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FNH USA 3 Gun Championship Nov 10-12, 2011

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Words cannot express how badly I felt about giving that particular DQ (i hate them all!). i can't say anything more to protect the identity of the shooter. but suffice to say it is a guy i respect a lot and i hated doing it. it is, without a doubt, the worst part of the job.

I gotta say you guys did a good job Running the stages. I don't remember being backed up once. All the RO's I remember where quite entertaining too. We had a lot of joking going on.

Edited by Jesse Tischauser
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I am now finally rested and back to work on a Monday morning. The match was outstanding! Great stages, match crew and prize table.

Thanks to Larry, Linda, FNH and all of the sponsors for making this match happen. The facility is unreal!

To my fellow RO’s on Stage 3 (Duck, Chris, Jeff and Dan) thanks for all of your help. I think we did a pretty good job working together to make that “MONSTER” of a stage run fairly well.

BTW- DQ’ng anyone sucks-DQ’ng your good friend really SUCKS!!!!

On an end note: I have a new leg work out - Go to Peacemaker and run up and down that hill over 200 times!!!!!!

Yea, Stage 3 was my Waterloo. I was trying to makeup time after having to replace my hearing protection that popped out while mounting the shotgun. I was a little south of the dump barrel while placing the shotgun. 180! I was on my second to last stage and was shooting well. You live and learn....

Overall a great match. I had the opportunity to speak with and shoot with a number of great shooters. Can't wait for next year to redeem myself. Great match guys!!!!

OH Yea, Cody Leeper is a great kid and an awsome shooter. His parents should be very proud....



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To my fellow RO’s on Stage 3 (Duck, Chris, Jeff and Dan) thanks for all of your help. I think we did a pretty good job working together to make that “MONSTER” of a stage run fairly well.

On an end note: I have a new leg work out - Go to Peacemaker and run up and down that hill over 200 times!!!!!!

you guys did an awesome job down in there. you guys get the iron-crew award!

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Words cannot express how badly I felt about giving that particular DQ (i hate them all!). i can't say anything more to protect the identity of the shooter. but suffice to say it is a guy i respect a lot and i hated doing it. it is, without a doubt, the worst part of the job.

I gotta say you guys did a good job Running the stages. I don't remember being backed up once. All the RO's I remember where quite entertaining too. We had a lot of joking going on.

thanks jesse. the talent level at this match was off the charts. not the easiset match to RO, but the i enjoy meeting and talking with the shooters. we have a really diverse and interesting bunch of people shooting this sport.

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'Probably getting sick of hearing it, but....

Thanks to all involved in pulling off a great match.

When I am king of the world it shall be decreed that all 3-gun matches adopt the half day format used at FNH.

Until then... All I'll do is suggest, beg and plead that the half day format be repeated.

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The half day format was great. I would have liked to see some side matches like JC had at the Pro-AM. It would have been nice to have something to do after we finished for the day. I would like to send out a big thank you to the RO's and match staff; Linda, Howard, Larry along with everyone else involved with the match. I appreciate all you do for the sport.

Now for my only real gripe about the match. I do not agree with the top 64 shooters having to pay to enter the shootoff. These competitors work hard all year, payed their match fees and shot well enough to Earn a spot in the top 64 shootoff's. Why should they have to pay again when they had earned the spot? Congratulations to all the winners and to everyone that qualified. You all did a tremendous job this shooting season. Keep up the great work.

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I wasn't looking to "blame" anything. The stages were great, the staff was great, the rules were simple (be safe). People screw up, they screw up. I am new to the sport and I'm looking at it from all angles. Just curious if its normal, any particular reasons, etc so I dont make the same mistakes in the future. I would not be happy being told to leave after paying $250. So I want to avoid it at all costs.

As I shoot in this area regularly and know a number of the ROs, I did ask a few questions about the DQs. I don't think I heard about any that sounded stage related, really, and the dump buckets were really no problem at all.

I believe at least four people dumped pistols from prone on Stage 9. I heard somebody got DQed because a sling broke in the middle of a stage and dumped the rifle on the ground. I heard somebody left a sling on a staged rifle and managed to flip his pistol with the sling while retrieving the rifle. I know somebody who grounded a rifle that was off-safe and not empty. Obviously, there were others, but I did not see any particular area on any of the stages that looked like a DQ trap, nor did I hear anybody else on my squad---which included Team Noveske and Team Benelli shooters---complain about anything like that.

I think smokshwn had it right---people pushed themselves and their gear hard for a great match, and a few crashed.

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Finally got a couple minutes of downtime.

Great match. Excellent staff. The stages as presented were challenging. Sadly I was not anywhere near as up to the challenge as I should have been. I know I will be getting myself some 3" steel to work on over the next year. Absolutely awesome prize table. The range is outstanding. I expect that there will big things happening at Peacemaker in the future. I've already slotted my time for next year.

Someone wondered about the number of DQs. Was it high? With the need to manage three platforms on every stage, I think I am surprised it was not higher.

I'd start naming staff to thank, but I know that I'd never get them all in so to all of you that worked your tails off to run us, score us, feed us and those that took off the additional time to build and then tear down this match, THANK YOU!

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This was my first big 3-Gun match and, I've got to say, I'm probably spoiled now. The facility was great, with a nice mix of bays and natural terrain. The stages were fun, challenging, hard enough to be worthwhile without being discouraging to less experienced shooters, and had great ROs running them. The half-day format was awesome, making it a real joy to shoot through the whole match without backups and without feeling burnt out by the end of the day.

Linda and her crew did a fantastic job keeping the stats up to date. The Peacemaker staff were genuinely interested in what was for most of them a new type of shooting sport. The stage guns were an absolute blast to shoot. And, of course, the prize table was just jaw dropping. Larry, & al, pulled an amazing match together.

Lastly, I just want to say that I was really surprised to find myself squadded with big name shooters from Noveske and Benelli; not only was it a great treat to watch them shoot, but they were all very friendly and helpful, which added tremendously to the overall experience of the match for me.

I was hooked before. Now I am downright addicted. :cheers:

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Great match... facility, staff, stage design, everything top notch, just like everyone here already stated. The half-day format is the HEAT!! You spend half the day between stages just hanging out anyway, this way you can spend all that time at the hotel/bar/bordello/whatever.


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Larry ran the Summer Blast for years with a 1/2 day format. It was always one of the best run matches around. I had no doubts he would pull this off. Putting a match on a non-existent range??? Now that was a work of some sort of magic.

Every match should run as smoothly as this one. Larry knows Match Math. X shooters * Y Clear Time = Z minutes per stage. Sun comes up at ?? and goes down at?? add it up, it either fits or it doesn't. You can't run 90 minutes of shooters through in 60 minutes no matter how you state it. Larry knows this and sticks to the math very closely. I think he had the timers set for 5 minutes and that is about what it took to shoot and reset. 15 shooters 5 minutes is 75, add in the WSB and walk and you got to 90 minutes. That is what was planned and that is about what the worst cases took.

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The match was outstanding - great stages, location, and staff. The reception dinner and awards banquet were simply exceptional.

Thanks to all involved - Howard and the ROs (who did a stellar job - unbelievable dedication), Larry, Linda, all of the sponsors and Peacemaker National Training Center (awesome location).

It was announce that next year’s event will be at the same great location on September 19-22, 2012.

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I want to say thanks to my fellow RO's on stage 5 Steffan, Walt, & Tabor. Also want to thanks to everybody that shot the match, you guys really helped things run smoothly. I don't thnk we ever had to ask for shooters to help reset the stage. This was my first major match as an RO and I had a blast, can't wait until next year. But, Larry I'm not building anymore wall braces ;) Next year I'll make sure I shoot all the stages

Edited by Gun4hire
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Just got home. Both matches were a blast. Thanks to the organizers, sponsors, ladies who cooked lunch, stats (Linda), ROs, FNH, 3GN, and Larry.

The 1/2 day format made this match the most comfortable major I ever shot. Very little waiting and not near as exhausting. At least for me, this is the way to go in the future.

I would like to see the ROs also get a 1/2 day format. This would make it easier on everybody. I believe the ROs were there all day.

Squad 16. Great group of guys and gals. I look forward to shooting with them all again in the future.

To Rick, who beat me by 2 pts in Limited...the better you get, the less I like you.

Next big match for me is April....Crap.

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This was my fourth big 3 Gun. Just a couple observations:

1. Loved the half-day format.

2. Loved the prize table procedures.

3. Most particularly loved the shotgun/pistol optional targets. What a great way to add facets to an already complex sport, and let each shooter make a calculated effort to improve his own performance. KEEP DOING THIS!

Thanks to everyone involved. Linda and the whole FN crew pulled off a winner, as far as I'm concerned.


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Larry - You the man! The Peacemaker Team received great training and leadership from you and your team for our first big match! Of course Linda, that goes for you too! Whew - everyone may never realize just how lucky we got on the weather for the match... can't wait to see everyone next year especially in September! Cole

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I just want to add my Thanks to everyone who made these two matches happen. Larry, you and your crew did a great job! I thought the stages were very nicely balanced between hosing and poking out a little precision. The targets were easy to find, and if I want to actually see them I can always use some of that magic glass that makes things bigger. :) The ROs were friendly and helpful and just a lot of fun in general. The Stats were amazing! Cole, that is one heck of a range you have going out there! I look forward to shooting more matches there and seeing how you continue to develop the place. Thank you very much for letting all of us crazy 3-gunners come play at your place. Finally, but definitely not least, THANK YOU to all the sponsors! Those prize tables were incredible. If I try to list them all I will miss some so this is a general Thank You to all of the sponsors with special thanks to those I got goodies from: FNH, Stag, Lancer, Surefire, Warne Tactical, Brownells, and of course 3 Gun Nation!

Thanks to Squad 11 for being a great bunch of people to shoot with. You guys made the match that much more fun. Hope to see and shoot with you all again soon.


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Dang it! I knew I would forget something. Thanks to Brian and Jerry for letting me join their pairing for the 3GN match! It was great getting to shoot with you both; I'll be using the "Fuzzy on Fuzzy" aiming description for a long time! :roflol:

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As far as stage 1 goes, Brett's run was legit and so was the time. Brett could only shoot Wednesday. As it got darker I stopped shooting and RO'd Brett on the last 3stages he had to shoot. Stage 1 was the last stage he shot. What makes his run even more impressive is he shot the poppers from the "oil rig" with his handgun and he shot the stage under a nearly full moon!! It was well after sunset when he shot it. His time was written down correctly and the time was right, I was standing right there. He flat out smoked everybody.

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Whats the story with stage 1? With all the top shooters in the world getting 60 and 70 percentile scores? I can't say I have seen that before.

Rumor had it that there was a score written down wrong possibly??? I hate these sort of things that don't get explained to everyone.

There was a similar situation at the Midwest match in 2010, though I dont know if there actually were any errors made on either score

Edited by gose
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