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Area 3 is going to be conducted under the 14th edition of the rule book. The Jan 2004 Edition of the rules is still being shipped from the printer and will not be distributed to the members in time for the Area 3 Championship.

So, Lee, you will still be a Junior at Area 3. :D


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Okay everyone, if you procrastinated about sending in your entry to the Area 3 Championship - DO NOT MAIL IT NOW! Denise and I will not be at home after this Thursday, so if you mail your entry we probably won't get it before we leave.

Remember, Saturday has been full for some time, Friday has a few slots left and Thursday is no problem for slots. If you still want to shoot the match on Thursday or Friday, just bring your money and entry form with you to the match and we will get you entered.

Thanks to everyone shooting the match and special thanks to Emanual Bragg for being Match Director.


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It was a pretty tough match in my opinion. I got a chance to talk with Max for a few minutes on Friday, and he stated that it was one of the most technical matches he had been to this year. I shot Saturday, and had a sub-par performance. I think I had about 8 mikes, 1 no-shoot, and about 20 extra shots total. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

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With this match, every stage was so different, you could not get into a groove. Some very challenging stages, especially for us 10 rounders. I made many mistakes...but once again learned a lot. Especially shooting with JJ, Jojo, Lee, KC and others.

Fantastic match all around. Easily the best squad (friendly, funny, skillful) that I have ever been on. I felt out of place. ;)

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I thought that was you in the white shirt. I watched your squad shoot the two short stages, 5&6 I think it was. ALL of you guys were damn fast.

I am glad to hear some of the other shooters say they thought this was a tough match. I only shot 4 stages clean, which I think was a combination of having a bad day, and some hard courses.

Just glad I didn't DQ, I guess there were a higher number of those than normal. Some of the stages REALLY dared you to break the 180.

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I think Stage One had about seven different ways you could shoot the stage. And the barrels blocking the second to last paper target just sucked in the rounds. Resulting in a hard cover hit and miss on paper. Great Stage

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Well I just got back to TN,

The match was very technical as every one is saying, but if you just tried to keep it simple and stay in control it was not too bad. <_<

This was my first match to actually shoot with other revolvers and I got to watch both Jerry M, and Cliff W kick my a$$ but I did not go down easy. :angry:

I had a personal goal to shoot 70% of Jerry M and not worry about anything else and ended up 69% with a couple of stages where I just helped everyone else out so I now know where I really stand, and know where I need to pick up the slack. :)

Congrats go to All who won, and all who met their own personal goals I would like to mention CJL32 on our own BE.com as 2nd master limited, it suprised him as well as he said he did not think he did that good. :P

To the staff, good job some of you had to work some real hard stages (180 and other good stuff) I was stopped on stage 8 myself when one of the ROs thought I broke the 180 (which is the right thing to do) but after talking with him and the other RO that was following they could not tell if I did or didn't so I got a reshoot instead.

Guys, that is just the thing I am talking about as good staff being on their toes these guys knew it was a touchy stage in spots and told everyone before hand and then when they thought things got unsafe or borderline they stopped the shooter before things got worse, GREAT JOB hats off to you.... and if I had got DQed I would not have liked it much but that is the right thing to do and I would have just got a ringside seat to the rest of the match.

Good Match, Great Staff, VERY GREAT WEATHER :):P:D



oh yeah, BDH I slipped right by you with out introducing myself but next time I will for sure, but please don't get on a stage with that many steel. :unsure:

and one more thing, That D@MN barrel got me and cjl32 also :angry:

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oh yeah, BDH I slipped right by you with out introducing myself but next time I will for sure, but please don't get on a stage with that many steel.  :unsure:

Sam, the only thing you slipped by on was that I did not know you as hopalong. No big deal, and if I remember correctly, you shot that wheelgun faster than many of the competitors shooting in other Divisions. :blink:

As for all the steel..... all I can say is that I was just an RO assigned to work a stage... I had no choice in the matter! :lol:

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Technical match, that is a good way to say it. I sucked bigtime. I couldn't shift it into high gear on any stage but 1 of the speed shoots. The rest of the match I just sucked.

There was one good thing that happened though.... I'll post that in another place. :)

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Wow.. What a match. I had a great time, and met a group of great guys. To all in Squad 13 on Friday, Thanks for the great time. Everyone helped out, no whinning, no crying, just a little sniffling here and there. That was OK due to the match circumstances. This one wasn't easy by any means..... :wacko::wacko::wacko:

I happened to shoot fairly well. I bombed out on two stages, and was able to keep my head above water for the rest. I was able to shoot a clean match, other than being slow on those two :( .

Still looking for the results :unsure: ........................

Hats off to the Area 3 staff for creating a match that wasn't a push over!


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