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Which revolver next?


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I have a 610 set up for USPSA, a 617 set up for practice and a 442 for carry; which revolver should I get next? I doubt I would ever get into icore in any serious way and feel about the same towards IDPA, but do have access to quite a few steel matches. I have been thinking on this one but no clear answer presents itself so I have decided to turn to the dicta of the forum. A 625 and 627 come to mind but am open to ideas. Whatever I get I will cast and load for, and budget is around $1,500 for the wheel and maybe a start on clips and accessories. Thanks in advance,



Edited by Mitch_Rapp.45
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if I were you, I'd go with the Chiappa 6" Rhino revolver and get someone to custom make / modify speedloaders for it. Just to experiment.

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Lots of choices, so it's a tough decision.

You've already got the moonclipped gun, so no need for a 625. And you've got a great .22LR revolver and a snubbie. For the well-rounded wheelgunner, the other member of the club, IMO, is a standard serviced-sized 4" speedloader-fed .357mag or .44mag to round out your competency. Speedloader options favor the .357mag, but .44mag (and .45Colt) is also very versatile to reload for, and may be the better choice for steel matches.


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I should add that the weekly steel match near me is 6 shot biased, that is to say there is a forced reload after the first 6 shots anyway. There is a monthly steel match about 10 miles from my house that would benefit from the extra two rounds. I also own a Ti 45 cylinder and a 5" unfired barrel if that makes a difference.


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Different trades...different tools. You can almost use a S&W revolver for most action games. ICORE, USPSA, IDPA, Steel Challenge, Bowling Pins, Bianchi Cup. I spend a lifetime with revolvers, and will never get tired of them. Do have a lot of pistols, but nothing has more gun-personality than a revolver. Especially, if you have won serious matches with it. Ok the Luger, Baby Browning, 1911, and maybe the PPK has that thing about them too ha ha.

Interesting that a design from 1899, still rules 99% of serious revolver action sports...well not counting the SAA design, which is a completely different story.

Life would simply not be the same without a 627,625,686,617,642,29,25, and if I could have only one carry gun, it would be Scandium/titanium 45 ACP w/3" barrel and nite-sites...can't remember if that is the 325 ?

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I'm with Jess on this one. Everyone has to have an 8 shot. If you can shoot a couple of steel matches near you. The 8 shot is a no brainer.


I'm with Tom and Jess and anybody else who recommended an 8-shooter.

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One more for 627 8 shot. Steel, icore, uspsa, all good. Steel especially, sort of like your 617 with 2 less, not like six plus 2 rounds. I know its the same count, but mentally, I think you can feel it or visualize it better.

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