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New Hip


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Thanks! Progress is slow and steady. I want to take a second and thank my wife Elizabeth for her patience, and great support. She has been and is my biggest cheerleader! It was pretty tough the first week and a half, but she just kept my head in the game and kept me from getting discouraged at the slow progress. Thank you Sweetie!


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Had to change from the original hip l was to get to a different one due to the geometry. I will ask and find out.


make sure you do all your pre-op excersises. More is better than less.

Edited by hopalong
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New youngster may not take many trips in the beginning, but we look forward to seeing everyone.

Did some range of motion tests today. I now can do 70 degrees knee up with the new hip side. Haven't been able to do that in 5+ years :-) :-) :-) :-)


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No we are not going to be there. We are expecting Hope Annah Keen mid February and have no plans to travel except for my work from Jan thru April.

Wednesday the 20th is my 6 weeks trip to the surgeon. I will likely get released to drive, and may be released to work with certain comditions. PT going good, but R O M not where the P. T. and l both want it so we'll see what the Dr. says aboit that.

All pain from the surgery gone. Most pain from prior to sugery gone so as far as that goes it has been a good decision. More time and effort required for proper walking form. Kind of hard to change a habit that is 25+ years old.

Hope to get to deer hunt during Thanksgiving its a 4 hour drive, and l now have Dr orders to not go over an hour drive without getting out and stretching my legs to avoid a blood clot in the new hip area. We will play that one by ear.


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  • 2 weeks later...

New hip is Depuy eserom titanium stud and joint but ceramic on high strength plastic bearing surfaces.

Went to the surgeon Wednesday for 6 weeks check up. He released me to drive and was happy with my progress. My range of motion was so bad that he is recomending at least two more weeks of physical therapy after this week of my original Rx.

Cant do complex leg motions for 3 months (January) but he said i can do whatever i want to try. So l went deer hunting this weekend. Didnt get one but saw plenty and did way plenty walking to help me get better (legs told me so)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Week 13! Week 10 was a trip to see the surgeon who said "l like your progress. I can release you to work light duty, or we can do 3 more weeks of PT. I would rather you do the PT." You can drive but get out and walk every hour of driving to keep from getting blood clots. We opted for the PT. Have been deer hunting 2 weekends now. Walking in the woods, and tall grass is a very good excersize and really kicks me in the ass. Have "caught one deer" and hope for a couple more. 5 more trips to PT then back to work, bit light duty. The Doc says no complex motions of that leg for 3 months (January/February). Hip feels great. Muscles still complain since l havent used them like they are supposed to be in years. I want to thank all those who sent well wishes and most especially my wife Elizabeth for her support and help!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Christmas was good and Santa brought me a new Limited Gun !!!!!!! (Just Joking) But he did bring baby stuff !!!!!

Hip doing good. Range of Motion will be a lifelong project and will take plenty of work. Going back to work full time Jan 6th but with limits. (since I am the Foreman it can be arranged) Deer hunting has been a very good workout. Have only "caught" one still, but my cameras tell me they are mostly Nocturnal (the ones I'm looking for). Gait better, but I catch myself taking a step "the old way" less often now, and I know it when I do!!!!!

Updates will come less and less often now so Happy New Year every one !!!!!


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  • 2 months later...

5 months out from surgery, and l shot a club 3 gun match today.

During the 4th of 5 stages l noticed l was properly walking and had ZERO pain in the new hip leg anywhere.

Now there is some stiffness and ache in the other leg, but the new hip did well. Shooting not up to par, buf today wasnt about the shooting compared to the going and trying it out.


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