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2012 Leupold & Warne Northwest Multigun Challenge

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We are now part of the 3GN DIVISIONAL SERIES presented by Hornady series http://e2.ma/message/u2lr/24o9qf but if you want into the match there are only 3 ways in...

1. Someone drops out and you are next on the list...Sorry Jesse, no buy in from someone else's slot :blush:

2. Shoot with the RO's on the 12th and 13th for score. This list is growing day by day just to get into the match and there are limited slots for this also.

3. Have a company sponsor your way in. We left about 25 slots for this but some are already taken up.

Our waiting list for the main match is about 25 right now and growing...We should have made it a 3 day match :(

Now remember...this match doesn't help you get into the Crimson Trace Night Match! Even though we are working hand in hand with Iain Harrison and Chuck Anderson that is their match and you must have a invitation from those 2.

I am very excited about this years venue and overall match schedule. It will be a hoot!

See you down range,




Edited by busyhawk
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We have had some interest in a Heavy Metal Limited division because of the 3 Gun Nation Divisional Series. If you want to shoot HML, please let me know. There is still some room to shoot with the ROs on Thursday and Friday, July 12th and 13th.


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Doug is already cramming it full for a two day match and has offered to let extra guys shoot with the RO's. Short of making it a longer match, what can the man be expected to do? Arbitrarily allowing more shooters to join the match now would negatively impact the experience for everyone. As far as easy points for the divisional series in heavy metal, that may or may not be the case, depending on if enough people decide to shoot it, the 3gn rules when they do come out, and who moves over to HM. I really hope that the lure of easy points gets more shooters to participate in HM much like it did last year.

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We have had some interest in a Heavy Metal Limited division because of the 3 Gun Nation Divisional Series. If you want to shoot HML, please let me know. There is still some room to shoot with the ROs on Thursday and Friday, July 12th and 13th.


I'll take one of those spots to shoot with the RO's. Put me down for HM optics too. Since I'm probay going to be hanging around for Chuck's Crimson Trace match. So I can probably just go ahead and help RO if you need help. My wife will probably be there with me to help too.

Do I just need to fill out an app and put shoot with RO's? Possible RO?

Edited by Jesse Tischauser
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Anybody have any videos from last years match?

Go to Youtube and type in Northwest Multigun Challenge. RO crew is full (actually more than full but I like plenty of staff). Still some room to shoot with ROs but even that is getting full.

Thanks for the back up Shawn, we don't want the popularity of the match to ruin the experience for the people that signed up first so Scott and I have capped the Squads at 12. Any more and it gets to be a drag. One of the big comments from last year was that the match was smooth and ran on time. The only way to do that is to have some limits. Perhaps next year we can go to a 3 day match and add some capacity.


Edited by Doug H.
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Thanks guys! I'm looking forward to my first trip to the NW. Now which airport is best/easiest/cheapest to fly in and out of?

Portland, Oregon is the closest major airport and about a 3 hour drive. Horizon Air has flights that go all the way to Redmond, Oregon, which is about 45 miles from the range.


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We have been informed by 3GN that to be recognized for the Division Series there needs to be at least 10 shooters in a Division. This makes sense so that a person earning 3GN Divison points has to actually beat some people to get the points.

Right now we have 8 shooters in Heavy Tactical (also known as Heavy Metal Optics)and we have 2 that have decided to shoot Heavy Metal Limited. These divisions will still be recognized in our match if there are at least 3 shooters per Division but will not receive 3GN points unless there are 10 people shooting them. If there are not at least 3 HML shooters, their scores will be added to Heavy Tac scores to make a single division.

Feel free to PM me if you have questions.


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Damn I hope my big mouth didn't ruin things.

As the Mayor of 3 Gun Town I think you should feel free to speak your mind.

I feel pretty good about getting enough people for Heavy Metal Optics, but I doubt that Heavy Metal Limited is going to make the 10 shooter cut unless someone does some serious lobbying. I may have to find someone to lend me some He Man gear, I only have Wee Man stuff.


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I understand that 3GN makes the rules and you don't have a say in them, but that is a very unfair rule considering how late the announcement of the divisional series was, and that we still don't even have all of the details. It is too late to enter in many of the matches that are part of the divisional series, making every match critical to earning points in the division that a person chooses to compete in. How is it the fault of the shooter if the match did not offer a division when it was originally announced prior to that matches inclusion in the divisional series, or even the announcement of the existence of the series? What if a competitor can only make a certain number of the divisional matches over the coarse of the season and the division he chooses to shoot in falls bellow the 10 shooter threshold because of illness, equipment failure, DQ, or some other unforeseen circumstance, will that shooter then be out of luck for the year? What if a shooter is not able to register in any other matches and one of the matches never reaches the 10 shooter level? It is in the best interest of 3 GN and it's sponsors to have the maximum amount of diversity in the competitors and the type of gear they shoot, the smaller divisions offer that diversity, anything that can be done to support the smaller divisions would seem to me to be in the best interest of the 3GN tour and it's sponsors. I had hoped that the divisional series would help the smaller divisions tract some interest and give competitors a place to experience something different, this announcement certainly appears to go in a different direction from that hope.


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I understand that your interest is in expansion of He Man and that is admirable, but 3GN is concerned with people trying to find matches with small Divisions to get higher points than they might otherwise deserve. Since they are doing this on a national level, with money on the line, I understand their concern. We will still run our divisions with the same stipulation that I told you earlier, at least 3 people have to shoot for us to recognise the division. If I can find someone to lend me some gear, I'd give He Man a try but I'll need one of those red dot thingies, I can't see the front sight with my astigmatism. I will say that this is getting the attention of some shooters and I've had several emails today about the Heavy Divisions. Keep up the good work, your pot stirring is working.


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I understand that 3GN makes the rules and you don't have a say in them, but that is a very unfair rule considering how late the announcement of the divisional series was, and that we still don't even have all of the details. It is too late to enter in many of the matches that are part of the divisional series, making every match critical to earning points in the division that a person chooses to compete in. How is it the fault of the shooter if the match did not offer a division when it was originally announced prior to that matches inclusion in the divisional series, or even the announcement of the existence of the series? What if a competitor can only make a certain number of the divisional matches over the coarse of the season and the division he chooses to shoot in falls bellow the 10 shooter threshold because of illness, equipment failure, DQ, or some other unforeseen circumstance, will that shooter then be out of luck for the year? What if a shooter is not able to register in any other matches and one of the matches never reaches the 10 shooter level? It is in the best interest of 3 GN and it's sponsors to have the maximum amount of diversity in the competitors and the type of gear they shoot, the smaller divisions offer that diversity, anything that can be done to support the smaller divisions would seem to me to be in the best interest of the 3GN tour and it's sponsors. I had hoped that the divisional series would help the smaller divisions tract some interest and give competitors a place to experience something different, this announcement certainly appears to go in a different direction from that hope.


If I was Hornady I would want a competition for my $5k. Having 1 or even 8-9 shooters in a division is not much of a competition. It sucks but surely u can see the rational. Especially when it's almost impossible for someone to even enter some of the matches that are already full.

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The 5k is for winning the season, not the match. If left alone the divisions will populate with people who want to shoot them, and if the division is not competitive enough, the sharks will move in to take the easy money. of the three divisional matches I am going to this year, right now only one of them officially recognizes the heavy metal division. It is too late to arrange time off and travel to attend any of the other divisional matches and even if I could I don't think there are even slots. I think that if the lower limit was reduced from ten to five, or even three, it would actualy increase participation, not reduce it. Jessie, if you thought that you could get an easy 100 points just by showing up and kicking the tar out of some local yokel nobody shooter like me would you not put a red dot or some irons on your 308 and roll the dice in HM? And if you did decide to to do that would not the competition for one 100 points have gotten stiffer? I imagine there are a number of people still on the fence as to what division to try and dominate this year, I doubt that the outcome of this or any other single match would ultimately allow an inferior shooter to win the points race.

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We have 3 shooters now registered in Heavy Metal Limited and still 8 in Heavy Tactical but there has been a lot of interest and I expect several more HM applications this week. Seems the squeeky wheel does get some grease.


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Made it up to 11 in Heavy Tactical and 4 in Heavy Metal Limited so we are going to run both divisions and the Heavy Tactical (Heavy Metal Optics) now has enough shooters to earn points towards the 3GN Divisional Series.


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