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Deadbeat Renters


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I work maintenance for a apartment complex and have to do 2 "set-outs" in the next few days. What this means is that you haven't paid rent, you have been legally evicted, and yet you refuse to leave. Then me and my other employees show up with a Deputy Sheriff and physically move you and you crap out on the street.

I have one today that thinks because some attorney told here she didn't have to move, that she is good. Sad thing is I have paperwork signed by a judge saying to throw this girl out. When we move the stuff out, it goes on the street for anyone to take. We have no liability.

Why in the world would you not pay rent for 3+ months and still think you have a right to live there? :devil:

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Because that is the "something for nothing" mentality that has infiltrated the American public pushed primarily by a certain unnamed political party.

So it took you less than 20 minutes to drag politics into this, huh? That's fast.

If that drift continues, this will be closed.

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Had t happen to my folks a number of years ago. Took six month for them to get the sherrif to help. By that time the dead bead had litterally destroyed the house. takeing the wood off the walls, removing the sink etc. Cost them 25K to repair the place.

Some people are just like that I guess.

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I have been considering keeping my current house as a rental until the market picks up momentum if I am able to move soon. After reading this, and listening to a lady here at work gripe about going to court with a tenant over back rent and eviction, I think I'll just bank the difference in my current house note and what a new one would be and just sit tight as long as possible. Too many headaches it seems. :angry2:

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My parents had one like that in the building they had when were were in college. Just refused to leave and know how long they are good to go for before they can be thrown out. It was a college town too so alot just never paid the last months rent since "we paid the first and last months rent when we moved in". It was specifically stated that the deposit was not the last months rent it was to cover damage to the apt both in the lease and several times verbally when they moved in. We have gotten some apartments back literally trashed. Some girl locked her key out and instead of calling to have the door unlocked(both my brother and I lived there and had a set of keys for that very reason) kicked the door in. It was "repaired" with glue and was worse than before they tried to fix it. Mess up the paint? spray paint at walmart all over the place is close enough.

We had one mother pissed because her son had his electric shut of in the dead of winter and threatened to sue. Im sorry, the tenent pays their own electric(or dosent pay in her sons case). We just had it setup where we are notified and it gets shut off by the power company and doesnt get put back in our name(which they learned after it happened once)

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Sometimes renting really isn't worth it. When I was a teenager we moved out of town to the country but kept our "in town" house thinking that the market would get better in a couple of years. After 6 different tennants - all bad - we eventually just let the house sit empty until we were ready to sell.

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Well, the apartment was not damaged at all. They were actually clean tenants.

I ended up with two laptops, 5 pairs of Air Jordans (NIB) and two HD recievers for TV's.

CHA CHING! Almost had the 48" TV but the "Rent-a-center" place came to get it. Dang.

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Well, the apartment was not damaged at all. They were actually clean tenants.

I ended up with two laptops, 5 pairs of Air Jordans (NIB) and two HD recievers for TV's.

CHA CHING! Almost had the 48" TV but the "Rent-a-center" place came to get it. Dang.

Not like that here in Ohio. After a few months of no rent, you go to court, get the eviction, then the sherriff comes with a moving company and all their stuff goes in storage.

One of many reasons I got out of being a landlord.

Edited by Paul Santiago
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Well, the apartment was not damaged at all. They were actually clean tenants.

I ended up with two laptops, 5 pairs of Air Jordans (NIB) and two HD recievers for TV's.

CHA CHING! Almost had the 48" TV but the "Rent-a-center" place came to get it. Dang.

Not like that here in Ohio. After a few months of no rent, you go to court, get the eviction, then the sherriff comes with a moving company and all their stuff goes in storage.

One of many reasons I got out of being a landlord.

It's the same way here only we don't pay for a moving company. Once the Sheriff hands them the notice, they have to leave the apartment while we throw stuff out. No one can come in the apartment until we are done.

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