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The Quest for the Sub 3 El Prez

Jake Di Vita

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Someone mentioned that even if it is done, it will be more work to prove it, than to do it. Until it is done with video of the shooter and timer, feet on X's, run by an RO and all that jazz a lot of people will always question if it was real or not. Some of my best performances have come when I was shooting all by myself, thus lending the likelihood for someone to call BS. If anyone does it and tells me they have done it, I'll believe them solely for the fact that it affects me in no great way. I hope someone does do it because it would be really cool too see, but I hope Jake and Steve are prepared to be doubted even if they do it totally legitimately. I dont say that to knock them down in any way, or in any hope to diminish their drive. I just would hope that they dont think doing it will be the end all to the naysayers. I hope that if it is done, the doers can feel fulfilled in and of themselves, for they are the only ones that will ever truly know they complied with every restriction and still triumphed. Best of luck to everyone involved.

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I think even the non-doubters are going to want to see appropriate video evidence :) But, you might be right - even with it, there might remain some that still poo-poo it for some reason.

Personally, I say more power to 'em, and I wish I could play, too :) I've always felt that this was possible, if one did everything *perfect*. It ain't gonna be easy, obviously, but....


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I think Jake will do it, if for no other reason than people have said he couldn't. I've only met Jake once, but he strikes me as the kind of guy that when you tell him somehting cant be done, he see's it as a personal challenge. He will do crazy things like be up to 1:30 in the morning dryfiring (See beginning of this thread) :D

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Then why not shoot the sub-3 El Prez with minor ammo? Is that somehow less impressive?


It was awful easy to forget about points mattering, so why not forget about power factor too?

Nobody "forgot." They just don't care.

For that matter, once the standards start crumbling, why not skip the El-Prez "turn" and go reeeeeaally fast?

Because then you're not doing an El Presidente.

The answer to all is that the sum of three (accuracy, power, and speed) following ALL the rules makes the El-Prez tough.

There's nothing in the rules of the El Prez that specifies accuracy, speed and power.

Sure its harder to go for the sub-3 goal when points matter. That's what makes it hard. That's what make's it actually MATTER. Changing the rules of the game to "create" a speed record is just not that impressive.

Obviously, opinions differ. 12 hits in less than 3.0 seconds will impress me. No doubt about it. :D

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Welcome aboard Boo,

For what it's worth, I voted "no" in the poll, just because it was the first answer that popped into my head. That doesn't mean it actually can't be done, it was just my opinion at the time the thread opened. Everybody's entitled to their opinion guys, including Boo. I don't think he's calling anyone a liar or trying to disrespect anyone. Even Thomas needed to stick his hand into the wounds....

I am a hockey fan

Hockey, what's that? Oh, you mean the activity formerly known as the professional sport of hockey. :lol: No offense Boo, I couldn't resist. Nice avatar, by the way.


How is shooting an El Prez with minor ammo (and production gear) less impressive? The scoring penalty makes it tougher in my book. Unless of course, you're counting any hits. I can't wait to go back to major scoring one day. :P



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Even Thomas needed to stick his hand into the wounds....

How did I "stick my hand into the wounds"? Whatver that is, may I assume the "even Thomas" comment means I don't usually do it - whatever it is? ;)

How is shooting an El Prez with minor ammo (and production gear) less impressive?

When did Production gear come into it? Oy gevalt.

Steve, Jake, could you guys just hurry up and do this, already? Then everyone can argue about how it's really not that impressive, or about the gear you used, or....

Oh wait, that's already happening.

Anyway, to answer the question, my "Yes" answer to the "Would doing it with Minor ammo make it less impressive" thing was provoked by all the people already arguing that accepting any 12 hits instead of 60 points cheapens the accomplishment. Y'know, compared to the entire Roman legions who've already done a sub-3 second El Prez period. Do it with Minor instead of Major ammo and we might as well just make a sub-3 El Prez a requirement for new shooters before they're allowed to shoot their first match. (Except for the fact it's really not that impressive, of course.) Maybe we could have a slot for it on the safety card. "Sub-3 Second El Prez. CHECK." "Yep, you're good to go." :D

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Dang all this 3 sec el Prez talk made me go out and see how bad I suck.

4.03 and all my hits :( Dang, I suck. I only did 2 runs I was so discouraged. I think I'll go back to all A hits and be slow :(

3 seconds will rock, even if you don't hit them all.

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Dang all this 3 sec el Prez talk made me go out and see how bad I suck.

4.03 and all my hits :( Dang, I suck. I only did 2 runs I was so discouraged. I think I'll go back to all A hits and be slow :(

3 seconds will rock, even if you don't hit them all.

I watched L2S's run, real time this weekend...........and it was pretty dang fast. I don't see how anyone could do that in 3 sec. L2S is one fast accurate mutha.

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I think my Timer may be related to yours. Once mine jumped out of my range bag and hid on top of my desk under some papers. A different time when my schedule was tight my timer spit out its battery when I was not looking. Shucks the range is 20+ miles from my house or I would have made it walk home. Sheeesh!

Seriously, I have been following this thread like a schoolkid. I know you were not pleased. Talk to us later.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Jake, I'm curious about your thoughts on the time difference between live and dry fire. Was there any particular "skill" issue involved that stood out? Or is it just as simple as the recoil making the gun and dot dance harder? Thanks.

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It's a hell of a lot easier to find the dot in dry fire.

The most glaring difference was the draw....In dry fire I can do .8's all the time and see what I need to see. In live fire It was hard getting it under 1.1 and still getting a good hit.

Just gonna take some work.

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The most glaring difference was the draw....In dry fire I can do .8's all the time and see what I need to see. In live fire It was hard getting it under 1.1 and still getting a good hit.

I've noticed the same thing and it amazes me. The first shot should be the only thing that is just as fast in dry fire as in live fire. Because there are no differences except the shot at the end. Why is it? I can only guess it has something to do with the realization that you're handling a loaded (more dangerous) firearm, hat requires more careful handling....

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