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DQing the Match Director


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Had the unpleasant task of issuing a DQ to the Match Director for our local club match this Sunday. The MD is a newer shooter who put together a nice match (his first as an MD I think). He clearly broke the 180 while moving uprange and trying to clear a jam, so I didnt have a choice. In my head I know what I had to do, but it still sucks.

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I am the MD at our local 3gun club most of the time. A couple months back I was trying out a new holster and managed to knock the pistol out of it with the grip of my AR while running. The RO looked more upset than I did! I saved him the discomfort of telling me what I already knew, and told him I would clear my rifle while he was retrieving the pistol. We laugh about it now, but he sure was uncomfortable about having to send me home :) . Stuff happens, as long as he learns from the situation it will be one of the biggest advancements he makes. I guarantee he will be more aware of muzzle direction from now forward.

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We try to have a new MD every match. We have BTDT so we are training in the newer members to give them the experience.

We told them if they make a mistake we will correct it before it is shot. If I or some others make a mistake it WILL be exploited because we should know better.

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I dq'd myself last night at our weekly steel match (I am assistant MD). I usually cut in line and shoot through so i can get back to synching nooks and managing scores and registering late-arrivals, so I try to shoot quickly and not waste alot of time. I was hurrying, and had an AD (straight downrange) as I was going to unload and show clear. New non-certified RO didn't really realize what had happened, but I explained it and packed up my stuff and went back to work. Had plenty of time to think about the importance of safety.

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Wait, how does a new shooter become MD?

When no one else steps up to do it. BTDT.

You would be surprised at how many clubs lack volunteers for management.

It might surprise Joe, but it wouldn't/doesn't surprise me.

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We solicit volunteers to run matches at our club, anywhere from doing a single match to all the matches in a month. Our veteran shooters who were running the matches were getting burned out. Everyone helps set up the stages and our more experienced shooters assist by looking for issues such as shoot-throughs, more than 8 shots in a position, etc. Ive shot several majors but am still a relative novice at being an MD so Im always happy for assistance. Being an MD at our small local matches has made me appreciate the hard work that goes into running a major match.

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