<


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You forgot the slow driver IS always in the fast lane.  You could tailgate them all you want, but they will never move over.  Wish you can do a little tap on their bumper like they do in desert racing.

I took a Drivers Re Ed class to avoid a ticket - for speeding. The instructor - an assh*le of the first water - thought he was a Drill Instructor. "All of you I see that are not paying attention will NOT get a cert of completion for this class!" He also made everyone, yours truly included, move up from the rear to fill every chair from the front towards the back.... This exact subject came up. A lady in class remarked that, as Scooter alluded to, If we drive the legal speed limit in the fast lane someone will come up and "bump you."

I had to laugh out loud. The "instructor" jumped my shjt immediately and asked, "So Mr. Orr, do you bump someone who is going to slow in the fast lane?"

I replied, "No, I just wave my pistol at them out the window and they usually move right over."

No more conversation was directed at me from the instructor during his little reign of enlightenment.



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You forgot the slow driver IS always in the fast lane.  You could tailgate them all you want, but they will never move over.  Wish you can do a little tap on their bumper like they do in desert racing.

I took a Drivers Re Ed class to avoid a ticket - for speeding. The instructor - an assh*le of the first water - thought he was a Drill Instructor. "All of you I see that are not paying attention will NOT get a cert of completion for this class!" He also made everyone, yours truly included, move up from the rear to fill every chair from the front towards the back.... This exact subject came up. A lady in class remarked that, as Scooter alluded to, If we drive the legal speed limit in the fast lane someone will come up and "bump you."

I had to laugh out loud. The "instructor" jumped my shjt immediately and asked, "So Mr. Orr, do you bump someone who is going to slow in the fast lane?"

I replied, "No, I just wave my pistol at them out the window and they usually move right over."

No more conversation was directed at me from the instructor during his little reign of enlightenment.



LMAO, that was a good one.

My mother and stepdad built a couple of radio stations in the cayman and turks and caicos islands. My stepdad told me to never give someone the finger or piss anyone off while driving around down there cause unlike driving here in the US, you will damn sure run into them again later that day.


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What kills me is the attitude some people have about the passing lane (AKA fast lane).

THese people seem to think that if they set their cruise control to what they think is the speed limit, then they have a "right" to sit in the passing lane & anyone that politely asks them to shift back to the travel lanes with a flash of the high beams is a rude, dangerous, speed-limit-scofflaw who is also a child-threatening lawbreaker who obvioulsy did not see the "babies on board" sticker right next to the soccerball logo on the back of their minivan (be shamed, scofflaw!). Besides, they think they are doing the max speed limit & therefore you just want to break the law & therefore they are justified in taking vigilante justice against you by blocking you from "speeding." They know what's best for everyone - especially the children!

Truth is most: speedometers read 7 to 15 mph HIGH (never low - otherwise there would be a massive class action against automakers). So when poky in the fast lane thinks he or she is doing 65, its more like 55.

Besides, the law generally requires that lane to be used for passing only except in traffic. This is understood in Europe, but routinely ignored here at home.

See also: Sterling's post on D.C. traffic (2nd worst in the US & declining every day!).

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Lets face it we all want to speed, ie break the law, and dislike people interfering in our pursuit.

With interstate in florida requiring the trucks to stay in the right two lanes alot of old folks sit in left third lane and usually go about the speed limit speed. Which is annoying to US speeders.

Now I hate two lane roads because someone will always go less than the limit, then someone who can't judge speed and distant will follow them because they are afraid to pass, then next person is afraid to pass two cars, then we end with whole line of following because ....

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Lets face it we all want to speed, ie break the law, and dislike people interfering in our pursuit.

With interstate in florida requiring the trucks to stay in the right two lanes alot of old folks sit in left third lane and usually go about the speed limit speed. Which is annoying to US speeders.

Now I hate two lane roads because someone will always go less than the limit, then someone who can't judge speed and distant will follow them because they are afraid to pass, then next person is afraid to pass two cars, then we end with whole line of following because ....

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If we had traffic laws in this country that made sense, and appropriate enforcement, we wouldn't *NEED* speed limits on the highways.

I keep trying to convince a FOAF to mount a deactivated .50 BMG (or, heck, an activated one) to the top of his H1 for just such occurences....

I need to patent a device - something sort of like a StarTrek phaser that just vaporizes whatever object it hits, leaving no craters or wreckage. A select few (myself included, of course) will be able to mount these devices on their cars and utilize them to enforce appropriate traffic etiquette. :D

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TThe most dangerous slowbie on the road is the oblivious bonehead in the second lane from the left that is plodding at 15+ mph slower than the traffic coming up on him. The constant stream of cars swerving around him into the lanes on either side as they close is what causes accidents, not speeding.

Slow kills!



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I know a bunch of COPS. They ALL drive like a bat out of hell. A sherrif said to stay out of the fast lane, because that was his lane to haul ass in. The cops I know wont write a ticket for less than 10-15 over the limit. And that's on a good day.

Reminder: Everyone check their light bulbs, make sure they are all working.

And thank you for your support.


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In TX, at least, you're required to move over if safe if somebody behind you flashes their headlights. Nobody ever does (usually makes 'em slam on their brakes, just to piss off the person back there-- even if they are trying to get their kid to the hospital), but that's the law.

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You forgot the slow driver IS always in the fast lane.  You could tailgate them all you want, but they will never move over.  Wish you can do a little tap on their bumper like they do in desert racing.

The fast lane isnt there for folks to go over the legal speed limit, if I so happen to be in that lane doing the legal speed limit and someone comes up on my ass like that, I always make it a point to apply the breaks. folks cannot always move over to get outta the way and I damn sure aint gonna speed up and take the chance of getting a ticket to please the guy behind me when Im already doing the legal speed limit.

"Keep Right, Except to Pass"

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I typically drive slower than most. I also like to drive fast occasionally. But I also drive in the right hand lane. It gives me somewhere to go when someone who is driving too fast has to swerve into the right hand lane to exit because he had to "get around one more car". Alabama state law demands that "slower traffic keep right." Another unenforced law.

It tickles me to come up behind a car at a traffic light that had passed me a way back. Guys, lets face it. sometimes traffic is not moving fast. It isn't always the "slow" guy holding up traffic. Sometimes there is a wreck, or the local police working radar and locking up the left hand lane. Sometimes people just get "police-itus" when they see a police car.

My favorite peeve on the road today is speed limits. I mean why have them. No one obeys them and they aren't enforced. What good are they? I know they are to "protect" us from ourselves but if you aren't going to enforce them, why bother. It must be a CYA thing so the local/county/state officiating bodies can deny any and all culpabilty in a courtroom when someone gets killed on thier roads.

I'm through bitchin' now :angry:


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My favorite peeve on the road today is speed limits. I mean why have them. No one obeys them and they aren't enforced. What good are they?

Two words: "Revenue Generation".

In the city, they make sense. The possibility of pedestrians entering the roadway, or a kid chasing a ball, or a dog, or whatever, is far greater than on the highway. Plus, cars are entering the roadway in an uncontrolled fashion, etc. And you're right, they *should* be enforced. On the highway, though, they don't make much sense - except that anyone can go to WalMart and get a drivers license (just about), and they have no clue how to drive on a highway at highway speeds.

Funny thing is - apparently, as they've raised the speed limits on the highway, traffic accidents and fatalities have *decreased*..... If you follow the logic, no limit means no fatalities, right??? I'm calling my senator *right now*!!! Gotta protect the peeps!!! :):lol:

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The fast lane isnt there for folks to go over the legal speed limit, if I so happen to be in that lane doing the legal speed limit and someone comes up on my ass like that, I always make it a point to apply the breaks. folks cannot always move over to get outta the way and I damn sure aint gonna speed up and take the chance of getting a ticket to please the guy behind me when Im already doing the legal speed limit.

Actually in most states you are completely and utterly wrong.

First, the fast lane isn't for speeding, but it IS for passing. If you aren't passing, you SHOULDN'T be in it. Many states have a violation called something along the lines of "failure to remain right." Other states actually have laws that yeilding right of way to someone attempting to pass is a moving violation. I have yet to see anyone get ticketed for either in my state, but the former is often enforced by a state tropper coming up the fast lane at 90mph with his lights on but no siren when they hit a pack of drivers going the same speed across all lanes of trafic.

Second, by slamming on the brakes like that you endanger yourself, the guy behind you, and EVERYONE ELSE on the road if it goes wrong. It's one thing to give a tap on the brakes to someone tailgating you down a 35mph town road, and another thing to hit the brakes in the passing lane of a multi-lane highway at 60+.

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The fast lane isnt there for folks to go over the legal speed limit, if I so happen to be in that lane doing the legal speed limit and someone comes up on my ass like that, I always make it a point to apply the breaks. folks cannot always move over to get outta the way and I damn sure aint gonna speed up and take the chance of getting a ticket to please the guy behind me when Im already doing the legal speed limit.

Actually in most states you are completely and utterly wrong.

First, the fast lane isn't for speeding, but it IS for passing. If you aren't passing, you SHOULDN'T be in it. Many states have a violation called something along the lines of "failure to remain right." Other states actually have laws that yeilding right of way to someone attempting to pass is a moving violation. I have yet to see anyone get ticketed for either in my state, but the former is often enforced by a state tropper coming up the fast lane at 90mph with his lights on but no siren when they hit a pack of drivers going the same speed across all lanes of trafic.

Second, by slamming on the brakes like that you endanger yourself, the guy behind you, and EVERYONE ELSE on the road if it goes wrong. It's one thing to give a tap on the brakes to someone tailgating you down a 35mph town road, and another thing to hit the brakes in the passing lane of a multi-lane highway at 60+.

Firstly, I dont just drive in the fast lane for the hell of it. some folks in the right lane may be doing like 2 miles per hour under the speed limit so I will get over in the fast lane if im doing the speed limit as Im creeping up on the line of traffic. If I have some ass come up behind me while im over there, I am not gonna go over the speed limit just to try and hurry up and pass a line of 10 cars on my right to let the guy pushing me go around. I will slow back down get back into right hand lane.If the guy coming up on my ass dont like that, tuffshit. I gotta a ticket once once for being in the fast lane and trying to speed up to get back over just to let some prick behind me go on by....aint gonna happen again!

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I don't mind people that either speed up or slow down and change lanes. What's annoying is the guy or gal who starts going exact the same speed as the car in the next lane and hovers around 1/2 car behind so you can't pass on the right either. And there's no cars in front in that lane for at least a mile.

I was just in that situation today coming home from a match. There was about 4 or 5 cars behind me all waiting for this guy to move over since there was only two lanes. It took about 3 or 4 miles before he realize he should move over and let everyone pass him.

One thing they do in Europe that confuses everyone in the US is using the left blinker. Left blinker is the polite way of asking you to move over.

Brake checking is very dangerous and stupid. If you want the guy to get off your ass, just lift off the throttle or brake gradually. If you brake check someone who isn't paying attention, you car can possibly be a few inches shorter. Even though the blame is on the guy behind, still, you are left with a broken car. Just not worth it.

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