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Which optic for 3-gun

nj mike

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New 3- gunner looking for glass for a JP15 rifle,i have been reading about the new meopta zd 1x4, swaro z6i 1x6x24 brt1 are there any others to consider.the swaro is at the top of the budget.Would like to hear from guys that used or are using these two scopes also.Thank You Mike

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New 3- gunner looking for glass for a JP15 rifle,i have been reading about the new meopta zd 1x4, swaro z6i 1x6x24 brt1 are there any others to consider.the swaro is at the top of the budget.Would like to hear from guys that used or are using these two scopes also.Thank You Mike

I have not owned the Meopta but I have shot one. Its a good scope for the money but you can't beat the Swaro its the best going in my opinion and I love it. Its got a great field of view, great illumination and the best possible clarity.


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drum roll please..............sing-out VorrrrrTexxxx Vortex Razor 1-4 works great for seeing clear. the New 1-6 will be here soon. but will be hard to get hold of.

The Z6 is a very nice scope. ....But if you end up loving the game like so many of us , your going to end up with a Back-up gun for all the times something breaks. you have one ready to go.

The Razor lets us afford two for the cost of one Z6

Good glass will let you "see" hits way before the call & good glass in 4 power all way trumps 6 power and less clear.

As far as the cost goes keep in mind that a good scope will out last several guns. And good scopes hold their value almost as good as money in the bank.

Edited by AlamoShooter
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Kurt Miller had some good things to say about the Bushnell 1-6.5x (Elite Tactical line, I think). There is a thread here about it from a couple weeks ago. I've never seen or used it, but it seemed relevant.

Personally, I just purchased a Burris MTAC 1.5-6 and a Burris FastFire III (offset mounted) for my main rifle to shoot Open.

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Ronny, many thanks. If not for me then certainly for many others. That looks like a very interesting and worthwhile optic.

-- Mike

PS - We have too many Mikes here. Certainly you were referring to the Original Poster. My bad. Personally, if I were shooting Tac Optics, I'd be all over a 1-6x category scope.

Edited by michael1778
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Ronny, many thanks. If not for me then certainly for many others. That looks like a very interesting and worthwhile optic.

-- Mike

No problem, just passing along what I can.

I am not completely used to my scope yet, but if I can go back to last spring I would have spent a little more money on the scope that I wanted.

Moral is don't skimp out on optics.

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I just bought a ZD this spring and I like it but it would be nice if it had one more bright setting. I used it two weeks ago on a clear sunny day and I could make out the recticle but if it were a hair brighter my eyes would have picked it up faster on the hoser stages. I haven't even looked through a Z6i because I'm afraid I'd want one!

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I just bought a ZD this spring and I like it but it would be nice if it had one more bright setting. I used it two weeks ago on a clear sunny day and I could make out the recticle but if it were a hair brighter my eyes would have picked it up faster on the hoser stages. I haven't even looked through a Z6i because I'm afraid I'd want one!

Just curious how old your battery is/was? I also have the Meopta and have found it to be plenty bright in bright sun, for me anyway. It does dim when the battery gets old, and I wonder if you changed the battery in your scope, then it may be bright enough for you.


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Okay, so the $200 off on the SWFA is making me really think about the 1-6x scopes. So, for those already in the 1-6x category for 3-Gun, I have one important question: how important is it to you to have a side focus (aka parallax asjustment)? The Bushnell has it, the SWFA seems not to, and GRSC (which has also been on my mind) I think does not. Should that be an important consideration for a 3-Gun rifle?

Also, for AlamoShooter---can you point to any more details on a Vortex 1-6x? I have seem that mentioned a few times here on Enos, but I haven't been able to track down any other info. Specs, price range, expected date... Any info would be appreciated.

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I just bought a ZD this spring and I like it but it would be nice if it had one more bright setting. I used it two weeks ago on a clear sunny day and I could make out the recticle but if it were a hair brighter my eyes would have picked it up faster on the hoser stages. I haven't even looked through a Z6i because I'm afraid I'd want one!

Just curious how old your battery is/was? I also have the Meopta and have found it to be plenty bright in bright sun, for me anyway. It does dim when the battery gets old, and I wonder if you changed the battery in your scope, then it may be bright enough for you.


I'll try a new battery. I am just using the one that came in it. I have a rifle match on Sun so I'll report back. Thanks.

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Okay, so the $200 off on the SWFA is making me really think about the 1-6x scopes. So, for those already in the 1-6x category for 3-Gun, I have one important question: how important is it to you to have a side focus (aka parallax asjustment)? The Bushnell has it, the SWFA seems not to, and GRSC (which has also been on my mind) I think does not. Should that be an important consideration for a 3-Gun rifle?

Also, for AlamoShooter---can you point to any more details on a Vortex 1-6x? I have seem that mentioned a few times here on Enos, but I haven't been able to track down any other info. Specs, price range, expected date... Any info would be appreciated.

I had the Swarovski Z6i 1-6 circle dot and now shoot the Z6i 1-6 BRT which is the perfect 3 gun optic in my opinion. The Swaro does not have a parallax adjustment and I have not seen the need for it.


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Okay, so the $200 off on the SWFA is making me really think about the 1-6x scopes. So, for those already in the 1-6x category for 3-Gun, I have one important question: how important is it to you to have a side focus (aka parallax asjustment)? The Bushnell has it, the SWFA seems not to, and GRSC (which has also been on my mind) I think does not. Should that be an important consideration for a 3-Gun rifle?

Also, for AlamoShooter---can you point to any more details on a Vortex 1-6x? I have seem that mentioned a few times here on Enos, but I haven't been able to track down any other info. Specs, price range, expected date... Any info would be appreciated.

SWFA web site has the 1-6 Razor listed at $1,399 http://swfa.com/Vortex-1-6x24-Razor-HD-30mm-Rifle-Scope-P55713.aspx

you can get a quick video from The Vortex web site too


The MS RP is over $1,800

The thing you get with any top rated scope is that it will hold its value! I have one of my 10+ year old Leupold scopes 6-20 gold ring that is worth with in 20% of the amount I paid for it over 10 14 years ago adjust the way you thing about Optics priceing & get the very best you can afford. Pack a lunch for a month or so to make your self feel better about the budget.

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I own both meoptas (the original kdot and the new zd) and have been well satisfied with them. Unless I had a need for more than 4x on the topend or budget was an issue, I wouldn't use anything else. If I needed more than 4x i'd likely end up with a swaro (though benelli2 is trying to bend my ear about the bushnell 1-6.5). If budget were an issue i'd probably end up with a burris tac30 or an mtac. Just my .02.

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Okay, I had been waiting to see the Vortex and, while I will probably own a Vortex for some gun one of these days, I am not sure I want a full-size cross-hair reticle only for the close stuff. I am a little too accustomed to the circle/dot on my EOTech. That said, I would be looking primarily at the FFP sights---the SWFA 1-6x and the Bushnell 1-6.5x.

That's $1400 for the Bushnell and $800 (with the promo) for the SWFA. $600 gets me side focus and shaves about 4 ounces. I am not sure I think a case of .223 is worth that. :) I realize the SWFA isn't out yet, but how does their optical quality compare in general to Bushnell?

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The Bushnell does not have a side focus. That is the power knob for illumination which by the way has two night vision settings! $1400.00 is list for the first focal plain reticle scopes. The second focal plain should be a bit less. Listen to Benelli2!!! he knows!! and if it matters I will be shooting one this year as well.

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Bushnell 1-6.5x BTR-1 reticle or BTR-2, first or second plane. simple, bright, lower end of the high price scope cost, accurate adjustments.


Any chance you'll be at the monthly May 3gun at Liberty Hill? Would love to take a look at it please.

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The Bushnell does not have a side focus. That is the power knob for illumination which by the way has two night vision settings! $1400.00 is list for the first focal plain reticle scopes. The second focal plain should be a bit less. Listen to Benelli2!!! he knows!! and if it matters I will be shooting one this year as well.

Kurt, much as I hate to sound skeptical---especially when you actually have one of these puppies in hand---both the Bushnell and the SWFA web sites list a side focus on the specs for the FFP BTR-2 scope. In fact, the Bushnell site lists "side focus parallax adjustment" for all four of the 1-6.5x24 variants. You're saying you have one of these things and it has no side focus...?

Edited by CJW
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Yes I am saying IT DOES NOT HAVE A SIDE FOCUS KNOB. it is the power knob for the illumination, and yes I have it right here as I reply.

This is a case of a new product being advertized with the description that loosely follows all the Elite series scopes. If you look far enough down in the instruction manual you will find" as an alternative you can use the ring on the occular to focus the target and scope". this apply to the 1-6.5X series

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Thanks, Kurt. I appreciate you taking the time to answer stupid questions. :) Lesson reinforced---trust a fellow shooter before you trust a company to know its own products!

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Not a stupid question at all, after all even their web site says it is so. Glad to clarify it for you. Companies are big, there are the scope guys, the marketing guys, the sales guys etc. It is easy to see why it happens. BTW I didn't notice it untill now and have already sent them an e-mail about it. Thanks for the catch! Kurt

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Not a stupid question at all, after all even their web site says it is so. Glad to clarify it for you. Companies are big, there are the scope guys, the marketing guys, the sales guys etc. It is easy to see why it happens. BTW I didn't notice it untill now and have already sent them an e-mail about it. Thanks for the catch! Kurt

I once saw a photo in a major gun magazine with a rite up on the gun and optic and how accurate it was. The photo showed the Bushnell Holo sight mounted back-wards on the gun. :blink:

Allways trust the Redneck crew

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