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IDPA Match Scoring - Shooter's Rights

45 Raven

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I have looked for the answer to these question in the IDPA rule book and have not found them, but that doesn't mean I didn't miss them.

Here are my questions:

As a match competitor at an IDPA match, can a shooter request to see all of his targets after they are shot but before they are taped?

If so, when must the request be made? (Before making ready and beginning the stage, after the stage is complete, etc.)

If a competitor requests to see their targets before they are taped, must the RO honor that request? (Assuming, of course, that the same competitor stays on the range immediately after it is declared safe and walks through the scoring immediately, not delaying the flow of the match and scoring process.)

If the answer to these questions is "YES", would you be able to direct me to the location in the IDPA rule book where this information is found?


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What is the reason you can't walk behind the guy scoring the targets are they being scored during the stage? If so ask prior to Load and Make Ready to see each target prior to it being pasted. It shouldn't be a problem. Do you suspect you're getting screwed in the scoring of the stages?

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I feel like I know what the OP is talking about. Generally, I like to see my hits also... never because I think I am getting screwed, only to see if my POA and POI at match speed are accurate. I know I pull shots, and I am not surprised when I see that target has a -3 or D zone hit. I like to see the targets and analyze my shooting...


yep, shot to fast at that target...

didn't shoot fast enough, I have 2 As/-0 but I think I spent to much time aiming...

all the shots are in the left side of the C/-1

I do almost always walk with the RO/SO and look at my hits, there are almost always targets that are already pasted by the time I get to them. Mostly due to stage design, where it is a stage that you are advancing down range. The scorekeeper is scoring during the ULSC, and pasters are pasting before we get to them. Generally, this doesn't bother me because I just ask out loud, "where did I hit these targets?" Usually, the shooters who are pasting gladly tell me.

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On stages where the shooter ends the stage way downrange of the start position, the uprange targets are often being scored and taped while the shooter is still shooting.

This would be probably the only scenario I can think of where the taping may occur. Clear your gun and get uprange to look at the targets. Or assign someone in your squad to watch your 6 while they start scoring. The second my gun is holstered I'm on the RO's ass watching what s/he is calling. I've left all kinds of stuff downrange, mags, bullets, cover garment etc because I'm more focus on watching the scores (and getting out of my fleece vest in the AZ summer) than retrieving mags or the extra round that came out of the gun.

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Often you will have seen how the stage is being scored and reset before you shoot it. Ask the score keeper and SO to not tape anything until you've had a chance to look at it, nicely. There is no requirement in the rule book. So if you want a favor, it's better to be nice.

Then as you progress you will be able to call you shots and know what you shot so that only one or two of your shots will be of interest to you and you'll head to that target pretty quickly to see if you'll be happy or not.

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Thanks to everyone who responded. The purpose for my inquiry was exactly as pointed out by Butterpuc in Post # 5. I simply would like to see specifically where my hits are on the targets so I can better analyze my shooting. No other reason.

As I suspected, there does not appear to be anything in the rule book that guarantees a look at your targets, but as pointed out, Rule 4.22.4 says you can ask.

The most frequent scenario that I have witnessed in which a shooter may not get a look at the targets is when they advance a fair amount downrange past some targets and the uprange targets are getting taped/scored (in some cases) before the stage is even over, as pointed out by FTDMR in Post #7.

Again . . . thanks to everyone for their help in helping me confirm that there is no specific rule covering my question.

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The rulebook refers to a delegate or designee, but doesn't say what that means. In USPSA this process is well defined. If the ROs are scoring and taping a large stage while you are down range, find a friend that can verify your hits on target for you and do the same for him.

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