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Crimson Trace Midnight 3 Gun Invitational

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Crimson Trace Midnight 3-Gun Invitational Update: Got back from Bend at about 4 this morning after a 13 hour drive. Between that and the hard work put in at this match this post may sound goofier than an outhouse mouse so let me apologize in advance.

What a great match, if Crimson Trace chooses to run this match again next year I’ll be at the top of the list to sign up to work it. I don’t think I have ever been treated as well as an RO at any other match, the staff was really well taken care of. Oddly enough they had plenty of staff to run the match too. Pretty surprising for a match nobody knew anything about or what it was going to turn out to be.

Not only was the staff well taken care of, everybody was well taken care of. The lodging was not the usual hotel accommodations. This match has us all relaxing at a resort in condos. With the odd shooting schedule it was really nice to come back to a nice quiet condo to get some much needed rest. Ok we were next door to Travis Gibson and this match had him running at light speed with his hair on fire so our condo wasn’t that quiet, but you get the idea.

I’m not going to go into all the stages and prop guns, that’s being well covered by others and I can tell you with the amount of media and gun writers attending and shooting this match, you’ll get more info on this match than I could ever put out. What I will say though is this was quite the match for the staff. Take your usual 3-gun match with the RO’s keeping pace with the competitor while watching the muzzle of the gun the whole way, now envision doing that with your eyes closed. Without the use of white light so we didn’t destroy the shooters night vision that’s just about what it turned out to be. Oddly enough we only had one RO fall on my stage and after running 99 shooters, that’s pretty impressive.

The other thing I’m really impressed with was the low number of DQ’s in this match. If I remember right there was only 2 and the one that I personally know of was a brain fart, dumping an unsafe AR and in the shooters defense, with the jam he had I can see where he may have thought he had shot it dry. At any rate with the low number of DQ’s at this match it really says a lot for the design of the match, and how the staff was really on top of their game keeping the shooters and staff safe the whole time.

Finally, the money put into this match by Crimson Trace and the other sponsors has really raised the bar on sponsor involvement. I didn’t hear a single complaint from anyone about what they got in their swag bag or that they got some throw away junk off of the prize table. Everything was top tier all the way down to the last person to walk the prize table. If they do this match again next year and have the same level of sponsor involvement I’m pretty certain they will be turning competitors away because this event will fill up in no time.

I can’t finish off this update without a serious tip of my hat to Iain Harrison, who thought this all up for Crimson Trace, Chuck Anderson who despite not running like a banshee when Crimson Trace asked him to be the match director did an outstanding job and Travis Gibson, who as range master was, well Travis Gibson and I don’t think I need to say more than that. I also have to thank Bladetech, Bushmaster, Colt Competition Rifle, Danner Boots, Federal Premium, Flir, FNH USA, Leatherman, LED Lenser, Leupold, MGM Targets, Nike, Nosler, Otis, PWS, and Warne who all put up north of $!00K in cash and prizes for this match

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We got back last night from Bend. CTI was a huge success! The stages were great, the shooting was amazing and it was unlike anything I've ever done before. I'll be back in 2013 if Crimson Trace holds another match!

Thanks to all the sponsors for supporting this first time event.

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The other thing I’m really impressed with was the low number of DQ’s in this match. If I remember right there was only 2 and the one that I personally know of was a brain fart, dumping an unsafe AR and in the shooters defense, with the jam he had I can see where he may have thought he had shot it dry. At any rate with the low number of DQ’s at this match it really says a lot for the design of the match, and how the staff was really on top of their game keeping the shooters and staff safe the whole time.

Everybody always wonders who did what and how to aboid having it happen to them. So I'll step forward and let everyone know I was the one that lost my wits when my Rifle double fed for the 5-6th time. I went into panic mode and decided I just needed to ditch my Rifle and get all the points I could with my pistol. In doing so I completely forgot that even though the gun wasn't working it still had a mag and two live rounds jammed into the receiver. I never even thought about the safety. So lesson learned keep your wits about you when bad things happen and ALWAYS put on your safeties when ditching a firearm.

On a side note if you installed one of those super awesome new JP captured Buffer spring setups and it ran great for several hundred rounds at 100 degrees it may need more gas at 50 degrees. It appears that the captured spring may be a bit stiffer than the standard low mass buffer/spring setup.

Edited by Jesse Tischauser
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Everybody always wonders who did what and how to aboid having it happen to them. So I'll step forward and let everyone know I was the one that lost my wits when my Rifle double fed for the 5-6th time.

Since Jesse stepped forward let me say a couple of words on his behalf. I was the CRO that found his rifle in the unsafe condition and thus the CRO who had to deal with the situation and I can't say strongly enough how Jesse was a complete gentleman and an honorable competitor about his disqualification. He politely and calmly plead his case and then he let me and the range master interpret the rules. Sadly it didn't go in his favor and he took it with grace. Thank you Jesse for being a stand up guy.

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It sucks to get DQ'ed, it sucks worse to have to give out a DQ. I think that the low number of DQ's at the this match could be directly attributed to the overall high level of the shooters that attended this match (with the exception of Smitty and I ) as well as Ian's work with the media folks to make sure they had an idea of how not to DQ. The RO's also did a great job as well.

Here are the three things that I brought home from this match. First, who you are squaded with has a great effect on how much fun you have at a match, and how well you shoot. Second, shooting at night offers up specific and different challenges than shooting similar stages during the day (obviously) but that those challenges are entertaining to overcome, and I feel can benefit ones ability to shoot during the day as well. Lastly, I think the idea of imbedding media folks into squads of shooters can be of long lasting value to our sport, not just for this night match, but possibly for other matches as well.

Thanks again to all the sponsors, RO's, Iain, Chuck, Travis, and Roseann. You hard work did pay off with a great match. It was a fun time, and an entertaining learning experience.

Chuck, I expect a picture to be posted to this thread of you wearing your fancy new shirt!


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Everybody always wonders who did what and how to aboid having it happen to them. So I'll step forward and let everyone know I was the one that lost my wits when my Rifle double fed for the 5-6th time.

Since Jesse stepped forward let me say a couple of words on his behalf. I was the CRO that found his rifle in the unsafe condition and thus the CRO who had to deal with the situation and I can't say strongly enough how Jesse was a complete gentleman and an honorable competitor about his disqualification. He politely and calmly plead his case and then he let me and the range master interpret the rules. Sadly it didn't go in his favor and he took it with grace. Thank you Jesse for being a stand up guy.

Right back at you sir. You went above and beyond trying to not have to DQ me.

I was just glad Chuck didn't have to DQ me. He would have enjoyed it WAY to much. :roflol:

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OK, just walked in the door from Bend. Here are the actual finals. We had a scoring error for one competitor on stage 4. Went from about 50 points to winning the stage. It also caused a change in our High Junior Award. The High Junior was sponsored by Colt Competition and along with the cool plaque came a Colt Competition Rifle. Unfortunately the knuckleheaded Junior didn't bring it to my attention until we were halfway through the prize table. Couldn't really come up with a good solution. The place where both these kids had finished was already walking the prize table. If I gave the gun to the one who we called the name of and was the winner when the results were finalized we were penalizing the kid who actually won, but didn't check his scores. If we gave the gun to the other kid the first one would have missed his spot on the prize table. Fortunately Dave Wilcox just happened to be collecting his prize at the same time. Told him what happened and he went out to his truck and got a second rifle. Each of them got a new Colt Competition Rifle. Not too shabby for first and second Junior. So congratulations to our High Junior, and High Knucklehead, Hayden Hixson and my thanks to our second Junior Cody Leeper who also helped setup and ran a stage for the CT M3GI. And big, big thanks to Dave Wilcox, Colt Competition. Not only did he bail me out of a sticky situation. He also loaned me a Colt Competition Pro to run the match with. That rifle is awesome. And yes I already told him he's not getting it back. Now I just have to figure out how to pay for it without the wife finding out. :devil:


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Back in Colorado...

For those of you who considered shooting this match and decided not to...HUGE MISTAKE! The staff was taken care of better than ANY match anywhere, bar none. Chuck, Ian, Travis, Roseann and the huge array of shooters, staff, media they dealt with and took care of created the best match experience I have had, and I worked it while shooting it, both over 3 days. There were LOTS of things learned at this match that will certainly improve it for next year. The stages and stage guns (Thanks to FN, Colt, FLIR, PWS!) were cooler than cool. Buying my kids Nike shoes tomorrow and just ordered another set of Danner boots. The sponsors for this match took some risk, and it paid off and will continue to. Those of you who know me know I am not a huge rah rah kind of guy, but this match deserves it!

MUCH thanks to Annette, Heidi and Judith for smiling and working with me on stage 1, you were all awesome!

Lou, Ian, Roseann and everyone else at CT...THANKS Again! You certainly changed my mind about many things by putting on this match.

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The staff was taken care of better than ANY match anywhere, bar none.

Not exactly our experience's having run both matches back to back. Great match though, huge thanks out to Crimson Trace for putting it on and all the people within that made it work. Also mad props out to Travis Gibson for being human glue and duct tape and keeping things together.

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WOW! What a cool and fun match! 18+ hours of driving each way for it and I would do it again next week! I any case I will be back next year without hesitation. I got to play with some toys that I haven’t even seen in person before and I got to take home some new toys that are really cool! Add to all that, I got to shoot with a great squad of some of the best shooters in the country and it all sums up to being one of the most fun matches I have shot.

Congratulations to Daniel, Rob and Tyler for the 1,2, and 3 spots! Way to go guys!

Ian, Chuck, Travis, Roseanne, Tiffany, the RO's and everyone else involved, did a great job to make this match something to remember and all deserve about a week of sleep now that it's in the books. Thank you all for your hard work; from my perspective it paid off in spades!

Crimson Trace was unbelievably generous to all of us, shooters and ROs, by supplying most if not all the lights and laser gear a shooter needed to compete in the dark and by hosting the event in the first place.

All of the Sponsors; Bladetech, Bushmaster, Colt Competition, Danner, Federal Ammunition, FLIR, FNH, Leatherman / LED Lenser, Leupold, MGM Targets, Nike, Nosler, Otis, Primary Weapons Systems, Warne Scope Mounts, and if I missed anyone I do apologize! All of these companies donated hugely and everyone at the match walked away with a bunch of goodies! If you need something that any of these companies makes please repay their generosity by buying from them, they are all doing a great deal to help our sport grow.

Lastly, pay attention to this when this match is announced for next year and GO! Running and gunning at night is something that should not be missed.

Thanks again to all who made this match work!


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I thought this match was a blast. While it did cost a bit to get out to the west coast from the east, we would come back to this match in a heart beat.

Things do change when the lights go out, and in our opinion thats part of what made this match so much fun. Safety was paramount and everyone was always mindful of the fact that bright white light in the eyes was a distraction.

To Ian Harrison, Chuck Anderson, Travis Gibson, everyone at Crimson Trace, the RO's and sponsors, you guys pulled off something extremely impressive. Bravo.

I tried shooting some video with whatever Sony considers "Nightvision" on a camera, it gives those of you who missed out or were unable to attend a look at what went on in Bend, OR this week.

Oh yea, stage one was our favorite, run and gun with the rifle is always the best!

Edited by cold
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We ended up with a Swaro 1-6 bikini scope cover in the lost and found, so if one of you are missing one let me know.


That might be mine. I have yet to put away all 6 guns and I was missing it at the hotel. Bring it to MN if you're going please.

Casman spoke for it earlier, there may have been more than one lost. See you at Nordic.


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We ended up with a Swaro 1-6 bikini scope cover in the lost and found, so if one of you are missing one let me know.


That might be mine. I have yet to put away all 6 guns and I was missing it at the hotel. Bring it to MN if you're going please.

Casman spoke for it earlier, there may have been more than one lost. See you at Nordic.


He shoots a leupold, bassterd!

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