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World shoot USPSA teams.

Julien Boit

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A couple of months before a World Shoot is not enough lead time... I've taken part in three of them and the amount of preparation that is required is overwhelming. Most countries require permits to be issued before you can bring guns/ammo. Plus booking hotels and arranging flights etc.

To make sure there is enough time you really need to know who is going within 8 months of a World Shoot. The best method (in my opinion) is to start of the new year with the team announcement. This means having all qualifications etc. finish by the end of the previous year.

This gives everyone, including match organisers plenty of time to get all the permits, accomodations , ammo-shipping etc. sorted out with time to spare.

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The Area mathces don't have all the big dawgs playing so Nats is the place to select the teams. Since Phil pointed out the old 2 out of 3 system that seems like the best. It gives you one major screw up and you can still send the best. Let's face it if you screwed up 2 out of 3 then there's other issues. It seems this new system is like the points system, it aint the best shooter it is the guy that shoots the most big matches. As far as the JR team BJ and Brian got screwed big time.

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I don’t know about the female and juniors, but the men’s Open and Standard teams are awesome! Not only are they the best shooters but also the nicest guys, and will do a magnificent job at representing the USPSA. It looks to me like the selection criteria did its job and then some.

Congrats to all of the team members. We are very proud of you!


Travis Tomasie

U.S. Army

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AWWW Dude....That's AWSOME. YEAAAHHH...sweeeeetttt. :lol::lol:

The point series isn't a bad idea, but that's definitely going to leave out guys like Rob, Todd, and Jerry. They're not going to give up a chance to make $5,000 for a weekend of training to get that "Other" match in.

On another note, it was Rob's original intention to make the US Production Team, but IPSC deeming the XD as a non-production gun put the end to that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So is TGO going to put together another "mob squad" of shooters like what happened several years back that went to the WS and whooped up on everyone?

I'm disappointed that Rob, Phil and TT aren't on the teams. It isn't that the others aren't deserving, they are, but these guys win the big ones.

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A second team is no longer possible, it started back with the Redbook, or maybe the toilet paper 14th ed, not sure. The gist of the rule is "One team, per division, per category, per region." Therefore no other teams can be formed over and above the USPSA sponsored teams. I myself was in the process of forming another US Junior Open team when this rule came up.

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Open - Todd Jarrett (3), Max (5), Chris Tilley (10), Adam Poppelwell (10)

Limited - TGO (2), Mike Voight (5), Me (6), Taran (6)

Production - Dave (2), Matt Mink (9), Dave Olhasso (9), Milford Lovett (9)

Junior - ????

The numbers represent the total of the best two out of three placements three nationals before the WS.

I guess that's not including your finish from last year's Nationals. :lol:

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A second team is no longer possible, it started back with the Redbook, or maybe the toilet paper 14th ed, not sure. The gist of the rule is "One team, per division, per category, per region." Therefore no other teams can be formed over and above the USPSA sponsored teams. I myself was in the process of forming another US Junior Open team when this rule came up.

BJ - I wasn't aware of that and think the rule is quite foolish. This is a competition, right?

What I was getting at was I thought that TGO put together a privateer team (that I think included TT) a few WS's ago since he got snubbed by the team selections. I heard they did well.

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The fact that TGO was not selected for the teams indicates a serious flaw in the selection process. I don't mean to take anything away from those who were selected for the standard division team, as they are all great competitors, BUT Rob is truly operating on a higher plane of shooting existence.

USPSA needs to rectify this mistake to ensure that it is represented by the best, period.

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No matter how you decide to select a team. The current world champ should be on it.

I disagree, three years is a long time between matches. A World Champion one year might be lucky to get above 90% three years later. In the case of TGO it's clear he should be on the team, but a sweeping generalisation that the current champion should always be there is simply not valid.

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Before this thread gets to far off.

TGO did know the selection process and he chose to go the production route. Then IPSC ruled that the XD would not be legal.

So by the time IPSC ruled, it was to late for Rob to change divisions.

Please don't "blame" USPSA for someone not makin' the cut. The selection process was set and thats that.

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Before this thread gets to far off.

TGO did know the selection process and he chose to go the production route. Then IPSC ruled that the XD would not be legal.

So by the time IPSC ruled, it was to late for Rob to change divisions.

Please don't "blame" USPSA for someone not makin' the cut. The selection process was set and thats that.

Blame Canada! Now that the XD is allowed (again), it'll be interesting to see what he decides to do.

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Before this thread gets to far off.

TGO did know the selection process and he chose to go the production route. Then IPSC ruled that the XD would not be legal.

So by the time IPSC ruled, it was to late for Rob to change divisions.

Please don't "blame" USPSA for someone not makin' the cut. The selection process was set and thats that.

Excellent point(s), Tony.

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