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Festival de Cannes' palmares

Julien Boit

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I just saw yesterday that the Jury from The Film Festival in Cannes gave the prize for best film to Moore for Farenheit 911.

What the F**k are they thinking ? ? ?

I was already pissed off by those self called "movie stars" , now I'm totally disgusted by them.

Cinema shouldn't be about politics, especially when the documentary was made by this guy.

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Unfortunately, award ceremonies for artistic acomplishments are almost always political. There's no objective way to measure which movie should "win". So they give the price to the one that has been in the news longer than the rest :angry:

Or to documentaries about very cowardish and safe political views, that just seem very daring and controversial.

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What the F**k are they thinking ? ? ?

I was already pissed off by those self called "movie stars" , now I'm totally disgusted by them.

Cinema shouldn't be about politics, especially when the documentary was made by this guy.


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We've contacted U.S. Immigration. They will happily exchange "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum" for you and Jerome. In fact they said that, they'll exchange Moore for you two and 50,000 of your dearest friends.

Anything to get rid of the SOB....

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I hate to be uncharitible, but this "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum" guy really ticks me off. He's like the fat kid in grade school who was always sucking up to the teacher and was a total bully to those who wouldn't fight back.

Heaven protect us from the articulate idiots.

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Hi guys,

According to a report I read in my local newspaper, my favourite Director Quentin Tarantino was apparently overheard telling Moore that he didn't win the award for his political viewpoints - he won it because of the "Art".

I guess it's a small consolation ...........

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I hate "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum". I hate looking at him, I hate hearing him, I hate hearing his name, I hate everything about him.



Why don't you tell us how you really feel about "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum"? :P:P

Glad to see you're not conflicted about him....

My opinion of Quentin Tarantino rises with everything I read about the man...

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Quenton is a weirdo (saw Kill Bill this weekend) but "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum" is an idiot. Can we deport him? I have seen none of his work but from what I have heard I don't want to! What are these people thinking giving him an award? Just proves the world is going to hell in a hand basket! F@*# "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum"! TXAG

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I hate "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum". I hate looking at him, I hate hearing him, I hate hearing his name, I hate everything about him.



Why don't you tell us how you really feel about "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum"? :P:P

Glad to see you're not conflicted about him....

My opinion of Quentin Tarantino rises with everything I read about the man...

Let me take him down a notch for you.

He was the head of the commitee (? or whatever its called) that nominated and approved Moores movie!

Larry P

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Yeah, I know. I think that if you agree to serve in that capacity, you've got to pu aside whatever prejudices you might personally have, and look specifically and narrowly at what your responsibilities are. And if after determining that, and viewing all the entries, you come to the conclusion that this knucklehead made the best movie in competition that year, you award him the prize ---- even though you may disagree with everything he said in the film.

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I really hate that no one made a better movie and entered it in the competition at Cannes....

I have a bit of a hard time believing one of Mikey's films was the best artistic entry at Cannes. His films are not what I'd call 'high cinematic art'. Couple that with his 20 minute ovation (so lets see, if the longest previous ovation was, say, 2 minutes, then his film was not just the best but it was 10 times better than anything else?) and you get one conclusion: We Hate Bush and Will Do Anything (including prostrating our art and prostituting Cannes) To Make That Point...Again.

You know, Saddam Hussein won 100% of the vote in his last election!

- Gabe

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It's artistic in the sense that Hitler was a great orator. Just like Hitler spurred many Germans to action (and many others to turn the other way), Moore's films make statements that seem to be true (to the simple-minded) in a very powerful way.

I'll be damned if I know whether or not his similarity to Hitler ends there.

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I really hate that no one made a better movie and entered it in the competition at Cannes....

I have a bit of a hard time believing one of Mikey's films was the best artistic entry at Cannes. His films are not what I'd call 'high cinematic art'. Couple that with his 20 minute ovation (so lets see, if the longewst previos ovation was, say, 2 minutes, then his film was not just the best but it was 10 times better than anything else?) and you get one conclusion. We Hate Bush and Will Do Anything (including prostrating our art and prostituting Cannes) To Make That Point...Again.

You know, Saddam Hussein won 100% of the vote in his last election!

- Gabe

Gabe, AMEN.

He cant even get Disney to release it. If it was that good, Disney would, if not Disney others would have been standing in line to release it.....Didnt happen.


not that I think highly of Hitler but this guy only has Cukes following him. And not even many of them. hell hollywood booed him at the emmys (?) No he is NOT a Hitler.....He wishes he had the 1millionth the oratory abilitly that Hitler did....

Hitler didnt have anywhere near the production ability that Moore has and he still had half the world believing he was the savior........

Moore is a cuke that has the ability to produce a movie...nothing more and a lot less.....

Freakin MORON, thats about sums him up!

He is not Ignorant, he is STUPID, course he is laughing all the way to the bank even with the little following he has!

Sorry, Like BE I HATE THAT F*&*ING #&%#@($)(@#$(*@!$(!)(^%!(*@$)(@!&)#* ( oh hell just insert Carlens 7 words here) but make it worse.....Youll get the idea.

Quentin Tarantino was a part of it

Larry P

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