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EWG SV/STI magwell Legal?

Craig N

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You might want to get an Official Clarification from IDPA HQ. The way the current Rules read... with the "and similar, etc." clause .... it might allow some SO to say no, while another might say yes. I wouldn't be spending any serious money on Sanctioned Match fee, motels, travel, and a few days paying restaurant bills until I found out whether or not some newly-appointed Novice or MM SO was going to allow me to shoot the match. If you can get the attention of IDPA HQ (I wish you luck on that), that would be a question worth asking before you decide to spend $800-$1000 on a Sanctioned Match. At the club level it's probably not much of an issue.

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My thoughts are just to get a aluminum magwell and have it milled down...

I'm just running the STI Tac magwell.

So the factory Magwell on my Tactical 4.0 is IDPA legal?

Unless it looks like this....


The answer is no.

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