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Magazines Sticking?


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Ok this is quite annoying...my magazines have been sticking for a while now and I'm really getting annoyed, especially when this slows my reloads for USPSA.

I have not measured my mags, but I don't think that's the issue. What I've noticed is that when I release the mag, it drops about 1" and then gets hung up. I have to actually grab the mag and pull it out before I can insert a new mag. Also, I've noticed that the reason seems to be because of the ammo: the round will stick out of the follower about half-way. I believe the nose of the bullet is getting caught and this is why the mags won't drop. It also seems to happen MORE frequency where there is only 1-round left in the mag.

Now keep in mind, with a FULL magazine, and an EMPTY, they both drop free with NO issues. I even tried sticking 1-round in the mag, works fine. Even when I purposely stick it half-way out! It's only when I'm firing and drop the mag, which is when the round gets pushed out half-way and prevents it from dropping free.

Is there anyway I can fix this? Unfortunately to my knowledge I can't just replace the followers, nor can I just get new mags (SA EMP 9mm). This is killing my reloads in USPSA though.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by polizei1
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It's a SA EMP, 9mm Mec-Gar mags. Mags are a year old, 2k rounds through the gun with 6-magazines. Springs have been cleaned but never cut. All of the mags do this, but I just had a thought that it COULD be me. I might be rotating the gun over too far, but I really can't say for sure. I need to videotape a match.

I swear sometimes I hit the mag release, it drops the mag ~1", and then I have to manually remove it. Upon inspection after the stage, the round is sticking half-way out of the follower.

Not sure what you mean by the bottom of the slide being smooth...

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When you pull out an empty mag take a look at the follower. In some cases when the last round is stripped out and into the chamber the follower is pulled forward and overhangs the front edge of the mag body itself. The follower then drags on the front of the inside of the grip and won't drop free. I've fixed this by trimming a bit off the front radius of the follower.


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I have this same problem with my Wilson 10 round 9mm magazines. It seems that under recoil the top round moves slightly forward causing the magazine to hang in the gun. If it is empty, no problem. It works fine for IDPA as I normally shoot to slide lock. However, USPSA is a different story.

Very frustrating.


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I think it might be the springs, as someone else pointed out to me. I can't remember this happening when they were new, and with the 9mm this seems to be a fairly common problem. I'm going to see if I can find springs and try that... Problem is I'm not sure if I can...short of buying new mags. Ugh!

I also remember cleaning them Monday and noticed that they felt a little weak, but I've had no feeding issues so I never really thought about it...

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Not sure what you mean by the bottom of the slide being smooth...

A fairly common problem with CZ pistols is that the disconnector rail on the bottom of the slide forms a burr or sharp edge at the bolt face. When the slide pushes the top round into the chamber, it also pulls the next round forward some. Check the bottom edge of the bolt face and if it has a sharp edge, break it slightly with a file. If the rail is smooth, leave it alone. If there are any burrs or scratches, smooth them out some. A sharp edge combined with weak mag springs could possibly cause the problem you describe. Remember, remove metal just a bit at a time. ;)

Good Luck,


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Thanks but I'm not removing any metal from my EMP. All the work was done by John Harrison but I'm 100% certain the disconnector rail is smooth.

As for why I'm using my EMP. It's my carry gun, I want to practice with it, but the real reason is because it's my only 1911 and I can't afford another. It's quite the challenge!

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Check the width of the lips. Over time these mec-gar mag feed lips tend to spread out. As an experiment, take the worst offending mag and remove the guts (spring follower, etc.) wrap the top of the mag in a rag and take a pair of channel locks to the mag feed lips, gently squezze the feed lips together. Squeeze a little, then insert it into the gun. If it still stick, squeeze a bit more.

This is a chronic problem with my mec-gars. This, and the feed lip cracking issue.

I'd bet a coke this is your problem.

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Maybe I should clarify a little bit. I think the issue is with the round coming half-way out of the mag.

I have inserted and test both full and empty magazines, all of them drop free without any issues. This leads me to believe the frame and magazines are fine, as far as fitting is concerned.

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Try this. Insert magazine. Now mash the mag release, hard. Hold it in as hard as you can, now try to remove the mag. If you feel it dragging, the mag catch is pinching the magazine and holding it in the gun.

I've seen this a few times. The mags stick, so you mash the button harder, which makes it worse. The mag comes out about an inch because it starts to come out, then gets pinched by the mag catch.

If you mash the mag catch and the mag has no friction, then I'd look at the feed lips and springs (mentioned already).

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Try this. Insert magazine. Now mash the mag release, hard. Hold it in as hard as you can, now try to remove the mag. If you feel it dragging, the mag catch is pinching the magazine and holding it in the gun.

I've seen this a few times. The mags stick, so you mash the button harder, which makes it worse. The mag comes out about an inch because it starts to come out, then gets pinched by the mag catch.

I agree. Make sure you can rule out this problem. I had to take metal off the inside of my mag release. I was pinching the mag during matches because of the higher adrenalin.

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One of my favorite pistols is a STI Trojan in 9mm. These little guns are a lot of fun but can be a real pain to get running. I have a set of five Wilson mags and a set of Mec-gar magazines, prefer the Wilson's but had to remove two coils from the magazine springs, to much magazine spring pressure was slowing the slide.

Several times I had to tighten the magazine near the feed lips as they are older and will spread. I'll check them when cleaning the pistol with the slide off and insert the mags with a round or two loaded in the magazine. Should drop free if they hang I'll put them in a vice and with light pressure tighten the top of the magazine till it drops free. Use a piece of old leather belt in the vice to keep from marking the magazine. Also check that the top round or the magazine doesn't hit the bottom of ejector when you push up on the bottom of the magazine.

This is along with the modifications to the magazine release already mentioned. The inside of the mag tunnel has been polished and a few coils removed from the mag catch spring to lighten tension. I did polish the disconnector rail and run lighter recoil and main springs. I've found my gun likes rounds loaded 1.140 to 1.150 short rounds seem to cause problems. May seem a bit much but the smoother the gun cycles the less chance it will drag the top round forward when dropping the magazine with rounds in it.

Edited by Bob DuBois
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Ok, I checked my mags width at the widest part, which is 0.544” and they slide in-out without issue. While I was doing this “test” I also looked at the disconnector rail and the mag-release, both were fine.

Now, I also noticed that the rounds are hitting the ejector! And that it’s pushing them forward, and if I had to guess I would say this is probably what is causing the issues. I assuming that when chambering a new round, the ejector is hitting the round and pushing it forward. When this happens, the round hits the frame and the mag won’t drop.




Bullet scars from the ejector and being pushed forward:




Noticed how scared up the frame is...is it from the bullet?

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Appox. how much the mag hangs out:


This is what the magazines look like after I pick them up. The round is significantly pushed forward:


So am I correct in thinking that I need to file down the ejector so it doesn’t hit the rounds anymore? Is this what is causing the issue? Or is that how it's actually suppose to be?

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How do the bullets sit in the gun with the original magazine that came with the gun? Are they also bumping up against the ejector?

Just eyeballing things based on your pictures, I think the feedlips on your magazine are a bit wide. I don't think the bullets are suppose to be that high up. Widening of the feedlips tends to happen with Mecgar mags when dropping half full mags on concrete... (Or at least that's what I've consistently heard about my CZ Mecgar mags.)

Amazing pictures by the way!

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Those reloads are set at 1.140" if it matters at all, but the same thing happens when I use different ammo as well.

I guess I'll try to put a bevel on the edge and make it clear.

Edit* I talked to John Harrison and he suggested I bevel the ejector. That should take care of the issues.

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I'd try

1) Already suggested. See if the mag catch is pinching the mag when you are pressing on it.

2) It really looks like the round is pulled forward and that is what is stopping the mag.

Try this. With the slide in battery, insert a mag with one round. Pull the slide back until the round is ABOUT to pop up and slowly let the slide go into battery. Does the round move forward in the mag?

If yes, then you need more friction holding the round in the mag or less friction from the slide. Try new mag springs or stretching one of your old springs. Radius the corner of the slide touching the round. Smooth the bottom of the slide. Squeeze the mag lips.

If no, then I dunno. but I'd do the above anyway.

3) I wouldn't worry too much about the rounds touching the ejector. The rounds should have some clearance to be pressed down into the mag, so the ejector doesn't see too much impact. Also, if you are reloading with the slide in battery, the round hits the slide first.

If the mag hits the ejector, then that's another story

If anything, I would smooth the corner of the ejector (don't touch the face) just so you don't scratch your brass.

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So I took the FP out, put the slide on the frame, and the barrel. I was able to replicate the problem EXACTLY by chambering a round and extracting that one. When I did, it's clearly evident that the round on the bottom is riding the disconnector rail and the slide is pushing the round forward. When I hit the mag release, the round is getting caught on the feed ramp. I even have a line of the FMJ coating running down the magwell.




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