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Which classifier for training?


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I have a back yard shooting range and 4 metric stands and 2 poppers. Which official classifier or classifier's should I set up and practice to give me the best shot at improving my performance at my next classifier. I am working on building a couple more target stands and might find the funds for a couple extra pepper poppers but prefer to use that money to build a plate rack.

Edited by Zoomy
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Maybe I'm not understanding the question, but why do you want to practice classifiers?

What will make you feel better, doing well at matches by practicing the fundamentals or being an A class shooter (on paper) while getting beat by B and C class shooters at matches?

Edited by remoandiris
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Maybe I'm not understanding the question, but why do you want to practice classifiers?

What will make you feel better, doing well at matches by practicing the fundamentals or being an A class shooter (on paper) while getting beat by B and C class shooters at matches?

I have been shooting regularly for a little over a year and with my location and schedule I don't get a chance to shoot classifier's over the winter months. I am currently a D classification even though I out shoot some C occasionally a B shooter at my weekly indoor match.

I seem to choke on classifiers during our warm season monthly matches and I want to go into them with more confidence. I know I should be in C.

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I have a back yard shooting range and 4 metric stands and 2 poppers. Which official classifier or classifier's should I set up and practice to give me the best shot at improving my performance at my next classifier. I am working on building a couple more target stands and might find the funds for a couple extra pepper poppers but prefer to use that money to build a plate rack.

Invest in a shot timer as well. You can use it for dry fire practice too.

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I have a back yard shooting range and 4 metric stands and 2 poppers. Which official classifier or classifier's should I set up and practice to give me the best shot at improving my performance at my next classifier. I am working on building a couple more target stands and might find the funds for a couple extra pepper poppers but prefer to use that money to build a plate rack.

Invest in a shot timer as well. You can use it for dry fire practice too.

Have one since last June. I got the old reliable "big blue box" and used it quite a bit set on random start.
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09-02 diamond cutter. Might not be the best for classifying well, but it will improve your skills. Especially if you start to change up the distance to the targets

Thanks, I'll take a look.

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Maybe I'm not understanding the question, but why do you want to practice classifiers?

What will make you feel better, doing well at matches by practicing the fundamentals or being an A class shooter (on paper) while getting beat by B and C class shooters at matches?

I have been shooting regularly for a little over a year and with my location and schedule I don't get a chance to shoot classifier's over the winter months. I am currently a D classification even though I out shoot some C occasionally a B shooter at my weekly indoor match.

I seem to choke on classifiers during our warm season monthly matches and I want to go into them with more confidence. I know I should be in C.


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Classifiers are a skill that you should practice along with all the other skills you need. But when you practice them focus on WHY you are shooting them. When you are doing El Presidente you are training/improving on your surrender starts, your turns while drawing, your draw, your accuracy, your speed, your transitions, and your reloads. You use at least half of those skills in every stage you will ever shoot.

A Bill drill is another great one to practice. Draw and put 6 shots on the target. It tests your draw and it forces you to watch your sights and control your recoil.

Here is a great book on Amazon that will help.

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Do you know for a fact that the shooters you regularly beat are actually B/C class shooters? If they really are and you beat them at matches but can't shoot a classifier to save your life, practicing classifiers might help but I think your real problem is your 'mental toughness program' is lacking.

Get a copy of Mike Seeklander's "Your Competition Handgun Program" and Lanny Bassham's 'With Winning In Mind". If you can comprehend and put into practice the techniques for mental toughness they outline you will not need to practice classifiers in order to shoot them well. You will be able to perform on command and not 'choke' whether it's a classifier, a field course or even a shoot off against Ben Stoeger in front of 200 people for the USPSA Production National Championship title .... :)

Edited by Nimitz
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Do you know for a fact that the shooters you regularly beat are actually B/C class shooters? If they really are and you beat them at matches but can't shoot a classifier to save your life, practicing classifiers might help but I think your real problem is your 'mental toughness program' is lacking.

Get a copy of Mike Seeklander's "Your Competition Handgun Program" and Lanny Bassham's 'With Winning In Mind". If you can comprehend and put into practice the techniques for mental toughness they outline you will not need to practice classifiers in order to shoot them well. You will be able to perform on command and not 'choke' whether it's a classifier, a field course or even a shoot off against Ben Stoeger in front of 200 people for the USPSA Production National Championship title .... :)

I shoot with these people every week and they have mentioned on several occasions that I'm really smoking some of the stages so you are right it's mostly in my head. I will check out the books you recommended and work on getting my head on straight. Thanks. Edited by Zoomy
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I will share my experience/thoughts as a fairly new uspsa shooter. I took a couple hour 1 on 1 training session with one of the shooters in my area that trains a lot of people. One of the drills we focused on was El Pres. I didnt' realize it until we got into the drill quite a bit, but that drill uses a lot of fundamentals that we use in almost every course of fire. The turn helps you focus on snapping the head/eyes to the target as well as practicing draw fundamentals. Target to target reinforces snapping the eyes to targets. The mag change in that drill is a basic fundamental as well. It is a very good classifier to put a few basic skills together in the same course of fire and be able to measure progress.

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I just looked through the book and picked ones that I could actually construct (i only have 3 target stands, so that limits me a bit). There are a few versions of el prez, Tight Squeeze, roscoe rattle, and probably a bunch more I can't think of.

I would recommend shooting some that have partial targets and some like el prez that have open targets. I would also recommend experimenting a little bit. Go balls out a few times. Try to get all Alphas a few times. Calculate your HF for different strategies and I bet you will learn something useful (something that will apply to EVERY stage, not just classifiers).

IMHO classifiers can be great practice because you have a standard to measure yourself against. Pick a couple and start occasionally them cold as well, as your first live shots of a training session.

Edited by motosapiens
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