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2012 MGM Ironman

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Termite, it sounds like you got the inside scoop, come on man give it up? What can you tell us, inquiring minds want to know? How do you recommend approaching this stage, you have some of us sort of freaked out. Are you going to shoot the first match or the second one?

Bear in mind that this was only my second real 3-gun match, but here is a video showing how the stage was setup and how I ran through it. I could hear circus music in my head for most of the stage and at one point took off for the next array without any gun at all. LOL. But I gave it my best shot. I made it through and have a lot to work on before next year :cheers:

Edited by TGibe
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Thanks! Looks like there were several dq's in scope tac?

There usually are. No matter how hard the RO's try to keep people from doing stupid stuff. The match is brutal mentally as well as physically. By the end of several minutes of shooting people tend to fade a bit. That and the stupid zipline probably caught a couple. Loading before crossing the yellow line. <_<

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We lost a couple on the zipline, one was loading before the load line. The other was a weird one, the RO asked the shooter to show an empty chamber prior to starting, when he opened his action, a nice little live round popped out. Bad part was that he had been checked by an RO at the end of his last stage, the rd must have stuck, but he was cleared. He accepted fault like a swell guy, knowing that he should have verified his chamber himself and not relied on someone else to tell him it was clear. Great sportsmanship at this match. I saw guys get DQ'd and stick around and help with the stages for the ramaining two days.

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Horner took 1st scores are up on practiscore

WTH is practiscore.

Get with the times Mayor. It's an Iphone/Itouch based scoring software developed by Ken Nelson and Nifty Bites. We scored the Area 1 match this year using it. Pretty cool system. No messing around with entering score sheets into the the computer. It just dumps straight to the scoring system as soon as it's entered. You can find the results at www.practiscore.com. Look for match results and Ironman TS


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Horner took 1st scores are up on practiscore

WTH is practiscore.

Get with the times Mayor. It's an Iphone/Itouch based scoring software developed by Ken Nelson and Nifty Bites. We scored the Area 1 match this year using it. Pretty cool system. No messing around with entering score sheets into the the computer. It just dumps straight to the scoring system as soon as it's entered. You can find the results at www.practiscore.com. Look for match results and Ironman TS


Ah ha! I quit frequenting this site when they limited my signature, took away my member title of "The Mayor", and remove my 3 Gun Nation avatar so I guess I'm out of the loop.

That program looks pretty cool. Now I can quit practicing and start working on hacking instead.

Edited by Jesse Tischauser
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Just finished cleaning up the range. Scores for the OHOT match should be on the website by the end of the day.

Big thanks to Tony T. Tammy S. and Shelley B for all their hard work scoring the OLHOT match. Big thanks also go out to Nifty Bytes for their development of the Practiscore system. I'm proud to say the MGM Ironman was the first major time plus scoring 3 gun to use this system and it worked beautifully. Real time scoring and not a single system related issue that I'm aware of.

I'd like to send out a huge thanks to all of the sponosors of this match. I do a terrible job at rounding up sponsors mostly because I hate calling up my buddies and begging free stuff from them. Once again they all stepped up and helped out in a huge way. Please do me a favor and send a quick e mail or note to everyone who made sure you had prizes in your prize bucket. That's what keeps them coming back.

Last but surely not least, I'd like to thank all of my staff. Tennille and Eryk did a great job acting as MD's for me. They handled everything just like I would have. Set up and tear down crew...this was the best year yet BY FAR. Stages looked really good when we started shooting and we got torn down in record time. RO's...As far as I'm concerned the Ironman has the best RO's in the business. Safe, fair, and very helpful. You all did a great job. Thanks again.



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I appreciate Travis and the other good folks at MGM using PractiScore to score the Scoped Tactical match. This was the first big multi-gun we've scored, and it did work very well. I confess to going around seeking things to do, as stats was pretty simple. So I shuttled clays around, delivered tools, gave the match medic rides, gave shooters rides to get equipment, and periodically synched scores to back them up. But mainly I just drove around and gabbed and met a LOT of great people. Next year, with the range fully covered with local wifi, I'll have even less to do. Excellent!

PractiScore is a product of MGM giving back to the game they love - like the Ironman, and the Grand Nationals, and the Junior Camp. I can't speak highly enough of the folks there. Our other sponsor, STI, also is a great bunch of folks making great products for our game. The two of them make it possible for PractiScore to be free and constantly improved.

My son (Brian Nelson - High Junior in Open, 19th in the match) and I were thrilled to participate. I just wish my concussed head would handle shotgun recoil - it was hard to watch all the fun and not play too! Next year...


Ken N.

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When someone asks me “So, how was the Ironman?” I say “Ask me on Tuesday.” It’s a long 11 days and it takes me a couple days to decompress. Well, today is Tuesday so here goes.

The stages were the best yet, and I’ve seen more than a few Ironman stages. Although the R/Os really are the best a MD can hope for, the shooter didn’t need to be told “Go here, shoot that steel, go there and shoot that paper, come back here and shoot that steel again…….” The stages were laid out such that they could be shot with minimal help and that was good.

The prize tables for the first match were ok and for the second match were almost doubled thanks to JP, Seekens and others bringing great certificates with them to the match. Thanks guys, it made my job real easy!

The campfires were great! Quite possibly the best “Poncho, Poncho, Poncho” and “Little Duck” ever!

The weather beat me like a rented mule but since the number one motto of the Ironman is “No weenies, crybabies or poo poo heads allowed”, I’ll let that one go.

Only 2 things broke this year and I fixed one in the “shop” conex and Mike took the other back to his shop where it was welded and is on it’s way to me as I write this. This brings me to my last point;

The entire Gibson clan are among the best people I know – not just shooting sports people, but of everyone I know they consistently prove themselves to be the kind of people I am privilaged to be around.

Thanks to all,

Earl Jull

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Another great match in the books...

I have to admit I was pretty pissed when Travis announced at the RO meeting that the Tactical Scope RO's had to learn a new scoring program and we were all handed a Palm or other device (did I say I hate electronic devices?) to play with and learn before the next day of shooting. I did get to play with the device as did my assistant RO, Jeff, but to score a stage/match with both paper and an electronic device seemed over and above the call of duty for just 2 RO's per stage for the most part.

Well, the system sold it self! Never did it cause Stage 9 a problem. Now Saturday morning I was scoring a squad and the damn thing didn't want to work. It seems that my once frost bite fingers didn't have enough warmth to register on the Palm we were using so I promply gave it to Jeff and told him that until the weather/my fingers warmed up that he was to be the permanent score keeper :) I am so impressed that we are doing our best to have it for the Northwest Multi-Gun Challenge in about a month. Ken is a great guy to work with and really the program is that simple...even for dummies like me.

I can muster the intestinal fortitude to shoot and then RO the Iron Man but I have to take my hat off to those that RO'd and then shot the match! I really can't imagine working that hard to get 150 shooters through a stage, taking a day off to recover and then shooting to one's best ability...it just can't happen with me. Since I am turning almost a super senior I am thinking of just shooting next year...I love working and shooting but perhaps it is time the younger shooters step up to the plate.

I see this match coming back around to what it used to be...not as much as a match as it has come to be know as it is a CULT! I know of no other match out there that one must really want to go through the punishment and lack of sleep just to shoot. Back is an 8 minute time limit per stage...Hell, I have shot some Major Matches this year that my total time of shooting the whole match takes less time!!!!!! I should count up how much ammo I shot...on second thought I had better not :o

Of course without the support of the whole MGM crew this match would never happen...This is truly a family affair and I know Mike is just glad to empty the trash and water the road instead of MD or RMing the match. Travis and his whole crew are great ambassadors of the sport and it just seems that thanking them is not enough...I think the Mayor of 3 Gun should do something to express our feelings (if I had some) and gratitude to MGM.

Until next year...


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I must also admit that I was not happy to hear that we would need to use the iPods to keep score. From the description it sounded like a duplication of efforts and that it would slow down the stage. In reality it added very little time to the stage, but overall was a vast improvement over manually handling all of the data. I am a supporter of practiscore from here on. It can be difficult to accept changes, but in this case the change is needed and good. Instant score updates and no long painful delay for scores after a match are worth the extra seconds per shooter it takes to input the data. Also the chances for error in data entry are greatly reduced.

Let's face it, ROing the Ironman is a challenging task. 480 second par time, big round count, long hours, lots of shooters, less than ideal weather, and the worst part by far DQing shooters. But without RO's there is no match for anyone. All that are able need to do there part and take their turn with the timer or score sheet. Set up and tear down labor is also always in great demand. Our sport is driven by volunteer labor and efforts, we all need to look hard at what we give back to the sport we enjoy and be certain that we are pulling our own weight.

One of the best indicators of how much fun I have at a match is if on the drive home after the match, the scheming has already begun on how to shoot it next year. There was a lot of scheming going on during the long ride home. We will be hard pressed to beat the tripod, but the wheels are turning, and team Highlife will come up with something entertaining for sure.

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This is a good read. I think I will direct folks here for a good overview. I struggle to explain what my first Ironman experience was like.

The best way I have found to describe it is to say Ironman is like a theme park for shooters, with each stage being a different ride...


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This is a good read. I think I will direct folks here for a good overview. I struggle to explain what my first Ironman experience was like.

The best way I have found to describe it is to say Ironman is like a theme park for shooters, with each stage being a different ride...


Thanks, I also did a write up with videos of all stages for 2011 that may be useful for people who haven't shot the match before particularly those wanting to do it in Trooper: http://sinistralrifleman.com/2011/06/11/ironman-2011-after-action-report/

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The best way I have found to describe it is to say Ironman is like a theme park for shooters, with each stage being a different ride...


That's exactly how I described it when I got home. I think the course should stay up all year and we can just go like golfers or sporting clays guys. I know it wouldn't work without Travis and the great RO's, but I can dream.

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