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Screw up while being watched by Mike Seeklander


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First let me say this was my first match ever so there are more screw-ups than I can mention but one in particular stands out ... I had just finished Mike Seeklander's 2 day Competitive Handgun Training Course & he was coaching us students during our monthly club match held the next day. It was stage 3 of a 5 stage match & I was starting to feel more comfortable with the entire flow of the squad & shooting when this major screw-up reared its ugly head. Mike had taught us to do active visualization of the stage prior to shooting - something I'm sure everyone does, right? So, I had been doing my visualization for this stage ... draw, run to the left ramp; target, target, enter the open door; target, target, target; reload; steel, target; out the door, down the hallway, stand in the doorway, steel, steel, steel steel; down the ramp while reloading, enter the final door, target target, target, steel, steel, target ... done.

Well, exactly according to plan, just like I had visualized, I executed that shoot plan perfectly. After the next shooter finishes the RO says "are any of you guys going to shoot that target?" Huh? That last shooter & I had been developing shoot plans together since we were both production shooters. Ugh oh ... (Our squad was only class students & Mike ...) Sure enough he had completely missed engaging a target. The RO looked at me and said "you forgot to engage that target too..."

Once the stage was finished I go on the course & find the target in question & sure enough I don't ever remember seeing it so I never put it in my shoot plan, never visualized it & therefore had no chance of ever shooting it. Even though it was BETWEEN the steel & paper targets of the first door which meant my sights had to track right past it, because I didn't include it in my visualization my brain said it was not there when I was actually shooting.

Mike had stressed this in class that your brain will only remember what you tell it to remember so be sure you account for EVERY target in your walk thru because if you don't, you'll never see it while on the course. This is exactly what happened to me and it was very cool to actually see this in practice and it's a lesson I'll never forget ...

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And this is why I walk behind and around the course and physically count the targets versus the WSB.

Started counting targets after doing this bonehead move in a few local matches. I think forgetting targets is one of the worst things I can do, especially easy A's.

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I've been shooting for awhile now and every now and again I'll totally miss a target on my walk throughs and like you, if you don't include it in your visualization you probably won't even see it when actually shooting. Next week will be m first ever class in the art of shooting USPSA, up to this point I've been self taught. My class will be similar to yours, instruction one day and the next day my classmates and instructor shoot a match together. I'll be sure to film the match as you can count on one of us having a major brain freeze, just hope it's not me.

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I've done this more than once. But even worse I've missed far more targets because of a miss or some little something causing the plan to go completely off the rails. Usually know it at the end too, but not always which target I forgot.

Mike is correct in

that your brain will only remember what you tell it to remember so be sure you account for EVERY target in your walk thru because if you don't, you'll never see it while on the course.

But what he is missing in my particular case is that muh brane dun't wook rite! :blush:

Edited by Shadowrider
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I know you should never say never but since that experience I have developed a 'stage routine' that I plan to go thru for every stage to ensure I don't make simple mistakes like not seeing every target. The routine is currently written on one of my 3x5 index cards I carry in my range bag that also has my focus breath, visualization steps, performance statement & self image boosters on it so I'll always remember it.

That brings up another interesting question: on day 2 of the class Mike talked about match prep and asked each of us how much visulization we do prior to shooting a stage. So, what's everyone's answer? I'll give you Mike's response after a few of you respond back ...

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If you're not the first shooter, follow the RO around as he scores the targets of the first few shooters. Amazing what you can see and learn. Such as "I didn't see that %^&*^% target during walkthrough!" And you can grab a roll of tape and help patch as you go.

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true but I saw a lot of times on the stages that the RO didn't walk by every target, he had others calling out the hits for him to save time. Not sure how prevelant this is as I only saw one RO for 1 match .... I would think that as long as you know the stage round count you can easily account for whether you've seen all the targets or not. Not sure I want to wait until the squad starts shooting to be 100% certain I've seen every target as by that point I'm already into my visualization routine ...

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I did my first match ever, yesterday. I did a few screw-ups, but expected that. I wasn't too concerned with scores or times, I just didn't want to get DQed.

Since it was my first one, both shooting and watching, I didn't know what to expect and didn't have all the equipment I needed. I was using a full size M&P9 with three mags and two mag holders. I kept the third mag in my pocket.

It worked out OK, except for one stage. I planned to start with the magazine in my pocket, but forgot to and used one from the belt. When I needed the third mag, I found both belt mounted ones empty and couldn't remember where the third one was, so I had to stop with targets unshot. :blink:

It was still a lot of fun and I plan to do it again. I need to pickup another mag and make two more mag holders before I do it again, though.

Edited by Steelhawk
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