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2016 Mississippi Classic

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Is there any way to get everything after post #68 moved to another thread? The match is in May and that's a long time for folks to be wading through all that like TXTom.

Call the new thread "How get a State Match moved to a new club and tick off a lot of people in the process".

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Ok, I have been following this thread since it started and I for one think there are some folks that are totally out of line.

To start with, a little back ground. I have shot this match since the very first one that the late Glen Whitfield organized and held in October of 1996. I only know of one other shooter that can claim that distinction, such as it is. I was not an RO because either the rules or Glen's personal preference was that only people who had gone through the Level 1 Seminar would be RO's. Did not bother me. I was still out there helping build props and repair stuff to put the match on, because it was a first and I wanted it to succeed. We had a total of 49 competitors. Since then this match has grown in popularity not because of a crawfish boil, but because it is a well run match with challenging stages and good people putting it together. I have been an RO in this match since 1997 and a CRO on a stage since 1998, and again I only know of one other shooter who can claim that. For several years I was the match Treasurer and took in all the entry fees and wrote all the checks to pay for everything. I am out there every year for the work nights and work days to build and repair all the props to get ready for the match. I think I can say I know what goes on to put on a match like this.

First you need someone dedicated enough to step up and be the MD. We have been fortunate enough to have several. Dan Miller, Hank Stern, Jack Harrington, Bryant Chaffin, John Heiter and Steve Roberts. Without those guys hard work you do not get a match that fills up like ours. It has grown each year since the first, and if we had more space it would be even larger.

Second, you need a dedicated group of folks that will come out to the range after working their regular job all day and spend two or three hours repairing, building and generally getting things ready.

Third, you need that same group of people ready to come out on Tuesday night when the range closes and start hauling stuff out to the various bays, so that on Wednesday morning they can come out again and spend all day in the heat setting up stages and do it all again on Thursday. That does not include going around and cleaning up the range and just general housekeeping so that the competitors arrive late Friday or early Sat to see a pristine range ready to go.

Most of those same folks will then shoot all the stages on Friday, so they can go out and spend all day Sat and Sun working as RO's for the regular competitors. Know what they get for all that work? A reduced entry fee and the thanks of the shooters who are courteous enough to tell them so when they finish their stage. Oh, I forgot, if they have the energy on Sunday they can pick up the brass on their stage and split it up.

All that said, Mosher I wish you the best of luck in running the 2017 MS State Championship. You asked for it and it is yours. If you need any advice or have questions about the match, feel free to ask. You can e-mail me at patdeberry6gun@yahoo.com. If I know the answer I will tell you, if not I will try and find out.

Just remember this, Be careful what you wish for, you may get it. And you have.

Thanks for the offer Mr. Pat. Very gracious of you. I'll do my best, and it won't fail for lack of effort, anybody that knows me knows that.

My goal is a state championship match that every shooter in the state has a realistic and equal opportunity to shoot. Nobody else could manage that, so instead of sitting around bitching about it I stepped up to make it happen. We'll stick to that promise as long as I'm involved.

As for help, if you could assist me in tracking down last years MS classic budget, or any previous years budgets that would be fantastic.

I asked the classic MD, he said he could maybe give me this years in 5-6 months. Anything sooner than that would be great.

And I'll definitely be in touch over the process to pick your brain or bounce some thoughts of you. Again thanks for the offer.

Edited by mosher
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I'll make this short, to the point and then I'm 10-7. Out of here. I will not respond in this thread again. And I apologize to folks for even participating at the level I have.

One post asks for help, the next once again bashes me and/or other folks that put this match together before I can even respond. Sorry, I was busy with life. Since you obviously despise us, I will gladly send your app and funds back if you would like. Just email to msclassic@teammagnolia.com

  • You keep saying things like "Ya'll will get over it. Just let it go." but it doesn't seem like one certain person wants to let it go over and above all others. Sorry, don't mean to be too vague... I mean you.
  • I do remember that offer now. Seems more like an offer to swap slots than to 'sponsor the match' as you previously stated. And at the time there was absolutely NOTHING good being said about your match and certain folks down there. I decided against it. Me. Nobody else, so I'll take that one and own it. Sorry you got your feelings hurt. As you continually say.... Let it go.
  • Again you reference things like "that guy on TV" instead of just saying his name. Still not naming any source for your earliest accusations. Max shoots every year that he wants. And know what, he hasn't even turned in an app yet. Know why? No. You don't because you don't bother to just ask about things. He shoots because his father is a match sponsor and therefore gets two slots free.
  • Again... your app is sitting right here. If your folks had done what you did, theirs would be here too. As of now the match isn't full as near as I can tell, that will change later today with deliveries.
  • "It's a moving target sometimes with that guy". Remarks like this and you say you aren't questioning integrity? I think I've tried to be civil, tried to refrain from questioning anyone's integrity, etc You ask for my help, then bash me again. LOL I find it quite amusing at this point. Don't expect an over abundance of enthusiasm for helping you at this point.
  • Match Budget - My apologies for not dropping everything else I have going on right now, creating a spreadsheet and getting you that immediately. Look for it soon in your inbox. I'm sure you will deem it as JackDick (still enjoying using that one) and gripe about it.​

Oh, I'll start a new thread and see if I can rename this one for the remaining info about the match.

As I stated before, I'm out. Anyone need anything pertaining to the match, you have the email.

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If I were the match director, I would send Mosher his application back. Poor sportsmanship. And who wants to take a bet that he will never have a level two match?

I certainly hope and actually believe that Mosher and BPSA will hold a L2 match whether it be this year or next or whenever. I think we have a lot of LA shooters that shoot MS matches and vice Versa and with the popularity of both the Classic and the Gator, another L2 match in this area would be great.

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Posting Guidelines

Please be polite. Or if not polite, at least respectful.
No bickering. Regardless of the subject matter.
Antagonistic, offensive, or quarrelsome tones are not acceptable.
No trolling. No alternate accounts.

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As for Ms classic, I'd love to see them do the same thing, primarily because I'm from MS and it sucks to sit on pins and needles worrying whether fedex, ups, or usps gets to Steve Roberts house first. It also sucks to see people who have legit shot at section awards miss out because of the post office and then show up and see half the state of Georgia at the match. But that's just the way it is.

By the same token it's not my match and its a whole lot easier for me to armchair MD and tell someone else how they should do things and I just show up on match day to shoot.

If he called me tomorrow and said he rather the ms Classic be the worlds biggest crawfish party and they weren't interested in being the section championship anymore but I'm more than welcome to run a seperate one myself at our range for section championships I'm going to shut my mouth, politely decline, and be first in line at the post office to overnight my MS classic application again next year.

http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=215990&page=2#entry2405529 post #48

Edited because I meant to post this one which is #48.

Edited by killab
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If I were the match director, I would send Mosher his application back. Poor sportsmanship. And who wants to take a bet that he will never have a level two match?

I certainly hope and actually believe that Mosher and BPSA will hold a L2 match whether it be this year or next or whenever. I think we have a lot of LA shooters that shoot MS matches and vice Versa and with the popularity of both the Classic and the Gator, another L2 match in this area would be great.

Came back to this thread to see if there was any update regarding the match and registration process/status. Wasted about 45 minutes of my life that I will never get back. If he does have a level 2 for a state championship, I will never shoot it as long as he is involved. A piece of wood is not that important that I would support someone who's conduct is detrimental to the sport. In my opinion, the USPSA organization should ban people who make false accusations an attack people to foster their own agenda. I hope I get into the Classic, and that they have sausage this year

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Well this was a good lunch hour - I'm just curious how the heck my name got put in this post. I didn't even turn in an application this year (although I probably would have driven it from Houston to insure that it arrived in time - or made gump bring it)

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Well this was a good lunch hour - I'm just curious how the heck my name got put in this post. I didn't even turn in an application this year (although I probably would have driven it from Houston to insure that it arrived in time - or made gump bring it)

You were mentioned because you are famous all over the Benosphere for asking for stage diagrams from match directors at remarkably premature times. Like right after the match is announced.

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Well this was a good lunch hour - I'm just curious how the heck my name got put in this post. I didn't even turn in an application this year (although I probably would have driven it from Houston to insure that it arrived in time - or made gump bring it)

You were mentioned because you are famous all over the Benosphere for asking for stage diagrams from match directors at remarkably premature times. Like right after the match is announced.

So do you have stages? Maybe I can send in my registration - I heard I have a chance of getting in still!

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Well this was a good lunch hour - I'm just curious how the heck my name got put in this post. I didn't even turn in an application this year (although I probably would have driven it from Houston to insure that it arrived in time - or made gump bring it)

You were mentioned because you are famous all over the Benosphere for asking for stage diagrams from match directors at remarkably premature times. Like right after the match is announced.

So do you have stages? Maybe I can send in my registration - I heard I have a chance of getting in still!


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Well this was a good lunch hour - I'm just curious how the heck my name got put in this post. I didn't even turn in an application this year (although I probably would have driven it from Houston to insure that it arrived in time - or made gump bring it)

I would have brought your app for ya;-)

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I was planning on shooting production this year to whoop up on Lee G but I heard he had some sad excuse about work and wans't going to make it

I haven't made it in 5 years, but that's ok cause I don't want to get killed in the street Edited by Lee G
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I wish to thank all that run and work the Mississippi Classic. My crew of four from Mobile Alabama have found our way in for a couple of years. We have enjoyed our selfs very much rain or shine and reshooting many stages LOL. Never squads in 13 again. LOL. My crew are skipping this years match so others may have a shoot that didn't get in last year. We will be trying to get in the 2017 Mississippi classic. Just remember if you didn't have a great match it would not be such a pain to get into Mr Clean. Robert Foil

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I have been off line for a few days and did not read this topic since Wed. or Thurs. To say I was upset when I saw what had been posted would be an understatement. Steven Mosher is a friend of mine and I almost always shoot in the same squad as him, and speak to him at least everal times a week. The things he posted on this forum are in now way representative of what is thought about the MS Classic and Magnolia Shooters. Steve was dead wrong to generate these post. Even if he believed them to be true, (which I do not) this is not the place to address those beliefs. The work that the guys a Magnolia put in for this match, for very little reward is greatly appreciated by the rest of us on the coast, and as the person that does most of the work at our local matches, so does Steven. Steven is a good guy and most of the time is one of the most reasonable persons you could meet. but on his stance on this forum, I cannot not defend him because there is no justification for his actions.

I would ask that the forum members, and the guys at Magnolia Shooters to not hold the views of one member to be the views of all of us. Before making this post I had a long conversation with Steven Mosher and I believe he realizes how insulting and asinine some of his post were. I would like to extend my apologies and to reiterate that we here on the coast do not believe the entries were rigged in some fashion or another. I also pointed out to Steve that the name calling and negativity he engaged in reflected poorly on Biloxi Practical Shooter's Association. I believe Mosher will be contacting some of the people he offended by PM. He sent me a copy of the message he intends to send and I suggested that after he has contacted the individuals personally, that he post the message on this site.

Again, BPSA does not condone or agree with the aspersion cast upon the MS Classic, Magnolia Shooters and several other persons.


Gerald Forbes

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Glad to see you posted that Gerald. Things had gotten way out of hand and I wish there was some way the moderator(s) could delete all that as I feel it reflects badly on the whole sport in our state and the way we handle things with all the accusations and name calling.

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ridiculous that those who have worked to build this club and the competition since 1968 and who are lifetime members are not able to get registered because of this mickey mouse method of registration. This kind of 40+ year commitment should have earned these members the right to always participate. We built this range for members first, others second!

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ridiculous that those who have worked to build this club and the competition since 1968 and who are lifetime members are not able to get registered because of this mickey mouse method of registration. This kind of 40+ year commitment should have earned these members the right to always participate. We built this range for members first, others second!


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