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Pulled calf muscle.

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Hello: Pulled my left calf muscle at last weekends match. Felt like I was stabbed with a hot knife. I thought the RO kicked me hard. 2 days ago my ankle started swelling up. Went to the doctor today and he said it will be 4-6 weeks to heal up. He also told me to do light stretching and elevate my foot when I can. I plan on shooting the match this Sunday which has a lot of stand and shoot. Just wondering how many of you have shot when injured? I won't over do it and will do just what I can. Thanks, Eric

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See over the Hill,as you get older like me you will be reminded of these things more and more..

Yes I shot one match with something pulled in my right foot,but I won't do it again.

You probably heard this before,,,But you paid a Dr.to tell you what's wrong and what to do so doit.Stay home and rest..

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Partially tore my left calf muscle about 3 years ago. Put me on crutches for a week and had physical therapy for a month and it felt tight/sore for another couple of months after that. I would say to skip a few matches and let it heal, particularly if it is still swelling.

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Had the same thing happen to me last year. It happened about two months before the Nationals. I took a three to four week break from shooting (needed to any way - I could barely walk the first week) and did a gradual return to full activity. I managed to get through the Nationals and cannot attribute my sucky performance to the leg (though I'd like to...;^D).

Late 50's here, age wise. If you're younger, you've a good chance of healing faster. But understand this: when it first feels OK, it still isn't. No pain does not equate with complete healing, and, especially after an activity break, does not mean anything close to normal strength. Come back gradually - don't go from zero to 100 % effort overnight, not unless you want to reinjure it.

Stretching and warming up, I am told by the ortho people I know, is essential, especially the warming up part.

Edited by kevin c
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Pulled a groin muscle was DOWN for 2 weeks 1 of the weeks was flat on my back in the bed. I finally got back to work after the 2nd week. That pain was debilitating. I came back early aggregated it again 2 more days in the bed, and for what? To come in at the bottom 1/2 of shooters. Lesson learned the hard way. Lol

Good luck Eric.

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Hello: I woke up and decided not to shoot today. My ankle was not swollen but my calf hurt. I will be taking a few weeks off for my boys soccer games so that should help the healing process. I am still doing light stretching and some walking. Gotta keep moving. I appreciate all the info and your thoughts. Thanks, Eric

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Yeah, keep it light but keep it moving. Everyone is different but I heal slower if I do NOTHING.

Probably the blinding fashion of your shorts got reflected back into the calf. That is what cut my modeling career short... ☺

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Hello: Still healing and there is less swelling in my ankle. Yesterday was the first day I could stand all day. I am still doing light stretching and short walks. Not getting much done around the house and need to make room for some cars inside the garage. I won't be shooting for a couple of more weeks until the Georgia State match in September since my boys have soccer tournaments this month. I do tend to heal fast and keep active is the way to go. Thanks, Eric

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Hello: Just an update. Been doing light stretching and it feels a lot better. My ankle looks pretty bad but it doesn't hurt down there. I have been walking a mile or two everyday as well. Hope this helps out some others who might have this happen to them. Looking forward to shooting in a couple of weeks. Thanks, Eric

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Looking at the proposed Stage Diagrams, it doesn't look like there'll be a LOT of running at the Georgia State match. (Of course, things CAN look different when the stages are actually on the ground.) Plus it sounds like you're healing nicely. Best of luck!

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Hello: It wasn't the distance that hurt it. It was the last stage I shot that day. I turned to run, took 4 steps and WAM. Instant pain. I will be stretching before, and during a match. Maybe a sport drink or two when it is very hot. I drink water now and usually have a banana as well. I guess I will have to figure out this hot humid weather--again. Thanks, Eric

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello: I shot the River Bend match today with a taped up leg. It's been 4 weeks since I tore the calf muscle. It took 2 stages before I felt like I could actually move on it. I felt a little unstable but no pain. I found my shooting on the move to be a little clumsy and I threw some mikes because of it. At the end of the day I ended up 15th out of 75 shooters with a slightly sore ankle. I felt I did ok since it has been 4 weeks since I last shot. Will test it out again next weekend at South River if they have a match. Stretching and and wrapping the calf helped me out a lot. Will see how it feels tomorrow but so far no swelling or pain. Thanks, Eric

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I had this injury from playing softball. I found that wrapping it with a 6 inch wide bandage provided more relief than the 4 inch bandage. Starting the wrap right above the ankle and working up worked better than top to bottom. Just a couple things that worked for me. Mine took a long time to heal, I hope you have better luck than I did.

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Eric,,just looked at squad list for Georgia match and see we are in the same squad for Saturday ..Looking forward to match and meeting you..See you in about three weeks. Eddie

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Eric - I have had good luck with KT tape for an ankle injury. You may look into that over a regular Ace Bandage. They say it helps blood flow more than an ace bandage. I'm not a doctor but I did stay at a holiday inn express at Steel Challenge so...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello: 5 weeks in now and it is feeling better. Going to try some light running tonight to see how it feels. Been taking it easy for too long and need to get back in better shape. If all goes well this week I hope to practice some kicks with my sons for there soccer season which starts this weekend. Thanks, Eric

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