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2012 South Carolina Section Championship

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Linda just sent our the following message:

Sorry I have not posted final results yet. Major crash of scoring program Saturday afternoon. Got tech support from Rod Boudrie at USPSA last night. Have to re-enter or check every Saturday score sheet. Hope to be done tonight. Will email all competitors once results posted. Everyone will have 24 hours to send me questions or corrections before we deem the results final.

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Just a great match! Karyn and I were talking about which stage was our favorite and I couldn't make my mind up at all. Great staff that was very professional as always. Even the rain didn't turn out to be a problem.

Thanks to Jack, Linda and the rest of the staff!

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I even got to learn how to "speed stuff" a bunch of magazines into mag pouches under the clock, although I think that we can blame Lee King for that one. (Just kidding, Lee. We all now have a new skill-set.) Luckily for me, one of the forward-falling US Poppers malfunctioned on my first three attempts. I'd get the start signal, load the gun, stuff the mags, and engage the first two or three targets. Then the popper would just fall on its own, requiring a reshoot. I was getting pretty good at that procedure by the time I got to shoot it "for real"...

Ugh.. that popper... Restarting you that many times definitely fails under the "fail" category.

I truly appreciate that squad (first squad of the day Sat. on Stage 6) for being so patient while we got it straightened out. We've used those poppers for years in every imaginable type of weather and never had a problem. 40 minutes to find a combination of parts that would hold in the rain. THEN another 15 minutes to fix the targets that had drooped in the rain while fixing the popper. THEN bagging targets when that call went out. Again.. ugh...

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Hey Daniel, I've been looking for that Para in the classifieds all day LOL! But seriously, even with all of our bad luck and screw ups at the end of the day it was still a fun day of shooting with my friends in Squad 18.

Later, Michael Malone

Squad 18 Survivor!

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Any other word on final results yet? The entire match could have been re-entered by now. Does anyone know what has happened?

Alan, read back up through the thread, Linda spent some time trying to debug what appears to be a corrupt EZWS DB, then it appears she had to re-enter the entire match and or verify what had been entered.

Not sure of the exact issue, but last update was for something tonight with a 24 hour comment period before final/final.


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Any other word on final results yet? The entire match could have been re-entered by now. Does anyone know what has happened?

Alan, read back up through the thread, Linda spent some time trying to debug what appears to be a corrupt EZWS DB, then it appears she had to re-enter the entire match and or verify what had been entered.

Not sure of the exact issue, but last update was for something tonight with a 24 hour comment period before final/final.


Yup... She's working as hard as she can. I know we all want to see results, but I'd rather see correct results than something that adds fuel to any fires.

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This has been a very unusual problem. I assure everyone that Linda is working to get the scores entered and ensure they are accurate. She did work with Rob this a.m. to resolve the bug.....but did it work? We won't know until she re-enters all of the scores and checks. I have known Linda for a long time and I bet she was up most of last night (if not all night) trying to resolve the issue. This is the first time since I have known her that she has not had the finals available within 30 minutes of the last shot fired. Last year, I bet her she could not have them done within 15 minutes of the last shot fired.....she had them done in 12..

Please be patient.

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Everybody be sure to thank Linda for all her hard work. I have attended many matches in which she did the stats, and this is the first time I have ever seen a problem of this magnitude. Linda is probably the best stats/organizer in the sport. I am sure she went far above and beyond the call of duty to get the scores out. Thanks Linda!

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Everybody be sure to thank Linda for all her hard work. I have attended many matches in which she did the stats, and this is the first time I have ever seen a problem of this magnitude. Linda is probably the best stats/organizer in the sport. I am sure she went far above and beyond the call of duty to get the scores out. Thanks Linda!


Mark, You shot a great match man! It was a good day(long)of shooting but I think squad 7 did some work despite all of our long breaks between stages.

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Exactly. A note of encouragement to Linda is a good idea. It's not like she got overtime and hazard pay!

Also, be sure to confirm your hit factors. You have until 08:00 Tuesday. Two of my stages had issues that made a huge difference.

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I haven't visited the enoverse much over the past few years, but this match is such a high point of my year that I had to post something. (Warning: get your tissues out and prepare for the love fest!)

I can't thank everyone enough, especially Linda after what happened with the scoring program, for all the hard work they put in to make this match happen. I think this was something like my 12th time shooting this match, I just love the seeing all of my shooting-family there and it's always a fun and challenging time. To keep this "review" unbiased I will voice my one complaint: I wasn't happy with the way the parking situation was handled. It seemed like a lot of spaces were available yet people were turned away and parked at the far end of the range.

I was reflecting with a friend during one of the stages (Yes, there is time to do that at this match because the staff DO ALL THE WORK!) about what keeps me coming back. Not just to this match, but in general what keeps me coming back to shoot majors. Yes, I love to shoot and to compete, but what really does it is the love that is here. For me that what it's all about...

Thanks again to everyone (Linda, Jack, Frank, Banks, the CRO's and RO's, stage designers and builders, stats people, club volunteers and countless others and thank you sponsors for your generous support!) who worked so hard to make this match such a great success. And congratulations to the winners!

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Congrats to all the winners! Great match and great experience even with a breakage :-) it was a great time shooting with everyone. Congrats to all that finish as well win or loose it's the fun that matters to most of us.

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Everybody be sure to thank Linda for all her hard work. I have attended many matches in which she did the stats, and this is the first time I have ever seen a problem of this magnitude. Linda is probably the best stats/organizer in the sport. I am sure she went far above and beyond the call of duty to get the scores out. Thanks Linda!

+1 everyone should tell her thank you

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Anyone know who won overall in Open?

I would have to guess it was Chris Tilley. But we'll see when Linda gets the computer issue resolved and the scores go out.

You get one more guess........

Jack, great match and thanks for holding the thunder showers back.

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