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I've not seen it in person, but I'd start out trying straight across L-R-- draw to a big plate, transition off a big plate to the stop. If that's too much swinging getting to the stop, go outside in on the second array-- but then you're in danger of missing the last plate and not figuring that out until you've whacked the stop.

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shred! have you looked at the distances to target? if my memory serves me right

those plates are as far away as the last plate(my first) on five to go, which means

it should take some doing to shoot this one quick!! granted the outside two plates are 12" but think about how many times you had to double clutch that back plate on five to go, now their all on the back row, i do think the way to shoot this is left to right. time will tell. i think i'll miss flying "M" though, it was a devil getting that foot work down. trapr

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Hah, I hadn't thought of it that way.. I was thinking "3 yards further than the back plates on Roundabout" :D Even more chance to miss and go for the stop plate before realizing it... If I remember right, that's why Rob L started shooting 5TG backwards. Too many misses on the last plate going for the stop.

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shot it today...the 10" plates and elevation changes make it a tough stage...in terms of pace/tempo and how deliberate you have to be with your shots, it is most like "5 to go"...i practiced it after the match and left to right seemed to work the best for me...the fast guys will shoot it in 2.75 or less...

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OK all you steel freaks here is what the Pendulum looks like. I set it up on Sat. It is not an easy stage. :wacko: You really have to aim at those two 10" plates. All four of the back targets are at 18 yards with the stop plate being at 10 yards.

My times with my Open Steel Gun were from 3.15 to 3.25. This photo was taken my me standing in the starting box.

BTW, all targets execpt the stop plate are new from GT Targets. I am going to post more info on them under the Gear & Accessory Forum.


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shot it at piru a few weeks ago...the 10" plates and elevation changes make it tough...reminds me of "five to go" in terms of really having to watch your sights/dot...during my practice session, my clean runs were 3.05-3.10...couldn't seem to drop one in the 2s...at least, not yet....

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A group of us set this up last weekend and played with it for several hours. 1,2,3,4,Stop is definately harder/slower than 2,1,4,3,Stop at least for some of us. We were all shooting Limited and best times were in the mid 3's.

1-4 or 4-1 in order made for a miss almost every time on either 2 or 3 (or both).

One guy was convinced that 1-4 or 4-1 would be the fastest but when he shaved .3 off his best time by going 3,4,1,2,Stop consistently he was a convert.

Drawing to a 10" plate at 18 yards is definately challenging and something I will be working on all by itself. It is amazing how much easier/faster drawing to a 12" plate is, yet, the funky order and drawing to the smaller plate really was faster for some of us despite the slower draw times.

This is a very fun, very challenging stage. :D

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I had a really good Steel Challenge practice last Saturday. I found that with my Limited gun, 1-2-3-4 stop worked best of me. With the Limited gun every time the sight left that #2 10" plate it went to that #3 10" plate better then it would go the #4 12" plate. :wacko: My times were in the low upper 3's. But, with the Open gun, 1-2-4-3 stop was the best. I had my first run under 3 with the Open gun during this practice, a 2.98 :rolleyes: and backed it up with a couple of 3.0's & some 3 teen runs. I am going to practice again this Saturday and will test this same order with both guns again. ;)

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I missed the Steel match this past weekend, but had stuck Pendulum in there.

Here are Steve Anderson's match times. I think he told me he shot it 1-2-4-3-stop. He used his Open USPSA gun with Major loads.

Match times

3.62 - Run 1

3.46 - Run 2

3.92 - Run 3

3.34 - Run 4

3.31 - Run 5

13.73 - Total (best 4 runs)

3.43 - Average (best 4 runs)









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  • 3 months later...

I've been working on this some lately..

Good (no-miss) runs 1-2-3-4-S in Open run 2.9 to 3.1 for me (we're short one 12" plate, so usually #1 is a 10" as well). I haven't tried a lot of other orders, but simple is good in my mind.

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I have been running this at 3-3.1's . This stage is especially dangerous for me, when i start missing i can add 1.5 seconds to the run in a blink of an eye.


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Off the top of my head, it's about a 1.3 draw, followed by high .30 and low .40 transitions. Each miss adds about another .35, and Ong is correct that it's easy to crash hard on this one-- you can't just fling another shot at a missed 10" plate and hope to hit it like you can on many other stages.

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1.4 draw + .4 +.4+.4 +.5 = 3.1 seconds

Anything faster for me is, at this point, is usually a miss. I've shot a couple sub 3 runs but not with any consistencey and the disastor factor is way up there.

This stage is just a little faster than 5 to go but not much.

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  • 1 month later...

As Brian noted, Target 2 was the BITCH!

There was a trench dug by bullets high right of the plate. Target 4 also had a trench immediately to the right of the plate.

As TGO told me, "Hell, I should have gone forward to the closer box!"


PS: That's a Flying M JOKE!

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