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I will always think of this years A6 match as the mud bowl. It was an awesome match, but man, the weather was horrible. Most everyone who shot on Saturday shot several stages in an absolute driving rain. Stage 9 was thrown out of the match completely because it washed away :o . Mud was ankle deep on some stages. You gotta love it. Major kudos to all the ROs who put up with the weather the entire weekend. Results are here:


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Congrats to Chris Patty, CPWSA proprietor and Team AGrip Captain on his 4th place overall (2nd M) finish. Evidently Mr. Patty is kin to ducks or water snakes (like the one that met an untimely demise on bay 9) as he not only overcame the conditions but seemed to thrive in them. And all along we thought that was simian blood running through your veins Chris! :D

I echo Chris' thanks to the RO's for their long hours in horrible conditions.

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To the the BE'ers who came thru Stage 8.... I hope you had a much fun shooting it in the rain as I had patching the holes you made. The Barrel Yard crew ruined several good pairs of shoes (except for 'Old Trench Foot' Tyrone Phillips who only wears shoes when his wife makes him) but we had a blast.

I want to thank all of you who took the time to say THANKS. Normally its appreciated, but when you are wet and miserable, and there is a squad waiting for you to move the one that just finished out from under the test so you get no breaks, it really means a lot!


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Congrats to Chris Patty, CPWSA proprietor and Team AGrip Captain on his 4th place overall (2nd M) finish. Evidently Mr. Patty is kin to ducks or water snakes (like the one that met an untimely demise on bay 9) as he not only overcame the conditions but seemed to thrive in them. And all along we thought that was simian blood running through your veins Chris! :D

Well done Chris!

Also congrats to Pete Milionis for winning high overall in a strong Production field.

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Mud fudge mags apart, the match was great! Time with friends, good stages and excellent match staff! Hard to beat that on a weekend as rainy as last!

I squaded with Mr. President, Frank García, Jerry Brown and Jeff Gambrell and it's safe to say I was taken to school for a weekend.

For me Georgia State is next. See you there!

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It was great seeing all the BE'rs there. I got to meet a few for the first time like Steve Anderson, Mr. Bear 1142 (if you have ever seem him you will know why I said Mr.) Blake and there may have been a couple of more.

Steve, It was great being on the same squad with ya. That for all the tips and I'm going to put that book to use between now and the Nat's.

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Fun match, one of those we'll talk about for a while. I shot like crap, felt like I'd never held a gun before. But there were many laughs shooting in the conditions. Stage 7 I think it was, starting from the box moving to the door and finally to the port with steel behind it. My foot slipped trying to leave the box in a hurry and somehow I caught myself with my other foot with my face about 18 inches from planting in the mud. The funny thing was my foot landed right in a nice mud puddle drenching my face and glasses with brown water and some good size chunks of sod. I was laughing out loud before I got to the door.

As usual, the staff and crew did an awesome job period, but especially given the conditions. I got to meet Jack Suber, I was looking for Steve but couldn't track him down. It's funny how many BE'ers there are at these matches and you don't even know it.

I have a question, maybe I should start another thread for this. If so, somebody move this. I'm curious if anyone that shot the match looked at stage 4 (the boat) and considered leaving one or both of the back DP's. Steve?...Jon?... I figured the Hit Factor's many times Friday night and it appeared it would be worth it to leave one for sure and maybe both. The super squad shot in front of me and they didn't do it, and I finally chickened out before I shot and shot it straight up. But I looked at it again and refigured the Hit Factor after the match and it still appears to be benifical to leave one of them. It would be a long post for me to explain which I'll do if someone wants, but I'm curious if anyone did it or considered it??


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I considered it, but decided not to give up the points even though misses would have been no penalty mikes. Granted, I didn't do any math to justify it either way, just figured the points made up for the minor time savings to leave one or both of them.

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Max, T and some of the other's talk about it but when Max did the math he said it would not be worth it. Max is great about figuring out HF, points per second, it just blows my mind. BTW that was one of my bad stages. I started shooting to far back in the boat and the ports blew fiberglass all in my face and I had a had time after the first DT on the left.

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I shot the back array right DT, Left DT, then steel, paper, steel, right two, then left two.

No hurries, no panics. My second best best stage finish.

I had the curse of the reshoot on another with a last target death jam, then forgot a target on stage 8. ouch.

A great learning experience for me, and I can't wait to get back to work.


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Smokin' run Steve. I shot it the same way you did, except I threw my first reload on the ground :o

How long do you think it took you to take two shots on the right DT and how long did it take you to transition from the left DT to the steel?

Those back DT's were what, 18yds? And the transition was about 10yds?

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It was good to see everyone at the Area 6 and meet those I hadn't met before. I also thought it was a great match and would love to have been able to shoot it when it was dry. Oh well.

I was squadded with Nelson and the Limited GMs he referred to. They all discussed leaving the DTs y'all referred to on stage 4 but opted to shoot them anyway.

I learned a valuable lesson at this match. NEVER take an allergy medicine with Pseudoephedrine before you shoot. You would have thought I took ACME earthquake pills. I shot my first stage REAL fast. REAL fast.

Take care. I back headed back to Charleston (for work this time).

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It didn't take long...I knew EXACTLY where they were and drove the gun right on 'em. I can remember the feeling of that hard trans. from right to left the first time, and the second time going back for the pairs.

I WANTED that stage, and felt like I could make it my B*tch. :)

That's a great mental game lesson I learned (or rather had reinforced) at this match...when I felt like I owned the stage, i shot it well. Where I had ANY doubt about the strategery...it showed.


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