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Things I Hate This Morning


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  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Bad days at the gym (especially with witnesses)
  • It's too hot in here, but the other five people like it this way
  • Cancelled matches
  • The current media frenzy to demonize Vioxx, Celebrex, and Cox-II enzyme inhibitors in general, especially since they are such useful and effective drugs
  • The secular aspects of Christmas
  • Deciding two of my pocket knives need a little "touch-up" since they've been used a few times recently, but instead of making them sharper, making them duller
  • Feeling yet another respiratory infection starting in my lungs and the overall feeling of craptacularosity
  • Forgetting to go to the store to get the things I needed over the weekend (but I made a list a little while ago)

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  • Plantar fasciitis
  • The current media frenzy to demonize Vioxx, Celebrex, and Cox-II enzyme inhibitors in general, especially since they are such useful and effective drugs

Can you expand a bit about this two?

I want to understand what you hate :D

EDIT: Already googled them and I know they're arthritis medications. Even though I'd still would like you to explain your rant a bit more.

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Sure ...

There is a band of connective tissue in the bottom of your foot called the plantar fascia. Under certain circumstances, it can get irritated, pulled, inflamed, or otherwise damaged. The result is a lot of pain in the bottom of your foot, especially when you take the first few steps in the morning.

The other thing is related to how the news media is misinterpreting and exaggerrating some studies that have been done on a newer class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that specifically target the Cox-II enzyme, which is a source of pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, acute injury, etc. Some studies have been released showing a small increase in heart attack incidence associated with the drugs, typically in higher doses than are prescribed and used by most patients. Merck industries withdrew their product, Vioxx, from the market because of this, obviously because liability issues. Currently Pfizer is facing similar problems with Celebrex, even though there are only two studies in question, one of which shows no increase in heart attacks at all, and the other only with higher than normal doses. The media is playing on phrases like "double the risk," but they fail to mention that when an elevated risk is very small, even a tiny increase can double the raw numbers. That is misleading in my opinion.

I know of no medications that don't increase some kind of risk, but it's all about risk management and acceptable tradeoffs. Vioxx (especially) was a very good product that I'd still be taking if I could get it.

People need to be informed of such things, but they need to be educated, not purposely frightened with misinterpretations, omissions of contrary evidence, and sensationalism. It's par for the course for the media, but today it's one of the things that I hate!

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Media is always bad news. (pun?) Although it is logical, they exist and have air time only because people pay them attention, and what better way to get attention than being alarmist, exaggerate, induce shock, create panic and more often than not, lie?

Sigh..... I hate media..... But, that belongs to its own hate post.....

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Yeh, one day this drug is good, then it is bad. Caffeine is bad for you, then it's good. Chocolate is bad for you, then suddenly it's a cure-all. Cripes, pretty soon (if not sooner) EVERYthing will be 'bad for you' (in fact, the media's just about covered everything to that extent already, so why bother.....)!

All designer drug concoctions are pretty much experimental anyway--we takes our drugs, we takes our chances. Meanwhile, many of us suffer thru illnesses, chronic conditions (some common, some exceptional) and haven't the vaguest idea what's true and what's not in our drugs........ even the drug companies don't really know.

I just try not to take much of ANYTHING in excess (or for very long) or that my intuition tells me is not good. Me?... I'll just be glad when they find a GENUINE 'cure' for arthritis. Meanwhile, I just take daily doses of Glucosamine/Chondroitin and note that it seems to help considerably. And it's not very expensive.

The other bums-me-out-to-the-max issue is the COST of some drugs. My GAWD!! don't even get me started...... :angry::angry: I'm just totally thankful I don't have any SERIOUS health problems requiring hundreds of dollars' worth of drugs each month!! :wacko:

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Any of the docs on here have a clue if/when naproxen sodium (sp?) will be pulled off the market? Ibprofen works if I take 5 or 6, but I'd prefer to stick with the naproxen and only have to take two twice a day. A lifetime supply is maybe $200 at costco, so I'm willing to spring for it now.

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Any of the docs on here have a clue if/when naproxen sodium (sp?) will be pulled off the market?  

If they pull Aleve it will affect my quality of life.

Aleve for an old body is kinda like STP for an old motor. My old worn out joints really need Something to ease the pain. When I get up in the morning it sure makes me wish I had passed on the TKD and had taken up bowling or something. :lol:

Like Siggy said. EVERYTHING is bad for you...

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I agree with each of rhino's rant's, and I also woke up with a toothache.

If it weren't for Celebrex, I wouldn't even be able to shoot. The arthritis in my hands sucks big time. I asked my the folks at the pharmacy about Celebrex and they asked me if I was taking four times the recommended dosage on a long term basis? Yeah, the news media sure over stated the case. I even heard a report on NBC about how needed to stop Celebrex now and Tylenol works as good or better. I can tell you, if folks stop taking Celebrex it will make the insurance companies very happy.

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I had a bad day at the gym, my friend. What I saw you do, I know of no other person who can do those things. I used to think 300 on the bench one rep was a feat worth aspiring to. I saw you get 6 easily and get pissed about it!!! I know you have your standards, but be grateful for how far you've come and what you are able to do.

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I could get behind sushi made with twinkies!

Curiously I've never had good results with naprosyn/alleve/naproxin sodium. I had decent results with ibuprofen, but quality control is an issue with the generics and it's not nice to your stomach. Vioxx was better than all of them combined, both as an analgesic and as an anti-inflammatory in my system. Celebrex is turning out to be a less effective substitute. :(

Dave ... you make a good point, as always. It's just that I have to judge myself by my own standards and making rookie mistakes like hitting the upright with the bar because I didn't align my body with the bench properly is replete with doofosity. For the same reason, I am significantly more forgiving of my shooting when I don't do so well, but I doubt if a GM shooter would feel the same way with an equivalent performance!

On the other hand, I probably should try harder to not judge the me of today by my standards of my twenties, when I was both more resilient and had not yet sustained any of my more serious injuries. I've made progress, especially since I was so pathetic at this time last year and had no choice but to "recalibrate my expectations."

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So...what does the inside of a gym look like. it's been so long for me that I have forgotten.

I've not been in one, but I always suspected it was like any other factory. This is where they make Gym Shoes isn't it? That's a brand name, right?

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So...what does the inside of a gym look like. it's been so long for me that I have forgotten.

I can take pictures for you! :lol:

Actually, mine is not really a "gym" proper. It's our local community center that features a modest, but adequate weight and cardio room and a gymnastics area surrounds by an indoor walking track (one mile per 13.5 laps). However, for $82 per year (for locals) membership, it's tough to find any fault with it. I say "gym" because it's easier to say or type than "Community Center."

300??? damn rhino. hows bouts we trade some training sessions, Bianchi lessons for benchpress technique lessons? just let me figure out how to shoot Bianchi and i'll trade ya straight up. your my hero Joey

Heh. I'll be happy to share any knowledge of bench pressing I possess. No need to bribe me. I think BigDave miscounted, though, as I think I only did five on Monday afternoon after I bumped the upright with the bar.

It's kind of sad because I used to do 10-12 with 315# as my last warm-up set back in 1991. Back then it felt significantly lighter to me than 225 does now. When I was briefly on the powerlifting team at Purdue (when I was in grad school), some of the football players did not like seeing that when they were "slumming" and trying to show off in the gym the regular students could use. :lol:

Unfortunately, I still don't have my "technique" back from former years. I used to be like a machine where every rep looked and felt the same except for speed. Since I was able to return last November, it's been significantly more erratic, although it's getting a little better, at least with my warm-up weights.

I'll feel much better when I can do an honest single with 400 again. I might actually feel good about myself when I can do a triple with that on demand. If I can do that within the next year or so, I think my old goal of 227.5kg (501#) is still possible. I'm just not sure I want to push myself that hard anymore.

I really am happy that I can actually walk and go to the bathroom on my own, but the more progress I make in the weight room, the more I remember how it used to be. Of course, I forget how badly I hurt all the time and the fact that I was overly focused on that one area of life to the detriment of eveything else. That may be necessary to excell at some activity, but it's not really a good way to live.

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...and the fact that I was overly focused on that one area of life to the detriment of eveything else. That may be necessary to excell at some activity, but it's not really a good way to live.

That has got to be one of the most intelligent things I've ever read or heard, anywhere.

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I'll second that BD, I've seen a lot of shooters do that too, they end up throwing away a good home life, good job, good whatever because they are constantly chasing the next major match, next classifier to bump them up, or next ballistic high. I wonder how many of them think it was worth it.

Rhino~ dont kill yourself to get it, but if you ever make 500, I wanna see it. I'll even start a money pot for you to take when you do it.

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