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USPSA World Shoot Revo Team


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Doug is the man. The revo community has always been the best. If everything goes like it did in Ecuador, there will be world shoot shirts done by techwear given to all the sponsored teams leaving the unsponsored teams to buy there own at about $100 each.

Since we will be buying out our shirts, I would like to suggest that Sue get to work on a Revo specific shirt with our our guys on. Why not advertise for our own people. I would put DC Ammo and North Mountain and Carmonize at the top of the list. How about Doug's face on the front, Bob's on the back and a dremel tool on each sleeve??

Any other ideas, speak up. I know Jerry will have his own stuff but I am up for ideas.

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There is no way the USA loses revolver. This is the home of John Wayne, Dirty Harry, and Sledge Hammer.

We will bring home the gold.

You guys will kick some butt! :sight: Nice support Doug, hat off to you for your support. Your suppport and the support of the others is great and far better than you are getting from the home office. :angry2: (refraning from rant here).

Im not sure of the TSA rules on Dremel tools, but since Mike is using his team mates for guidence I hope he has bail money for him AND Cliff! :roflol:

Tear it up boys! :cheers:

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To show you what it is like at the World, the experience in Ecuador:

At your club match, or Area or the Nats, it is pretty much everyone for himself. Oh, the other guys won't intentionally give you wrong advice, but they are in their own zone.

At Ecuador, Jerry and I were on a squad apart from Cliff and Lisa. After a couple of stages, Jerry and I worked out a routine: we'd walk the stage, then confer. "Well, how about this. Or that?" We'd settle on a Plan A, and walk the stage again. Ooops, that won't work. OK, Plan B. On one stage, we finally got it sorted out with Plan H.

You're on a team, you watch out for each other. That means things like using a stopwatch to work out the sequence of movers, etc. The US Revolver Team is just that.

Still, I'm keeping Cliff away from the Ouzo. I've been to Greece, and that stuff will knock you flat before you know it.

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Hello: Mix the Ouzo with water and it turns milky white and makes you run faster :roflol: They make some great wines over there as well. Stay away from the Ryque(sp) it will put you on your butt. Old ladies drink a large glass of that for lunch and dinner but then again they live to be 100 years old :surprise: Sounds like you guys will have lots of fun. Thanks, Eric

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Congrats, guys. I wonder if this means all slots for the US have been assigned? I was hoping to squeeze in there somewhere . . .


Matt, there have been at least 2 last calls for slots. I would guess that means that there are some left but they will go back soon. Email president Voigt ASAP and tell him you want to go.

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In the past, everyone who wanted to go (or pretty much all)scored a slot.

The General Assembly assigns slots and sends them out. The various regions use them, and send back un-used slots. (I know, unused slots, go figure.) And they then get offered up to the regions that have already used all of theirs.

If you're thinking you'd like to go, check the finances, and then ask for a slot.

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post-24650-041018500 1297115313_thumb.jp

Doug is the man. The revo community has always been the best. If everything goes like it did in Ecuador, there will be world shoot shirts done by techwear given to all the sponsored teams leaving the unsponsored teams to buy there own at about $100 each.

Since we will be buying out our shirts, I would like to suggest that Sue get to work on a Revo specific shirt with our our guys on. Why not advertise for our own people. I would put DC Ammo and North Mountain and Carmonize at the top of the list. How about Doug's face on the front, Bob's on the back and a dremel tool on each sleeve??

Any other ideas, speak up. I know Jerry will have his own stuff but I am up for ideas.

I'll be glad to wellcome you in Greece and help you at anything i can do for you :cheers: .thts what i told you at Serbia too.am i right?? ;)

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Hello: Mix the Ouzo with water and it turns milky white and makes you run faster :roflol: They make some great wines over there as well. Stay away from the Ryque(sp) it will put you on your butt. Old ladies drink a large glass of that for lunch and dinner but then again they live to be 100 years old :surprise: Sounds like you guys will have lots of fun. Thanks, Eric

The OUZO post-24650-003105900 1297116065_thumb.jpis a very good ant tasty traditional drink but as all drinks need full stomach,and the RAKI too.(same traditional homemade drink from grapes)post-24650-071861500 1297116443_thumb.jpall the Greeks we live with them.

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Thanks Sheriff. I cant wait to have a big drink of ouzo with you guys. It will be great to see you guys again.

If you need anything from the US, let me know and I will try to bring it with me.


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Ouzo has its good points. My first wife was Greek and we managed to produce an offspring. :roflol:

You are no the right path...! :cheers::devil: What did you manage to produce??OYZO or RAKI(TSIPOURO)??? ;)

You are ON the right path.........!!!!! :devil::cheers: What did you manage to produce??OYZO or RAKI(TSIPOURO)??? ;)

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Ouzo has its good points. My first wife was Greek and we managed to produce an offspring. :roflol:

You are no the right path...! :cheers::devil: What did you manage to produce??OYZO or RAKI(TSIPOURO)??? ;)

You are ON the right path.........!!!!! :devil::cheers:What did you manage to produce??OYZO or RAKI(TSIPOURO)??? ;)

11 years of child support.

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Ouzo has its good points. My first wife was Greek and we managed to produce an offspring. :roflol:

You are no the right path...! :cheers::devil: What did you manage to produce??OYZO or RAKI(TSIPOURO)??? ;)

You are ON the right path.........!!!!! :devil::cheers:What did you manage to produce??OYZO or RAKI(TSIPOURO)??? ;)

11 years of child support.


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  • 2 months later...

World Shoot Revo Team Update!

I want to send out a special word of thanks to some very fine folks.

The team members were recently required to sign contracts that we must purchase and wear official World Shoot shirts over in Greece. As everybody knows by now, Revolver is the only U.S. division that gets no financial support whatsoever from USPSA. Then yesterday, from completely out of the clear blue, came emails from Sue Irish informing us that Bob ("the Mad Genius of Revolver Division") Perdue and the Irish family will be underwriting the cost of the official World Shoot shirts for the U.S. Revolver team. Is that cool or what? Thanks so much to our great friends Bob, Steve, Sue, and Sarah for their extraordinary generosity.

Then--as if that wasn't enough to make my whole day--I opened yesterday's mail to find a check from new wheelgunner Jerry Cardoso (aka "Fudd" here on BE) who simply wanted to show a gesture of support to the U.S. Revo team. What a pleasant surprise! The team can use it for a nice meal some evening over in Greece, and we will be sure to kick it off with a toast to our benefactor and new friend Jerry C.! Thank you very much for your thoughtful gift to the team.

What else can I say? You guys are the best! :cheers:

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Hey, can I go along as an interpreter? It's been 35 years since I was stationed there but I still remember some Greek.

Cliff, when you meet one of the local ladies, just say " Yasoo agape moo, speedi moo, speedi soo?" (spelling is phonetic - Mike, that means it's spelled the way is sounds)

Keep Cliff away from the Retsina (sp) - it'll sneak up on you quick

Good luck guys!!

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(spelling is phonetic - Mike, that means it's spelled the way is sounds)

WTF Jerry? Are you under the impression that despite my 20 years of formal education (all of which was obtained north of the Mason-Dixon line, I might add), I haven't yet run across the word phonetic?


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